MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Back pedalling, again

Back pedalling, again

As soon as Trump was elected in 2016, he went back on his promise to put Clinton in prison. Trump told a lot of lies of course, but this was one of his most visible.

Now in 2024, once again, former game show host (president-elect) Trump is backing away from one of his campaign tenets; lowering prices.

President-elect Donald Trump is acknowledging it may be difficult to bring down grocery prices, despite making it a key tenet of his presidential campaign.

But in an interview with Time magazine, which named him person of the year for 2024, Trump said he nevertheless believes it'll happen through lower energy costs and supply chain improvements.

Asked whether his presidency would be a "failure" if grocery prices don't come down, Trump responded it would not, while blaming the current administration for the way it handled inflation that led to higher food prices in the first place.

"Look, they got them up. I’d like to bring them down. It’s hard to bring things down once they’re up. You know, it’s very hard," he said in the interview published Thursday.

Yes, Trump is already blaming Biden. But Biden was president when he promised to bring down prices earlier this year. So what changed? Same thing as in 2016. Trump won the election, he does not have to keep a single promise, ever. Suckers.

The transcript;
The fact check;


How do you have this much time to post on the internet when you should be in the kitchen practicing making sandwiches for your husband...or whatever it identifies as?

Seriously, if your President Trump had had Killiary arrested you would have bitched about that and he didn't and now you bitch about that.

Maybe learn a new 2 step dinner recipe or even something more important like putting gas in your own car.

He is your President, say his name.


Trump is not my president yet. Not until January. He has plenty of time to ensure he tells us he will not be keeping additional promises he made during the campaign.

Why are personal attacks the best you can do here?


The personal attacks aren't the best I can do, it's what I chose to do.

If you don't like them, grow thicker skin or stop responding to me.

Now, back to the kitchen


Nope. I think personal attacks are the top of your game. Your very lame game to say the least. What you are doing is the kiddie pool of debating. Grow up.


Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !



Does your username suggest your dick's the size of a Bic cigarette lighter?


Don't ask me, ask you mom.


I like it. Good one.


It's a good job Biden isn't the one back pedalling as he would definitely fall over again seeing as how he can't even stay vertical when front pedalling.


That bitch Biden back pedals all of the time. He most recently pardoned his son after saying he would not.


Killary is well protected by the DS. Look at what Biden did for his son’s past 11 years of criminality.

Wanting someone locked up doesn’t guarantee that it will happen, especially when all the powers of the DS is protecting them.


You're like a broken record. The DS is everything to you. Surely Trump knew that the DS was going to stop him? Right? So why did he make the promise?


He knew that they would "try"; he didn't know that they would succeed.


Every time you make excuses for Trump, it is like you're calling him a complete idiot and a spineless coward. Tell me again why you want a piece of crap like this in the White House?


a complete idiot and a spineless coward

Why are you constantly projecting yourself on Trump?


Trump sucks, he is a politician, a natural target. I just use words and not bullets.


Yeah, just like the fake news media.


Trump wants to lower the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15%. Big businesses like those who are responsible for high food prices will benefit greatly from the reduced taxes. They are very unlikely to pass any savings along to the consumer in the future, just as they are not now when making record profits.

This is how Trump is promising to help big business instead of the little guy. More evidence that Trump thinks the MAGA are chumps. The leopards are eating your faces.


"Trump said he nevertheless believes it'll happen through lower energy costs and supply chain improvements."

Drill, baby, DRILL!

In the 2022 midterms Kevin McCarthy had this portfolio of promises "We have a plan" for this, that, and everything else. Almost all of it was pablum, except for the energy plan, which was like 3 pages written by the American Petroleum Institute. The numbers within that report indicated that, at current (2022) rate of consumption, U.S. oil reserves would be exhausted in like 6 years...


The Trump administration from 2017 to 2021 saw less crude production than the Biden administration is seeing now. How is more drilling and more exporting of crude going to significantly lower gas prices?

Link to that report?

We may never run out of oil, though known reserves are expected to last for about 50 years, current estimates suggest.
