MovieChat Forums > Rob Zombie Discussion > i think he could potentially be a great ...

i think he could potentially be a great director...

even his bad movies have a cool sense of style and artistic vision. he's a pretty good visual director, and he usually does a good job bringing great performance out of actors. for example, 31 is a bad movie but i think nearly every performance in that movie blew me away. if zombie just took some Adderall and a shower, i bet he could probably make something really good. but instead he just gets so self-absorbed into his ego and 70's grindhouse taste. he's basically tarantino if he were a trailer park crackhead.


Adderall is almost identical to methamphetamine chemically and physically feels almost the same. it may produce strong superhuman like results in the early honeymoon stage of drug use but all users of the drug will eventually succumb to greater and greater side effects as their downward spiral goes into full effect. as the tolerance increases the positive effects diminish then eventually fully disappear turning u into a crackhead pretty much. source: i used to have an adderall script back in highschool
