
RT: What have you got coming up in the future?

TS: At the end of the month I'm going to Italy to do a film version of Pinocchio which is great and it sounds quite fun although I haven't read the script yet! And I've got a few other things on the horizon and some possibilities next year as well...

That's this Pinocchio I presume:


It's official. he's in "Pinocchio". Who's Lucignolo in "Pinocchio"?

Got him a development credit for "Larklight" :)


I don't know who Lucignolo is, and I was coming here to ask the same thing.. tried googling him, but didn't come up with much.. maybe I should go whip out my friends Disney collection, and have another go at that horrid movie. But of course, I'm sure Thomas will make it great, and the little kid playing Pinocchio is adorable!

What's "Larklight"? Wait, why am I asking when I'm on IMDb, lol.


Larklight could be the worst or the best kids/teenage sci-fi/fantasy movie ever:


lucignolo, is lampwick. in the cartoon he is the trouble-making friend of pinocchio who, gets turned into a donkey.


OMG YAY!!!! Thomas Sangster could SO play a trouble-maker! That makes me ecstatically happy. Although I think it'll be quite weird to see him as a donkey.


does anyone know if this film is in english or not? imdb says it is, but it just doesn't seem to make sense to me that an italian film would be in english.


He doesn't play Lucignolo, he plays Candlewick. He said so himself, i read on an interview.

Thomas as a Trouble Maker...*faints*... but, i agree it will b weird to c him as a Donkey.

♥♥♥Can't wait to c it♥♥♥


Does anyone else know that he smokes in it? That took like what, 7 minutes off his life :(
