MovieChat Forums > Ben Whishaw Discussion > How would you describe Ben?

How would you describe Ben?

Specifically his acting style, characteristics? I was trying to describe to a friend what Ben Whishaw's draw as an actor because I find it unique. The closest I could get was he seems to have a gravitational pull for empathy.

For instance, his performance in Criminal Justice brings out every maternal instinct in me (I'm an old lady) and makes me want to intervene on the character's behalf. And even when he's being infuriating as Richard II in the deposition scene where again my maternal instinct wants to give him a talking to about being such a numpty, I also feel such sympathy for him.

I know great actor covers it, but that's not really enough.


His work has a sense of truth about it, absolute commitment to the character he doesn't play, but inhabits.
And he can have a vulnerable quality about him.
He's a fearless actor totally into the work he does. I don't think it's about awards for him, but about the work itself.

The Wizard Has Spoken
