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Racist??? Supply your source.

Sean Connery is the ultimate douchebag. Check out his interview w/ Barbara Walters. She asks him about what she heard regarding his belief that it's ok to raise a hand to your wife. He confirmed that it was true. Not a rumor.

"So, what would you like to see on your honeymoon, Mrs. Cord?" "Lots of lovely ceilings."


Chilli - what does that have to do with Connery beating his wife?

"So, what would you like to see on your honeymoon, Mrs. Cord?" "Lots of lovely ceilings."


First off...apologize? By having ones own opinion...? I myself have never been a huge bond fan, so maybe you being one makes a bit more insulting. By I will say; I saw this interview and didn't see at offensive. I think he actually, truly has an issue with the finer aspect of the English language, and delivery. His is just an assessment of watching EVERY interview I could find! He comes off as almost too candid and dead pan. So any joke may be lost on some people. I think the racist comment though is unfounded and lacking in any proof at all. Can you name any interview or interaction where he has said or done anything racially offensive?
I'll finish with saying this. The new James Bond movies are for an entirely different audience than any of the prior movies. They are more raw, darker, action packed, and far more vicious. Maybe his comment of his happiness to be involved now are because of the entirely different approach to the bond franchise? Let's face it. The older ones are far more tongue in cheek, and satirical. Just a thought!
In the end...I'll take Christoph Waltz over James Bond any day!
