MovieChat Forums > Thomas Brodie-Sangster Discussion > i think he was quite good looking in...

i think he was quite good looking in...

tristan and isolde



Guys who look 10 don't turn me on, but you can tell that he's growing up. I loved him in Tristan and Isolde, but he should of had more lines.


Go to and search in editorial images, and type in Thomas Sangster. It starts with the most recent pictures. Now sit back and tell me he looks 10 years old! He's fu*?ing gorgeous! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


he still looks 10...kinda even creepier, like a mini-man...weird.

We came, we saw, we kicked its ass-Peter, ghostbusters


he looks 10 he loooks 10, its really creepy now he's growing into a man because he's just not becoming more masculine


Jumpforjoy, I wasn't saying that he was ugly, i was just saying he doesn't look his age. Looked at the pictures, and as I said before, he is growing up, he just has a bit of catching up to do.


no, I think he's cute.

ya sure, he looks a bit young, but still cute. He's grown up a lot since I saw him in Nanny McPhee lol.

and btw, I'm 15 (16 in november), but ppl always think I'm 12 or something b/c I'm short. (but then again, I'm a girl, so it's a bit different lol) I think it's ok for him to look young for his age.


I like how he looks in Tristan and Isolde but, Have u seen the pics of him in BrightStar???...OMG, SO


he looks kinda odd. if you look at him starting from his feet he looks like a normal 18 year old. then you get to his face and it's like BAM 10 year old.
