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Home Decorating with Jeffrey - eyeballs and stuffed poodle

Painting of Bill Clinton in blue dress hung in Jeffrey Epstein’s home

According to The New York Times, Epstein had commissioned a mural of “a photo-realistic prison scene that included barbed wire, corrections officers and a guard station, with Mr. Epstein portrayed in the middle.”

A female doll in a wedding dress swung from a chandelier, and the residence touted a human chessboard featuring scantily clad models of his staff, according to the report.

“The entrance hall is decorated not with paintings but with row upon row of individually framed eyeballs; these, the owner tells people with relish, were imported from England, where they were made for injured soldiers,” Vanity Fair reported in 2003.

Epstein, according to that profile, also had a stuffed black poodle perched on a grand piano. “No decorator would ever tell you to do that,” he was quoted as saying. “But I want people to think what it means to stuff a dog.”


The dude was an effing freak and the world's a better place without him.
