MovieChat Forums > Christoph Waltz Discussion > Lost respect for him

Lost respect for him

... after what he said about Brexit (he made the idiotic comment that Brexit was "abysmal stupidity", so apparently a country getting it's democracy, sovereignty and law-making powers back from another is this, I think not) Also what he said about Nigel Farage a true patriot who's put his own life on the line over this, hasn't helped, especially when Farage has not actually given up and will be seeing out his term in the EU making sure us Brits get a good deal. Waltz shouldn't open his mouth until he knows the score.


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He's absolutely right. I'm amazed that even now, you Brexiters fail to see the disservice shady politicians like Johnson and Farage did to your country. More or less admitting their lies in the minute the vote came through, hauling ass like rats leaving a sinking ship after having the damage done.

England's economy is on the steep decline, businesses leaving the country, the Pound is in free fall, Northern Ireland and Scotland contemplating on leaving GB in earnest and you still cling on to the notion that it was a good idea...


England's economy is on the steep decline, businesses leaving the country, the Pound is in free fall, Northern Ireland and Scotland contemplating on leaving GB in earnest and you still cling on to the notion that it was a good idea...


You should consider using less sweeping statements. And Waltz is NOT right, he's talking without knowing all the facts.


You are yet to face them. E.g. come on, is a brit going to work in a factory, huh?


Ugh, just as I decided I liked him because of that Samsung Galaxy commercial.

Please put some dashes above your sig line so I won't think it's part of your dumb post.


He is correct.


Agreed, just another establishment cuk.

