YO RAINN!! <3 :D

Rainn Wilson,

Just watching The Office finale for about, idk, the 5th or 6th time after getting through the whole series. I just want you to know what an immaculate experience The Office has been for my girlfriend and I. I just got into it a little over a year ago and the show has impacted me profoundly in a positive and lasting way. This is due in no small part to the love, talent, and inimitable originality that you put into Dwight Schrute, who is, imho, one of the most artful portrayals of a fictional character in the history of television. I know the thoughts you've expressed on The Office's final few seasons, but I personally love Dwight's character arc during this time periods and believe it to be the most resolved and satisfying of all the characters in the show.

I also love that you are openly spiritual and adhere to the Bahá'í Faith. Although I am not overly familiar with the Bahá'í tradition, I feel like my views are somewhat similar. I'm still trying to figure out some of the details for myself but I'm like a moderate omnist. So I believe in the human soul and believe that God has expressed different aspects of Himself and His creation for different people through different religions and ways. Anyway, this last part may sound a little irrelevant, but I don't feel like it totally is, because your belief in the human soul and its inherent value is somehow reflected, intangibly, in your work, and I somehow pick up on it, and it makes my life better.

So thank you. :)
