MovieChat Forums > Jeffrey Epstein Discussion > Megyn Kelly Releases Interview with Fire...

Megyn Kelly Releases Interview with Fired Staffer at Center of Epstein Cover-Up

CBS fires the wrong person on behalf of ABC! Liberal Fascist witch-hunt.

On Friday afternoon, Megyn Kelly continued her return to the news business in a bombshell interview with Ashley Bianco, the former ABC News producer who was fired after only four days at CBS News for allegedly being behind the tape of ABC’s Amy Robach admitting that the network quashed her reporting about alleged serial pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Bianco repeatedly denied being the person who shared the Robach tape and, later in the interview, added that she had never even heard of the James O’Keefe-led group until this week (click “expand”):

Fast-forwarding to this past week’s events, Bianco grew emotional when retelling her reaction to the clip becoming public and being “devastated” to hear that ABC had called CBS to presumably ensure she was fired (click “expand”)

The ABC leaker responds. Still has his job.
