rare dean winters short film :)
Most of his film work, especially the shorts, are hard to find, but I just found this one, called The Worst, on YouTube and Vimeo. It's actually pretty recent (2013), which is awesome, bc he's only done TV stuff lately. The imdb page for this didn't have much on it, as it's not well known, so i figured I'd post it here. It's definitely worth a 15 min sit through, especially if you're a Dean fan. I thought I'd share for those who already like him, and for those who only know him as Mayhem, maybe it will open you up to him as an actor in a different light.
He looks great, his acting is on point (check out the couch scene) and his little niece in real life, Ruby Winters, is in it briefly, which is cute. Let me know what you guys think, I'd like to get other opinions.
You know, I've adored him from way back in the Oz days too, but lemme tell you, the more I see of him recently, the more I enjoy his acting and on screen presence all around. I definitely think he's matured in his craft, not to mention he's somehow gotten even more sexy and appealing, with more grit and roughness. This man has aged like a fine *beep* wine.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fl9xIBkwtdg&feature=youtube_gdata_ player