There are lots of better actors than him working in Europe
And struggling to make a living. He is kinda generic, always the same. Seems exotic to the English-socialized world but in fact, nothing special.
shareAnd struggling to make a living. He is kinda generic, always the same. Seems exotic to the English-socialized world but in fact, nothing special.
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shareDo they work in English as well though? It's bound to raise an actor's professional profile.
shareNo, I don't think so. I have seen him since his earliest days when he was mainly working on german TV and he had a big variety of roles especially in the 1990ies, and mostly, even in his minor ones, stood out towards the less talented cast. Sure he tends to be cast mostly as villain and shady type, but he did good in other character roles too.
shareAhh and here comes the plight of the internet hipster.
Unknown European actor gains fame, money and awards for his brilliance, but now he's suddenly overrated and there are better actors out there.
Hipsters are a joke.
You hit the nail on the head. I avoid his films now. His range is woeful compared to some of Europe's best actors; alas some haven't broken the language barrier or didn't get a break with Tarantino.
He got 2 Oscars playing caricatures and now gets all the breaks. Life certainly isn't fair, but that's nothing new.
Doesn't matter. He's hot, that's why I watch.
I thought he stole Basterds simply because it was written for him or anyone in that role to steal. But I'm getting kind of tired of his style. And in Django he simply spouted so much exposition that I didn't feel I was watching a movie, but hearing one.
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