Elon Musk, the richest man in the world and advisor to President-elect Donald Trump, is a paid subscriber to a virulently racist X account.
Musk not only follows an account called “Boer” (@twatterbaas) but is one of two accounts to pay it for “bonus content and extra perks.” Boer charges $5/month for said perks and content.
Blacks behave the same way no matter where they are, proving that their anti-social tendencies are biological, rather than cultural. We know that blacks have sub-average IQs and elevated testosterone, and we know that each of those factors are linked to criminality, so... it doesn't take a genius.
Was it Musk's no BS crap what drove down the value of twitter so much after he bought it? The only thing keeping SpaceX and Tesla going are the smart people actually running them, not Musk.
That's the best one I've heard in months. Musk is made of 100% bullshit, he gets up every morning, takes a bath in bullshit, fires up his computer and manufactures bullshit to the masses. Injecting bullshit into the media-stream is all Musk is capable of.
If it wasn't for bullshit, Musk would have no career. His companies are made entirely out of it.
I don't live in a trailer, I have an apartment, I work, support myself, pay taxes. I have a car which is good condition, well maintained and I pay insurance. People like Elon Musk dont make money. They exploit working people, and then take their money, hoard it and pay zero taxes. That way he becomes richer and the U.S. Govn't and the U.S citizens all become poorer.
Steal from the poor, give to the rich. That's basically Musk's motto.
I second that.
Musk has the option to pay so many people for making more money out of the money he already has that no matter how badly he personally messes up he's still getting richer.
Anyone remember how much money he has wasted in his "Hyperloop"?
At the time he started that it was the 100s or so time the very same thing had been tried in 100 years or so, always failing, always losing all the money of all the investors, because it's physically impossible.
To answer the question from the topic here, Trump loves him because Musk is Trumps best hope for the largest amount of money donated to his campaign, while Musk propably doesn't care how much of it Trump puts into his own pocket because for Musk the only thing that he cares about is the large tax break Trump has promised him.