MovieChat Forums > Shane West Discussion > Does he have a Girlfriend?

Does he have a Girlfriend?

I know hes not that famous, but anyone know something?
I read another thread talking about him and asthon, is that a joke or for real?


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Not that famous? Not in my eyes.
That was a joke, with Asthon.
I don't know if he has a girlfriend or not, does it really matter?


When doesn't he have a girlfriend? Seems like he's always dating someone new. This photo album sums it up:


So in 5 years he has 13 dates? Wow, he's bad! Pic 8 is Melinda Dean, his girlfriend for almost 2 years.

As long as he's not dating me, I don't give a rats ass who he's dating.


Why isn't evan rachel wood on that wetpaint list? I just watched a video on youtube of the 2 of them coming out of bardot's holding hands and failing to grab a cab! Lol he sure does love Bardot.


What rumor are you talking about?
