Elections are only legit if you win!
shareThe 2020 election was rigged and stolen; the 2024 election results confirmed it.
What in the world does that prove?
shareIt proves that you're willfully ignorant or you have dyscalculia.
shareYou didn't answer my question, only trotting out, wow, big words that also prove nothing.
shareI answered it before you asked: The 2024 election results confirms that 2020 was rigged and stolen.
The 15 million votes were fake ballots of the dead and nonexistent.
2004 - 121,069,054 votes cast
2008 - 129,446,839 votes cast
2012 - 126,849,299 votes cast
2016 - 128,838,342 votes cast
2020 - 155,507,476 votes cast
2024 - 156,302,318 votes cast
2004 Kerry - 59M
2008 Obama - 69.5M
2012 Obama - 65.9M
2016 Clinton - 65.9M
2020 Biden - 81.3M
2024 Harris - 66.4M
Are you still institutionalized?
Or are you waiting for a pardon?
Perfectly stated!!! 🙌🏼
P.S. Isn’t it interesting that just about every single PROVEN case of voter fraud has been perpetrated by a MAGAt???
That doesn't refute those numbers I posted.
Your deflection and denialism are noted.
The 15 million votes were fake ballots of the dead and nonexistent.
2016 - normal amount , Trump sneaks in
2020 and 2024 , more votes as both sides try desperately to get Trump in or out
Those weren’t votes, they were fake ballots.
Did you not read the vote cast for 2020 and 2024? lmao
2020 Biden - 81.3M 2020 - 155,507,476 votes cast
2024 Harris - 66.4M 2024 - 156,302,318 votes cast
Those weren’t votes, they were fake ballots.
Those weren't "official investigations."
The evidence was there but the judges refused to accept the evidence due to lacked standing.
The two companies that independently investigated it were compromised.
Sure they were!
How come Trump didn't lay out all the voter fraud evidence like he promised a thousand times?
You know why?
Because there isn't any voter fraud evidence, only ninjas, mules and ginger mints!
Sure they were!
How come Trump didn't lay out all the voter fraud evidence like he promised a thousand times?
Where's the evidence tha Trumps judges "refused to except"?
Ginger mints?
Hugo Chavez?
Rudys booze?
LOL and yet they somehow weren’t motivated enough to stop “Hitler” from rising again. You are intentionally keeping your head in the sand.
shareLOL and yet they somehow weren’t motivated enough to stop “Hitler” from rising again.
The lefts position was that Trump was the next Hitler (which was a lie of course) yet suspiciously these mysterious Brandon voters didn’t come out to stop the second rising of Hitler as per the left. Sounds pretty suspicious don’t you think?
shareHave you cried about Trump winning the presidency yet today? Don't worry there's plenty of time for you to weep like a blubbery mess still! There there kitten it'll all be over in 4 years, don't worry your empty little head about it.
shareOf course, election deniers would think that way. It's a fact that Trump lost in 2020 (investigated and proven 100 ways from Sunday) and sadly won in 2024. Now we're in for four years of a shitshow.
share[–] KBiker (1075) a day ago
"Now we're in for four years of a shitshow."
I would expect the next 4 years to go smooth as long as the Left dont lose their minds like they did between 2016-2020. All this rage against Trump is mostly manufactured by the Left. Hell, the steele dossier was made up bullshit by the Left and thats what kicked EVERYTHING off.
And do you know what the cost of accountability was for the Left? $113,000 to settle the investigation, WTF to that. A civil penalty of $8,000 and the DNC paid the rest of $105,000. But im sure the Left wouldnt be clever enough to interfere with elections adn get away with it, no way.
We are in for four years of lower taxes, law and order, a secure border, energy independence, no more gender transition surgeries for minors, etc. Those all sound like good things.
You’re a sad, pathetic, butthurt loser. You need to quit being overly dramatic, quit being so negative and appreciate what President Trump is going to do for you. The Democrats are a bunch of fuckers.
shareBefore the election even Trump himself saw a pretty high probability that he might lose and he was making comments in his campaign speeches already suggesting that Democrats would steal the election with false results, he announced he would never accept the election result if he wouldn't win and right wing media was all in on the same line.
Only after Trump won, a lot of right wing outlets all of a sudden all agreed that the election had been fair.
Best one was probably Joe Rogan who had always been a somewhat independent voice with an open mind, but this time went all the way with Trump and has before the election made numerous comments about elections all beging rigged, never changing anything and after the election made a comment like (don't remember the exact quote), "who would have thought elections are actually real?"
To answer Joe Rogan, Democrats have always said elections are real, independent whether Democrats won or lost, only Republicans have always called it rigged and stolen when they lost and called it fair when they won.
It saddens me that half our country voted for this grifter AGAIN!!
Idiots, all of them
The DC swamprats, the establishment and the MSM are the real grifters.
shareOh? I never saw any of them trying to profit off God by selling $60 bibles with their name on it like Trump did. What a model Christian Trump is!
shareBut you’re a heathen, so why do you criticize others for accepting donations? ... That seems hypocritical of you.
shareYeah, no. I am spiritual and pray everyday. I just don’t follow any religion because anyone with even half a brain can see that religion is just a means of controlling people.
shareOn that one I have a slightly different view.
Not Republicans won, but Democrats lost.
The US has been pretty close to 50/50 between Republicans and Democrats for many decades and there rarely are any voters who switch from one party to the other, even though the media always finds some and highlights them to make it look as if there had been many of them.
The deciding factor for an election result is always how many Democrats actually go and vote.
This time the war mongering of Harris made Democratic voters see "the lesser evil" as still too bad to vote for, they stayed home and didn't vote and that's what gave Trump the win.
If you ask me, from a European point of view, Democrats are in fact too bad to vote for, which doesn't mean I'd vote for Trump, if I were an American I'd stay home and don't vote, or vote 3rd party until Democrats learn that they cannot move ever further away from what I want and expect me to follow them only because Republicans are even worse.
I wouldn't care how bad things get, I just won't vote for a "lesser evil" that is way too bad for my taste, because keep voting for "the lesser evil" will make this lesser evil ever worse until you stop voting for them.
Not voting for the "lesser evil" is exactly what has let the most idiotic braindead populist president in history in.
Its the last thing I would have expected . If democrats in America are thinking they are making their statement by voting "none of the above" then they have only themselves to blame for this absolute joke of a presidency that is making usa the laughing stock of the world
I don't know where the fuck you were from 2016-2020 but Trump already made USA the laughing stock of the world.
shareI'm not blaming anyone, all I'm saying is, after over 50 years of Republicans shifting ever further to the right and Democrats shifting ever further to the right with them, just always staying a little bit less right than Republicans and coming up with the slogan "vote for us, we're the lesser evil", we're now in a situation where Democrats are standing further right than Republicans were 20 years ago.
How much longer do you want to vote for "the lesser evil" before you realize that all you reach with that is a shift of BOTH parties ever further to the right?
Have a look where Bush and Obama were in 2004/2008
then look where Obama was in 2012
where Clinton was in 2016
where Biden was in 2020
and then tell me where this shift of Democrats to the right would have gone if voters had stopped voting for Obama in 2012.
Factually Harris in 2024, even though less to the right than Biden and Clinton, was pretty close to where Bush was in 2004.
IFFFFFFFFFF Democratic voters had stopped voting for the lesser evil as soon as that became too bad to vote for, Democrats would never have had the option to move as far to the right as they are today and we'd be far better off today.
Of course from todays point of view letting Trump win by voting 3rd party seems to lead to a horrible outcome, but then it doesn't matter how horrible it looks, it will get worse and worse and worse every 4 years and at some point you just have to stop it.
People who keep voting for the lesser evil, no matter how bad the lesser evil becomes, can be compared to a frog in a pot of water getting slowly heated up, the frog never jumps out because he doesn't feel the slow increase and in the end he gets boiled alive.
It saddens me that so many people were gullible to vote for a brainless, unqualified, corrupt slut like Kamala. She still could run for governor of California, Tampon Tim is still governor of a state. We as a society have to have a discussion about the dangers of far left terror and make sure that no one as unqualified and radical as Kamala ever gets that close to the presidency ever again.
shareKameltoe is drunk as usual.
So exciting to see Kamalturd Harris have to stand there for every second of Trump's inauguration with Vance. Champagne for everyone
Thank God, President Donald John Trump will free the J6 political prisoners on Day one!
Thank God there wasn’t another insurrection like 2021.
just glad that Russia didnt hijack this election as well.
shareUm.., I wouldn’t be so sure about that
sharewhere is the evidence?
shareUm.., read the entire Mueller report….if you can
sharedid he already investigate the 2024 election for collusion? lol
shareHAHAHAHAHA, you mean the phony Russian dossier that was bought and paid for by the Hillary campaign. That was debunked years ago you moron.
Take a deep breath, calm down, get a grip and come to terms with the fact that we won, you lost. Elections have consequences and you will answer to President Trump from here on out. You can be a part of his plan to save the country from the disaster of Brandon and Kamala but you’re going to have to admit you were wrong and you’ll have to sit in the backseat.
Elections have consequences, suck on it you loser.
Woa, now look who’s an election denier. Typical, you’ve been brainwashed by the far left’s lies, you need help and if you have kids I think they should be taken away from you.