MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > For an innocent man, he's sure acting gu...

For an innocent man, he's sure acting guilty!

All these delays, lawsuits and whining, you'd think he'd want to proclaim his innocence of all these "bogus charges" in court.
He says he has lots of "massive voter fraud" evidence to share.
Whats the holdup?


They're all lying. Every last one. Only Trump is telling the Truth and saving America. Every Republican saying otherwise is a RINO.


You mean RINO!


You're right lol


posted 41 minutes ago by yatzo376 (7417)
1 reply | jump to latest
All these delays, lawsuits and whining, you'd think he'd want to proclaim his innocence of all these "bogus charges" in court.
DJT is Completely Innocent of being Totally Innocent!!

In other words:

If he walks like a Criminal
If he talks like a Criminal
If he thinks like a Criminal
If he smells like a Criminal
If he looks like a Criminal
If he sleeps like a Criminal
If he Acts like a Criminal

Then he's a Criminal. 👍🗽


Or, he has no faith in the courts and wants to delay to past the election, so that once he wins, the primary motive for the dems ie the election, will be removed.

More likely to get a fair trial that way.

Not that the dems won't still TRY to railroad him, but the... hive mind, will be less.... powerful...


Everyone is guilty but the Trump


Plenty of people not guilty. Plenty of false accusations. Plenty of politically motivated and corrupt investigations.

Are you pretending to have forgotten about the Steele Dossier? That was the FUCKING F.B.I. the FORMALLY most respected and trusted law enforcement agency in the country, that completely whored themselves out to the dems.

No better than crack whores now, Hell, worse.


" Plenty of false accusations. Plenty of politically motivated and corrupt investigations"


That's why we need to see and hear the trials so Trump can exonerate himself of all these "bogus charges"


When the Steele Dossier turned out to be complete bullshit, how much did that change your view of Trump?


You don't want to see the trials and get to the truth?


You made that point.

My counter point is clear. I am asking you how much it mattered TO YOU, when the truth about the Steele Dossier came out and Trump was COMPLETELY vindicated and the FBI was revealed to be a bunch of crack whores?

You are acting like the "TRUTH" is a big and important goal because, reasons. So, in the past, how much weight did the "TRUTH" have with YOU?

Very reasonable and on topic question. STop fucking around and answer it.


You never answered my question about finding truth through the trials.
As for the SD , yes, the FBI overreached but none of it was used in the Mueller report.


I have answered it, with your help.

The way you cared about the "Truth" of the Steele Dossier" is the way that I care about the "Truth" of this round of political investigations.

These accusations are not what this is about. Indeed, We are in a very serious clash of different views of what we want for the future.

YOU don't care that the fbi lied to a federal judge or that they lied to the American people and undermined a whole administration and tore this country apart for years, because it was all done in pursuit of an agenda that YOU agree with and want to see done.

I on the other hand, think that YOUR agenda, that you are willing to support all of that for, is a direct threat to me and mine, so I OPPOSE you just as strongly as you want to come after me and mine.

So.... yeah. The investigations are really just shit talk. Your support of them are as real as your support of the Steele Dossier truth coming out.

ie, not at all. YOu don't care. At all.

And neither do I.

Now, pretend to be too stupid to get that simple point and give me some more shit talk, thus proving my point AGAIN.


You’re insane,
Deprogram immediately.
I feel sorry for your family & friends


PERFECT. Thanks.

Just think, if you could have pretended to have cared that Trump was innocent of the charges leveled against him with the Steele Dossier, then that would have given you credibility to claim to care about the current accusations.

BUT, you couldn't. You could NOT even PRETEND to give Trump a....single credit where it was due.

you COULDN'T do it.


"Steele Dossier turned out to be complete bullshit, "'s_veracity_and_Steele's_reputation

The dossier's "broad assertion that Russia waged a campaign to interfere in the election is now accepted as fact by the US intelligence community."[385] With the passage of time and further revelations from various investigations and sources, it is becoming clearer that the overall thrust of the dossier was accurate:[112]



Thanks buddy. YOU ARE WONDERFUL.

Of course, the real assertion of the steele dossier was RUSSIAN COLLUSION.

That russia wanted to use some troll farms to throw a little gas on teh fire, was NOT the real meat of the fake scandal.

Your revisionist history is a fine example of cope. Sorry you feel a need to comfort yourself like that.

Meanwhile in the real world, your... pathetic holding on to a debunked lie, shows how you lefties are willing to hold on to, and support LIES in pursuit of your political goals, even when it has been rubbed in your face, for years, that the shit you are talking, is complete and total shit.


So, what about the trials?
•Trying to steal and election using fake electors
• stealing top secret Goverment documents
•pressured phone calls to Governors to overturn election
•Election interference by hiding sex payoffs from the voting public
•Raping woman
•lying every minute of every day
•grifting impoverished people who don’t know any better
The list goes on and on…and you DONT GIVE TWO SHITS!


Paying off a whore to keep her mouth shut, is not "election interference".

That you claim it as that, shows that you are not serious about ANY of your list.

Because otherwise you would focus on the charges you think are real and significant.

People throw shit, when they don't have anything REAL.

So, YOU clearly believe Trump to be innocent.

BUT, you want to tear him down anyways.

Man you are so clearly convinced that you can't beat him in the election, fair and square.

I hope you are right, that the election is already in the bag for TRump.


It wasn’t just Stormy Daniels numbnuts, there are dozens of others in trumps catch and kill coverup with David Pecker from the National Enquirer.
Do you think he would have won in 2016 if this story wasn’t squashed?


Doesn't matter. Kennedy, Bill CLinton, ect. generations of male slut politicians and not once in my life has ANYONE been pathetic enough to try to spin hush money as "election interference".

You jumped the shark there buddy.

Clearly you know your whole list is shit, or you would not have included that particular piece of shit in the list.

Why are you afraid to express the REAL REASON why you hate him, and his supporters?


Give me a break, the list could go on FOOOORRREVVERR!

I despise him because he's a lying grifter who has somehow managed to brainwash 80 million people,


And Bill Clinton wasn't?

The reason you say silly shit like you did above, is you don't think that the reason(s) that are so important to you, will sound good to other people,

hell, you might be afraid that if you were honest, that you might convince people that TRUMP is the better answer.

And you might be right about that.

What is your real hot button(s)? Come on, the real issue that you really feel that the MAGA types might threaten and that would make the future you want, not possible.

What is it? It's not that Trump got some from some sleazy sluts. What is the real reason you hate him and his supporters?


• Alternate electors are not illegal. They have been used by the Democrats.

• He has the same rights as all former presidents under the PRA.

• That didn’t happen; MSM took his words out of context for political persecution.

• That has nothing to do with election interference, falsely accusing him of it, is.

• Bullshit, more lies by the establishment and the MSM.

• That’s what 'the left' does and projects on everyone else.

• The establishment, the DS and the Dems are the ones grifting everyone; and NPCs like you, fall for it ...
... Every, single, time.


And you still fall for the wokepedia lies and propaganda. LMAO


I of course knew when i posted that that the source would be dismissed (and I accept wikipedia is not the most irrefutable) but as you you dismiss any and all sources as "MSM lies" , and refuse to say where you get your information apart from wishy washy vagueness like

"Many of us have eyes, common sense and deductive reasoning."

so it doesn't matter which source i post.
Ironically people who *actually* have those deductive skills would use wp as a base and check things that need it elsewhere


It's not about 'the sources', it's about using deductive reasoning and discernment to determine what it is true and what is false.


Well this is a fact and you know it


Why do you think Biden was showering with his daughter? What do you think Yatzo?

a. She was really dirty
b. He didnt notice her in the shower
c. He needed someone to wash his back
d. to conserve water
e. he really likes little kids
f. He wanted to try out his new scrub brush
g. He's a sick old man who likes sniffing kids


Excuse me - Please remind us who is facing four criminal trials?


Based on bogus and fabricated charges.


Those assertions will be proven in court, NOT the courts of public MAGA opinions.
thank you


So you are OK with falsely accusing someone of bogus charges? Yes or No?


Hey, remember when the libs were all laughing at Trump for saying that he was being spied on,

and then the fbi had to admit that yes, they were spying on him.

They turned on MUTHER FUCKING DIME, one day it was absurd that the feds would spy on Trump, the next, it made complete sense that the feds would spy on Trump.

I don't recall ONE of them have a soul and admitting that they were wrong, or that yes, Trump was being targeted, or really anything.


Of course. First they deny it, then they excuse it or justify it. Typical leftoid handbook tactic.

Deep down they know the truth but they can’t cope with acknowledging it.


Remember when Republicans promised Trump would build his wall? Funny how they don't own up to him not delivering on his promise. I openly will admit when a liberal is wrong. It's too bad wrongdoings don't get called out and it depends on who's team it's on.


RINOs and members of the UniParTy swamp? Yeah, we are aware that they betrayed Trump, countermanded his orders and went along with the Dems resistance of finishing the wall.

You’re parodying the same BS that has been repeated and regurgitated dozens of times by the leftoids and sufferers of TDS.

Try something new and different. That shtick is old and worn out.


And like clockwork you blame any failure Trump has on the Democrats. He failed to build his wall. Had this been a Democrat who failed you wouldn't be excusing their failure by blaming it on someone else. He failed to build his wall which he promised. That point stands. Your excuses are no good here.


And yet, I didn't mention "Democrats", I said 'UniParTy'.

He built it but the 'UniParTy' prevented him from finishing it.

How much wall have they built since Jan-2021?


That's not really the same thing.

Campaign promises are statements of intent. I wish that Trump had done better on that one and am happy to admit that.

That is very different from ridiculing the very idea of something as absurd, adn then the next day pretending it was normal and right.


MAGA Excuse list
-Libturds control everything
-False Flag
-Fake News
-What about the other guy
-We were only joking, it was satire

#4 spotted


Facts are still Facts regardless whether they are excuses.


fuck off posting these threads all the time. I'm sick of seeing a movie chat site with his orange smug bastard face on the front of it every single day. go to the politics section ffs


still waiting for the evidence the 2016 election was hijacked.


Is Pelosi running for President?

I must have missed that


no, but she said she had cold hard evidence of collusion...


nobody is claiming day in day out that that is the case , unlike 2020

furthermore nobody arranged for a hoard of idiots to storm gov building in a moronic attempt to alter the result in 2016


I guess you forgot about Nancy, who was Speaker of the House, was proclaiming the day after the election that the election was stolen and that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election. every day for 2 years the Speaker of the House said she had cold hard facts that Trump colluded and that Mueller would find this evidence and have Trump removed as the lawfully elected President. then they made Mueller testify in Congress because Nancy didnt like his verdict. Hillary still thinks the election was stolen from her.

then the dems tried twice to illegally remove Trump by false impeachment charges.

to date, the 2020 election has never been investigated for chicanery nor have the republicans falsely impeached Joe.

I guess you forgot about the riots and pillaging across the country and antifa destroying federal property after Trump won. I guess you also forgot about blm rioting and causing billions in damages. I guess you also forgot about the wall Trump had to build around the white house to keep his family and himself safe from antifa rioters. I guess you also forgot that every major democrat city boarded up their windows and doors because they were told that Trump was going to steal the election and that antifa was going to riot if Trump won.

whats weird is that about in Dec 2020, all protests stopped and antifa went back home.


"nor have the republicans falsely impeached Joe."

Didnt they have a big commitee dedicated to this that failed to find any reason / evidence?


yeah, but they havent impeached Joe for no reason, just because they were mad the election was stolen.

I guess you forgot about Nancy, who was Speaker of the House, was proclaiming the day after the election that the election was stolen and that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election. every day for 2 years the Speaker of the House said she had cold hard facts that Trump colluded and that Mueller would find this evidence and have Trump removed as the lawfully elected President. then they made Mueller testify in Congress because Nancy didnt like his verdict. Hillary still thinks the election was stolen from her.

to date, the 2020 election has never been investigated for chicanery nor have the republicans falsely impeached Joe.

I guess you forgot about the riots and pillaging across the country and antifa destroying federal property after Trump won. I guess you also forgot about blm rioting and causing billions in damages. I guess you also forgot about the wall Trump had to build around the white house to keep his family and himself safe from antifa rioters. I guess you also forgot that every major democrat city boarded up their windows and doors because they were told that Trump was going to steal the election and that antifa was going to riot if Trump won.

whats weird is that about in Dec 2020, all protests stopped and antifa went back home.


BLM riots have nothing to do with politics or either party , unlike J6


the antifa and blm riots were about the election and Trump and white people. dems and Obama and blacks endorsed the blms riots. I guess you forgot about that.

I guess you forgot about Nancy, who was Speaker of the House, was proclaiming the day after the election that the election was stolen and that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election. every day for 2 years the Speaker of the House said she had cold hard facts that Trump colluded and that Mueller would find this evidence and have Trump removed as the lawfully elected President. then they made Mueller testify in Congress because Nancy didnt like his verdict. Hillary still thinks the election was stolen from her.

to date, the 2020 election has never been investigated for chicanery...

I guess you also forgot about the wall Trump had to build around the white house to keep his family and himself safe from antifa rioters. I guess you also forgot that every major democrat city boarded up their windows and doors because they were told that Trump was going to steal the election and that antifa was going to riot if Trump won.

I guess you forgot that Nancy said that Trump was going to steal the election again and Joe said he was going to lose by chicanery. Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances.


"still waiting for the evidence the 2016 election was hijacked."
"Hillary still thinks the election was stolen from her."

well you should ask her for the evidence . I'm betting she doesent really think that anymore .

Unlike 50 million Magas who think 2020 rigged because they believe Trump like the word of god and they all repeat this evey day

You will not find a single post on this site claiming 2016 was fixed


people have asked her, but she cant produce the evidence. I am pretty sure she does, as does Hillary. Trump basically ruined the greatest moment in world history. Hillary would have been the first female president since 1789.

magas didnt think the election was rigged before the election, dems said that Trump was going to steal the election again. then dems said that anyone that says elections can be stolen is a election denier even though just a few weeks before they said that Trump was going to steal the election. dems also were the first to say the election was stolen. dems are the original OG election deniers.

you will have to go back 6 or 7 years and search for them. most of them got purged when IMDb shut down.

you might be able to find them on


We don’t suspect or believe it was stolen because of what Trump or anyone else said.

We know for a fact it was rigged and stolen. Many of us have eyes, common sense and deductive reasoning.


the antifa and blm riots were about the election and Trump


I guess you forgot about Nancy, who was Speaker of the House, was proclaiming the day after the election that the election was stolen and that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election. every day for 2 years the Speaker of the House said she had cold hard facts that Trump colluded and that Mueller would find this evidence and have Trump removed as the lawfully elected President. then they made Mueller testify in Congress because Nancy didnt like his verdict. Hillary still thinks the election was stolen from her.

to date, the 2020 election has never been investigated for chicanery...

I guess you also forgot about the wall Trump had to build around the white house to keep his family and himself safe from antifa rioters. I guess you also forgot that every major democrat city boarded up their windows and doors because they were told that Trump was going to steal the election and that antifa was going to riot if Trump won.

I guess you forgot that Nancy said that Trump was going to steal the election again and Joe said he was going to lose by chicanery. Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances.


I guess you forgot about George Floyd!


he punched a pregnant woman in the stomach and was on drugs. dems said it was ok to burn, loot and murder. blm caused over 2 billion in damages.

David Dorn - killed by blm.

dems steal the election and Americans protest a little bit and everyone gets thrown into jail for fighting against a fraudulent election. makes sense...


them Dems really P0wned yo asses eh ?

-told all the blm rioters to go nuts
-cheated you on an election
-sending all the coup muppets to jail
-not to mention fully controlling media / cia / hollywood / blah blah blah

man are they running rings round you! Still Mr T will sort it out when he gets back in eh ?
then them commies will rue the day ....


they pretty much did...dems are the best liars and cheats and can get away with anything. they can say the election was stolen without being called election deniers. dems can ruin the economy and blame the republicans.


"he punched a pregnant woman in the stomach and was on drugs"

So it's okay to murder him?

I'm done engaging with you Trumptwats, enjoy your delusional fantasy world and best of luck in November!

Oh, and...


obviously you didnt read anything I wrote:

while I think his death was not warranted. all he had to do was sit in the back of the car like a normal person. all the times I was pulled over when I was younger, I was never disrespectful and always said yes sir and no sir. even when the cop was being a jerk the time my truck broke down on the highway. also even the time I was pulled over by 2 cops in my trans am. I was annoyed but polite.

cops have the worst job in the world and see the worst of the worst. if you are going to fight them then they are going to fight back.


how come white people arent out rioting, burning and looting? no one seems to care that a white officer was murdered. our society is fooked.

an asian officer was killed in california, no one protested as well.


while I think his death was not warranted. all he had to do was sit in the back of the car like a normal person. all the times I was pulled over when I was younger, I was never disrespectful and always said yes sir and no sir. even when the cop was being a jerk the time my truck broke down on the highway. also even the time I was pulled over by 2 cops in my trans am. I was annoyed but polite.

cops have the worst job in the world and see the worst of the worst. if you are going to fight them then they are going to fight back.


Is Nancy still around saying these things in 2024?
Is Donald Trump still selling the big lie to delusional MAGA cult members like you?


You talk like a Pharisee.


An innocent person would NEVER want to delay justice!
