MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > What about civil war?

What about civil war?

It would be highly entertaining for the rest of the world to watch the USA implode, no?


No!!! And no wonder you're handle is "[deleted]."


But you guys are so frigging polarized and SO easy to manipulate! Mostly because you destroyed the educational system since the seventies, IMHO.


"destroyed the educational system since the seventies" you got that much correct


Who are "you guys?" What assumptions are you making about who I am?


"And no wonder you're handle is "[deleted]."

It happens when you delete your account but it keeps you logged in. It won't stay signed in forever though. Dont ask me how I know.


So? I'll make a new account then if I want to post.


I got no problem with it. I was just providing commentary.


It may be time to unfurl the flag. After all I was born on a frosty morn.


we already are. the end is nigh unless Trump wins...if the dems steal another election then america will truly be over.


Russia and China thank you, JoWilli. A good little puppet for Trump.

Puppets for Trump. Now that is a slogan.


that was deleted fast! lol




The medium is the message


wow. thats spooky, looks like you found a way to hack MC. can you give me 100,000 posts?


"Retards for trump" is more accurate.


Retards trumped before is the scary part.


No. It wouldn't.

Look at how 'entertaining' the Russian invasion of Ukraine has been for the rest of the world. If you're entertained by the cost of living crisis, increased energy prices and global food insecurity, that is.

Now, imagine the world's largest economy is suddenly subject to historic and long-lasting disruption or ultimately destruction. That stuff doesn't happen in a bubble. The ramifications in a globalised economy would be profound. Not my idea of fun, even from the sidelines. And that's before you factor in the human tragedy of war.

And the fact that I don't wish America any ill-will.

All that said, in theory, it would be interesting to me to find out what the world would be like without the USA in it. But if instead of having a civil war, they could find their way to... not having a civil war and just, y'know, allowing states to secede from the union if they want to do that, it could work better for them and for us.

PS - It's not going to happen. It's all rhetoric.


All rhetoric, eh? Someone likes blinders..


No. It's not about 'blinders'. I'm not American. I'm therefore not heavily invested one way or the other. I have no need of 'blinders'. I'm thousands of miles away. I would have thought that was screamingly obvious from my previous comment.

But you people have been banging on about this state or that state seceding and the potential of a second civil war for well over a decade now. So, yes, I tend to think it's part of the rhetoric that goes hand in hand with the polarisation of American politics.

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Time will tell. But while I don't underestimate the potential for political violence and civil unrest, the idea of anything that would qualify as a civil war in any technical fashion seems remote to me.


With all those guns and this polarization? You underestimate the inherent volatility of societal structure.


So is your notion of a civil war one of an uprising of an armed citizenry against the US military? Well, I know which side my money would be on. Good luck with that, anyway.


Yokel fodder fighting their own? Fat chance. It's gonna be a lot muddier than that.


The National Guard of Texas and others states is in the border, ready to have conflict with the federal government. So the situation is tense, to say at least.


"Hot Wheels Abbott" is pretty much a joke. And not even a very funny joke.


Whatever you say, Buddy, but the National Guard IS there 🤷


LOL! They will not fight for "Hot Wheels."


Haha, they wouldn't fight for him. You are a troll or you don't understand anything xP


Hot Wheels is a joke and The Guard knows it. It was The Guard that gave him his now famous nickname.


Jiminy Cricket could be the Texas governor, that doesn't Matter. It looks you simply don't get the point.


there will be a civil war if you idiots try and claim kamala got 92 million votes, because no fucker would believe that.


More likely the false God worshippers find themselves unable to wake up some day.




Interesting and noted.


You just don't get it. It wasn't about 81 million people falling in love with Biden in 2020. It was about many millions of US citizens voting for literally anyone that WASN'T Trump. And yes, you can bet your big fat low IQ ass that's going to happen again, obviously. And yes, probably in even bigger numbers. Because he's an even bigger piece of shit now than he was in 2020.


let me guess, they stop counting at midnight with trump winning, start again and find 8 million votes for kamala? someone who hasn't won one single primary!?

sure sure, totally legit. if that happens this time, then a civil war is coming.


Sorry, littlemikey, but millions and millions of people who never before gave a rat's ass about voting became registered voters after four years of Demented Donald. That's why Donnie lost in '20 and why he is losing now. It is the American Taxpayer's (which excludes Demented Donald) way of protesting the true election fraud which is the electoral college.


Even Dead people came back to Life just to vote against Trump in 2020, look what Kind of Monster he is 🤦


Hardly. After years of "investigation" by right wing groups, there were very few cases of documented election fraud, and the majority of the few that were discovered turned out to be perpetrated by registered republicans.

On the other hand: "All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have... Fellas, I need 11,000 votes, give me a break."

I'll give you three guesses as to which demented and desperate candidate said that.


Me and millions of americans Saw the fraud happening in real time and we don't care what the corrupt legal system said. I don't know Who are you trying to convince Who isn't already convinced of the lie that it was a legal election.


No, what you saw was mail-in votes being tabulated after the votes that were cast at the polls on election day. And that was due to the way republican state legislatures set their systems up. You are just making yourself look stupid; but that's pretty easy to do, so when I acknowledge that achievement, don't take it as a compliment.

"Me and millions of americans"

Work on it a little bit.


Let's see what happens with the new ID rule in the elections this november, that the corrupt demócrats tried to block btw because making fraud with It Will be more difficult.

I am sure then it will be you the one saying there is fraud and threatening with civil war.


If Trump gets outvoted you will STILL claim fraud and refuse to examine any of the evidence.


You and millions of other low IQ shitbags saw your King of the Assholes lose an election fair and square and you believed The Big Lie as a pathetic coping mechanism. And it was a weird combination of hilarious and horrifying to the rest of us, i.e. the normal and sane US citizens.


"But, but, but, me and millions of Americans in my trailer park know them guys cheated . . . waaaaaa!!"


I am mexican btw, and all the mexicans I know are voting for Trump again. Maybe you have a little wrong idea about the Kind of people Who vote for Trump...


So you are admitting that you are one of the small number of actual verified cases of voter fraud?


I am from México but I live in Houston and I am a LEGAL american citizen, you know that exists?


That's bullshit. There are so many of you right wingers on here that claim to be minorities of some sort so they can claim to support Trump despite how he treats minorities.

It's lame. You guys have done it so many times now.


Wanna see my linkedin?


Pshh your linkedin. You wanna see a random linkedin that looks like someone who might be from Mexico? Yeah, sure.


Is that ironic?


Let's see it.


Haha, unlike you I can think for myself . I don't need Trump to tell me anything, I don't even like the Guy very much, but people like you are making me vote for him again, so I Guess Donald should thank you.


Oh no! I better be nicer to the stupid douchebags in this country, or they'll vote for Trump! :O


Yes. You are close minded people Who just insult and insult and insult and insult whoever doesn't think like them, I am pretty sure you can do something violent when Trump wins in november because you simply can't stand other people not thinking like you.


Yeah because YOU aren't insulting people who don't think the way you do right? Give me a break.


Btw Trump was already president and there wasn't Hitler stuff, neither Handmaid's Tale stuff, as far as I can remember.


Only because he had responsible adult handler types surrounding him in his cabinet who would talk him out of doing stupid and crazy shit. He's made it pretty clear he won't make that "mistake" again if he ever gets a second term. He'll surround himself with only MAGA ass-kissing 'yes' men who will happily let him do whatever psycho shit he wants. "Nuke a hurricane? What an incredible and very smart idea! We're on it, Mr. President sir!"

Oh and right, I should be like you, so open minded and NEVER EVER insulting to those on the other side of the aisle, mm-hmm, right. Puh-leez.


Well, I haven't insulted you yet, you have in every message, which shows what kind of person full of hate you are.


You have constantly mocked Democrats and accused them of stealing the election what are you talking about?


fair and square! HAHAHAHA!

you and the rest of the fruits stole the election because you were terrified that trumo would stop you identifying as a cat.

we'll this year! we'll see the tricks you fuckers try! but you're so unhinged you'd accept election fraud.


"We ran a candidate that 70% of the country hates, how could we lose unless they cheated?!"


". . . or unless the Electoral College lets us down!! WAAAAA!!!"



your echo chamber of he-shes, homos and people who call themselves "they/them" isn't 70% of the country.

i'd tell you to get out of SanFran and speak to real people, but you prefer to keep the fantasy going...



It's very hard for them to Accept that mexican people (or black people) vote for Trump, for example.


exactly, it's the same old california/NY echo chamber where they listen to joy reid and think everyone thinks like this.

but then again theres nothing more racist than al liberal.


Not at all. You are proof that mentally retarded individuals exist in all nationalities and races.


And you are proof that fanatic close-minded people exist everywhere too.

Btw all the mexicans I know in USA ( all they legals) are also voting for Trump, I Guess they are all retarded, of course.


"And you are proof that fanstic people exist everywhere too.

Btw all the mexicans I know innUSA ( all they legals) are also voting for Trump, I Guess they are all retarded, of course."

LOL! I rest my case.


Reality hurts, mm? That's what happens when you have a deformed vision of reality.

I don't live in a parking trailer neither btw :)


"I don't live in a parking trailer neither"

This might be a good time for you to take a break . . . you are not exactly enhancing your position.


It's you the one who looks having a very deformed vision of the people who vote for Trump, not me.

I live in an apartment and work as video editor, in case you think if you vote for Donal you are automatically an illiterate hillbilly.


"and work as video editor"

I guess that doesn't require the ability to type a sentence that makes any sense?

"I don't live in a parking trailer neither"


Ladies and gentleman, this is what you see when someone has lost a debate!

"I neither live in a parking trailer" Better this way?


"I neither live in a parking trailer" Better this way?

No it's not, but it might qualify you to write speeches for Demented Donald. You should apply for the job.


Ladies and gentleman, this is what you see when someone has lost a debate!


Keep repeating yourself . . . you might actually talk yourself into believing it.


That's exactly what you do everytime you write here :)

Out of curiosity, what will you do when Trump wins in november?


The only way Demented Donald can win would be by committing massive election fraud. (Again.)


Wow, your projection is fascinating.

The sentence is correct, just change Demented Donald for Kamala.


So, what will you do If Trump wins with "massive election fraud"?


What I will not do is go to The Capitol and participate in a riot.


And what will you do?


I will pray for America.


Good, stay at you home praying then, you can start now.


"we'll this year!"

Littlemikey, when I hinted to you that using apostrophes might make you look a little less stupid, "we'll this year!" , was not what I meant.


The corrupt system? You didn't even WATCH what happened so how do you know it is corrupt? Because It doesn't agree with you?

You need to at least watch that or better yet watch:
before you decide it's all bullshit.


A lot of them won't even be voting for Kamala. They'll be voting AGAINST Trump, against Project 2025, against the SCOTUS becoming even more of a GOP extension than it already is, voting against the US turning into the fucking Handmaid's Tale etc.


Possibly the greatest candidate to have ever come out for a presidency.



Most of them in Russia
