MovieChat Forums > Megan Fox Discussion > One of the youngest stars to get "plasti...

One of the youngest stars to get "plastic surgery face," right?

There have been a handful of others, but for the most part stars wait until at least their late 30's (and usually later) before they go all out and get plastic surgery face. Why did she start so young? The odd thing is, she didn't even need to do all that work. What a shame; she looks completely plastic now and no longer particularly attractive.


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The kardashian and Jenners


Ikr... She was absolutely stunning imho... I hate that she felt she had to do that. Why any of them subject themselves to a butcher's knife like that just to stay relevant is sad.


Blame her husband. He made her feel like she had to do it so she could be beautiful enough to compete with other rising actresses. I read that somewhere.


OP said stars. There's nothing celebrity or star quality about who you mention.


it happened after transformers 1, in transformers 2 she already started to look plastic


I see actresses all the time with plump lips and tiny perfect noses, who are young. I doubt they were born like that. They got work done before they began pursuing acting.
