MovieChat Forums > Chris Cuomo Discussion > Hey Chris... hypocrite much?

Hey Chris... hypocrite much?

I'm still waiting for Fredo to defend the people at the Capitol this week, like he did the lefty terrorists this summer. His words during the BLM riots, "Please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful". How does this guy call himself a journalist.


Since when are protesters supposed to be polite and peaceful?


Protesters are always supposed to be peaceful, regardless of whether they actually are or not. I'm simply pointing out his blatant hypocrisy, since he has already condemned the protests at the Capitol.


I agree. But if you are BLM or Antifa, you can be as violent as you want.


Yup, but at least the people at the Capitol were directing their anger at the very people they were angry about, and didn't physically hurt a single person. BLM rioters were taking TVs and burning down local businesses and killing people who opposed the violence.


Very good point. Not that Pelosi or Biden or Obama would acknowledge it.


No comment on the post, but this did remind me that I haven't made one of my favorite Italian dishes in a while: Fettuccine AlCuomo.

Off to the market to pick up some fresh pasta, heavy cream, and a nice bottle of red.


You got me. I'm a bit of a foodie, and i hadn't heard of that dish so i Googled to see if real,lol.
