Has he removed his MAN BOOBS? (Check out)
Little embarrassed to post this kind of matters, but just want to clear out things.
I watched this Milo's work, great actor, great fan of him, but recently I noticed that something wrong with his physique. especially his chest, I think he done some cosmetic surgery on his trimmed figure (MAY BE he eliminated PUFFY NIPPLES, BUT he's skinny, do skinny people have man boobs?)
Front version
http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs23/f/2007/320/d/f/Peter_Petrelli_wp_by_sp ikish.jpg
http://static.tvfanatic.com/images/gallery/milo-ventimiglia-no-shirt.j pg
http://cdn.buzznet.com/media/jj1//2007/08/milo-zink/milo-ventimiglia-z ink-magazine-01.jpg
Is that a normal physique, or PUFFY NIPPLES trimmed one.
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