Warning warning warning !!!
Red alert !
So... how much DO you have in common with your pal Allaby?
shareNothing really. We aren't pals ( how can you have pals on an anonymous Message Board ? ) and I don't follow his posting unless he crops up in a thread I'm reading so I have no idea about how enthusiastic he gets with regard to pretty young girls here at Moviechat. I doubt he has actually said anything that would warrant a call to the Dob In A Pedo Hotline though.
But I am kindly disposed towards him because a few years ago I posted this pic of the then 15 year old Sadie Sink from 'Stranger Things' which I was watching
and said she was exquisite in that photo, which she was. Then the usual suspects took the opprtunity to pile in on me making the same sort of accusations ( though not as explicitly ) that have been thrown at Allaby. And Allaby was the only one who came to my defence. He said there was nothing wrong with the photo, which there isn't. So you might say I was predisposed to take Allaby's side in this latest pile-on.
Some people think ( or pretend ) it's a criminal offence to admire a pretty girl. I think they are lunatics ( or scumbags ) and so would anyone with an ounce of intelligence ( or integrity ).
Dude, think about this: If the only person in the world supporting an action of yours is the guy who is widely suspected of being a pedo, that just might be a clue that your action was not considered to be socially acceptable.
shareOkay so you have completely ignored every entirely reasonable thing I said so that you could go in for a bit of free and completely unwarranted head kicking, which of course is the only reason you are here. What you are saying is that photo of Sadie Sink is socially unacceptable which is a completely indefensible thing to say. It is a flat out lie and you know it.
So Otter you are a slimy piece of shit. And if I am gratuitously labelled as "socially unacceptable" by you and shitheads like you I'll wear that as a badge of honour.
how about you stop deflecting with all this 'yeah but, no but' crap and explain what the fuck the OP of this thread is about?
What, five other morons just like you ?
Are you a complete moron or are you just pretending to be one ?
I am unclear what your motives are.
I notica ackbar doinf something similar now ,
but yes , the motivation is lost on me .
could you explain?
It was a parody "thread" using the trending bar on the Allaby pedo/witch hunt that was going down, or had gone down. I use the trending bar from time to time in that way, or similar ways. And I'm not the only one who uses the trending bar like that which is why I started doing it in the first place.
My motivation was to point out the idiocy of the Allaby pedo/witch hunt by starting a "scare" campaign. You might be able to get that if you look at Lyla Wesson's board where I made a mock panic about her having bare arms and that we needed to get her into a muslim burka as soon as possible.
ah , All is revealed , cant say I approve, but thank you for clarifying 👍
Look who's talking.
One clean sock. If the sock fits wear it and I'm sure you do.
Pedo Pascal!