MovieChat Forums > Jesse Williams Discussion > Two Words : Kerner Commission

Two Words : Kerner Commission

"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it." As cliched as it is, those words were never truer than right now.

The language of today's headlines regarding race, and African American complaints about seemingly neverending police brutality are virtually identical to those of 1968. De facto segregation has us again asking the same old questions about the insidious effects of having two "separate and unequal" societies. While, exactly like Nixon himself, today's politicians pretend to not see the realities laid out in black and white in the Kerner Report, regarding the effects of continued segregation. And are once again instead proclaiming the same 1960's need for "law and order". When two drastically different versions of the same report, almost 50 years ago, reached the same basic conclusions about the dangers to the entire fabric of American society if we don't finally confront the continuing legacies of our dark racial past.

Yet, once again we stand at the edge of the exact same precipice. And once again, are incredulous as to where the exact same black anger and dissatisfaction as 50 years ago, could possibly be coming from. Determined, yet again, to believe that the violence they endure is not intentionally racially motivated. And is, likewise, strictly random and incidental.

Will we finally fully confront the true legacy of our "peculiar institution" and "Jim Crow" this time? Or will moral cowardice make us divert our gaze AGAIN?

The parallels to the long, hot, racial summer of 1968 are staggering. Only this time our very different racial demographics make the price of continued moral cowardice far more expensive -- for all races. Because, ultimately, walking down the street, or having a busted tail-light, or shopping at Walmart should not regularly be matters of life and death -- for anyone. And plausibly dangerous enough that certain parents should feel the necessity to teach their kids how to survive such encounters (in what should be such mundane circumstances). Especially, when it's now been almost 50 years since the Kerner Commission laid out such powerful and prophetic recommendations on how and why we needed to make the necessary societal changes all the way back in the 1960's.

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.



I graduated from the college of the streets, I gotta Phd in how to make ends meet.


And your opinions (and especially, ad hominems) are worthy of utterly nothing whatsoever from me. Again!!!

Don't bother.

Next poster please.

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


It's not as simple as ad hominems; which, admittedly, I tend to use a lot. However, in this case, you really are a knucklehead!

You can't compare 1968 to now, without taking into consideration of drugs - mainly crack cocaine - and also the popularity of gangsta rap music, which has played a powerful role in the the degeneration of today's black youth. Come on, man... use your brain. Think about things a little bit. Don't be such a knucklehead!

I graduated from the college of the streets, I gotta Phd in how to make ends meet.


You are a black man who has consistently shown disdain for black people in general, and black women very, very much in particular. Why would a rational person want to even remotely engage a mind that is that fractured?

Stop trying!

Next poster...

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


As usual, can't compete on topic - a topic that YOU brought up, so what do you do? You conveniently change the subject. You know, I'd have more respect for you if you would just admit that you made a stupid statement, like you usually do.

And by the way, as I told you before, I stand by everything I've ever said on imdb, 100%. If you can find anything that I've ever stated at anytime that wasn't true, challenge me on it, and I'll prove to you again what a knucklehead you are. But again, as usual, I know you won't. I've refuted you at every turn, and you know it! That's why you won't engage me. I'm not gonna let knuckleheads like you spout your victimized, uninformed, BS.

I graduated from the college of the streets, I gotta Phd in how to make ends meet.


Next poster...

(Get it yet?)

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.


Hahaha.... yeah, I got it. However, dodging a poster who routinely puts you in your place doesn't give you much credibility with the "next poster", does it?

(Did YOU get that?)

I graduated from the college of the streets, I gotta Phd in how to make ends meet.


Next poster...

No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.
