MovieChat Forums > Greta Thunberg Discussion > How can people deny climate change?

How can people deny climate change?

It makes no sense, the scientific consensus is unanimous and the evidence concrete, so what gives? Seems like the deniers are more driven by politics than by actual scientific research.


Please show us where “consensus” is in the scientific method.

Show your work.


Yeah man the climate has been warming for the past 14,000 years. Canada used to be buried under ice. 98% of Canada under ice up to 2 km thick.


Since when is science a consensus?

Science for centuries has been a bunch of idiots parroting each other, until a game-changer comes along, and they all start following him.

Humans are herd animals, if you're with the pack, you're probably an idiot.

The whole species is a disease.

So, go ahead, worship your new god that will give you eternal life, even though it won't.


"It makes no sense, the scientific consensus is unanimous and the evidence concrete, so what gives? Seems like the deniers are more driven by politics than by actual scientific research."

Scientific consensus about climate change is a myth. Not only that, but "consensus" is not how science works. The great majority of climate bed-wetters don't have any concept of what science actually is.

Anthropogenic climate change is pseudo-scientific, quasi-religious nonsense that is driven by politics, greed, and ignorance. It can easily be denied by people who understand science, climate history, and the dark side of human nature.


Because the people originally behind climate change called it global warming...

That was easy to disprove and too slow to measure each year... not enough doom and gloom.

So they changed it to climate change, so they can say see we told you so when ever the climate does change which is seasonal and cyclical.

These are people who want masses kept busy on an impossible task and if they can get them to donate money, all the better.

Tired of these cult climate change members preaching in places with the most efficient recycling and anti pollution programs and wont say anything about major polluters.

Keep working on it though, we need something to keep you occupied.


It was actually originally called global cooling in the 70s lol seriously


The name change means nothing, the scientific concept is the same. To deny climate change is to deny reality.

Greta is watching.



They Lied You.

Get Over It.


What did they lie about?


Tell me, how many genders are there again? And how many sexes? Also, what determines the sexes?

It's real funny how a lot of people who accuse other people of "denying science" go ahead and deny or ignore other science.


What does this have to do with climate change? Greta says nothing about genders.


It has to do with science. Basic reading comprehension is all that is required to understand the content of my post.
