MovieChat Forums > Milo Ventimiglia Discussion > Milo as Rick Rape in Gamer Movie

Milo as Rick Rape in Gamer Movie

Who else is looking forward to seeing Milo as Rick Rape in the new movie "Gamer" starring Gerard Butlers.


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Pssshhhh I'm looking forward to seeing him in anything at all! I LOVE HIM!!!


I'm specifically looking forward to his career defining role as Rick Rape. Possible spin off?


Rick Rape.


I look forward to see him in anything and everything.


I am!!! Lol it's funny I mean I like Gerard Butler and all but when I saw the preview I was all ugh who cares wasn't this called death race about a year ago? Then I go look up Milo's wiki page for the umpteenth time and there it is Gamer he's rick rape and I'm like hellz yeah I'll see this movie. I'll see it and I'll love it!!!!

Your no bunny till some bunny loves you


I'm looking forward to seeing him in anything but clothes to be honest.

-team britney fo lyfe! =]


Im pretty sure hes only got a very minor role in it, so dont look for him to be the main star :(

If you're gonna hire Machete to kill the badguy you better make damn sure the badguy isn't you....
