The comment section is filled with people saying how unfair and hard life is for "beautiful" women. I wouldn't call Megan beautiful; I think Grace Kelly and Sharon Stone are beautiful. Megan has a long face and her eyes have gotten smaller after all her cosmetic treatments.
this is one of the worst comment sections I have ever seen. The persecution complex by proxy these women have for another famous rich privileged woman who live in complete safety and can have any arrangement she wants. many people in film industry are typecast, but it's apparently only a problem when it's an attractive woman. megan is not the actress you people make her out to be. she suits better on a tv show like a sitcom or a teen drama, than on the big screen. I can't see any examples of unjust treatment of megan in this video. she has humor, that's it. she doesnt need her fans to feel offended of her behalf. this notion that attractive women are the most oppressed, hurt demographic on the planet is pure delusion. just cause someone criticizes an attractive woman they are immediately assumed to be jealous. megan is not a better actress than scarlett johansson or Halle Berry. I think many on this comment section are young and have a delusional self image than goes either way. I never liked this woman and it has nothing to do with her looks. I like many beautiful actresses like Sharon Stone, Halle Berry, Grace Kelly, Demi Moore etc. megan just isnt beautiful to me. her face is long and her eyes have gotten smaller over the years due to cosmetics. she was never forced by anyone to do anything. this marilyn monroe syndrome is an illusion and much is indeed self-inflicted. unattractive women know exactly what it is like being told their problems are self-inflicted, nonexistent and dont matter and what it's not not being believed. it's not my responsibility to make a rich famous actress feel comfortable with her bad decisions.