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I don't know what happened, but there are two sides to every story, and there may be fault on both ends. It could simply be bitterness if she decided to move on without them, or there could be some legitimate reason for them to feel screwed over. I don't think it's fair to assume she did something wrong when the only hints we have are very vague.


She was never a part of their band and I think their collaboration was supposed to be temporary. Together they played her songs with their sound. Back then she was still trying to figure out her style and Heartstrings is the result of that. Besides, they had their own music, two albums and even during the concerts with Leighton they played their songs without her. As far as I know, they don't make music together as a band anymore. I don't know about Facebook but on Twitter they recently retweeted link to a YouTube video of one of their performances with Leighton. I guess they wouldn't do that if they were angry with her. :)


Look, Gossip and rudeness monger. I work with musicians, I know and am related to people whose jobs happen to make them famous, and there is always some knucklehead who doesn't like them. You can be perfectly behaved and go above and beyond for fans, and still "I just think she looks bitchy" happens. So I see shiz like this and I blow it off - but today I am SO SICK of it, so you get a comment.

I have heard a million stories about "[Insert famous name here] was so rude one day! Ergo this is a bad, bad person!". It is usually BS.
Look at your subject line, it sounds like the rambling of a drunken 12 year old. I have a good feeling about Ms MEESTER (not Meester meister, whatever that was supposed to mean)

Do not spread ugly rumors. She was on the show Gossip Girl - this is not a gossip site. We used to actually talk about good TV and film here, now it is all "OMG, she looks JUST LIKE so and so!", which I am so completely sick of. This is not useful information. This is just stupid gossip. This site became linked to Amazon and FaceBook and all the idiots hopped on board. :( YOU are the only sketchy thing here, "lmike" or whatever your user name is. Write something that makes sense and ask her yourself.


Oh and if this is true -

Anybody have more on this? I don't want to spread false rumors because I really think she's terrific. then you need to change your subject line. Because you are a liar. You say "she is not the angel blah blah" and then that last line. Sheesh!
