Jesse speech motivated Dallas cop assassin according to father
Really doesn't surprise me man. He KNEW what he was doing. Right now is one of the most volatile racial atmospheres since the Civil Rights Movement. And what does he do? Incites hatred. It really goes to show the double standard and reverse racism that white people have to deal with. It really is kinda funny though, especially on here. How blacks act like they have done NOTHING wrong. You tell them about high black crime rates. They say your being racist. You provide them PROOF from such sources as the FBI and DEA. Its all fabricated.
I just find it amazing that black people love to play poor me card and when someone calls them out on it. All they can do is call you a racist. Jesse Williams is a no-name "Celebrity" who struggles for decent work and is labeled an "Activist". But really its more like a "Self-hating, sorta black guy". He is a loser plain and simple. His bank account may be bigger than mine. But at least I have the common decency not to piss on other peoples problems and incite violence. I hope I don't have to "Sit-Down" after this...
Jesse has written several pieces for numerous publications which have been insightful and on target.
But, yeah, I was less fond of his BET speech. It was rousing but destructively constructive.
LBJ's mistress on JFK: