When Trump gets even more votes than last election and loses...
the next election, will there be a civil war or a world war? How far will the 80 million plus ripples spread?
sharethe next election, will there be a civil war or a world war? How far will the 80 million plus ripples spread?
shareA civil war? Between who?
MAGAs vs US military?
Racist Nazi Insurgents vs Lefty Corporate Bootlicking Woke Tranny NPC Goy Cattle
shareIf there were a bona fide civil war, revolution, etc. (let's say at least 1 million MAGA rebels), the military would probably not be very effective since it was designed to destroy things rather than to police people. In addition, the U.S. is a massive nation with a massive population; if you consider that the military had difficulties policing Iraq and Afghanistan during the 2000s, which combined had a significantly lower population/land area (and the military had a secure supply chain), the military may be able to lockdown a few states/cities, but not the entire nation. There is no way unless they conscripted millions, and even then I'd imagine it would be used to secure critical infrastructure, etc.
A modern civil war wouldn't be armies vs. armies, instead the rebel force would likely hit soft targets and disperse rather than fighting against troops and tanks.
I think he means a civil war between those who are too ignorant to use the stairs instead of climbing the walls at a riot and who smear their feces around inside like monkeys, verses everyone else who will be defending themselves and their families.
The MAGAs will not stand a chance. The US military will not even have to show up to the battle. Haha, losers.
What the MAGAs who want to start a civil war don't realize is the logistics involved supporting such a war. Who will provide food, water, ammunition, medical services, bathrooms and showers, vehicle repair, housing, weapons repair, fuel, etc. for these morons? If MAGAs do start a civil war against the US military it will be a very short war.
shareIf there is a war, it will be limited to tiny gun fights in the street. The police will most likely arrest both sides in the gun battles. The idea that there will be a meaningful war is a delusion of grandeur.
shareposted 14 hours ago by JFZ (999)You get two no worries.
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the next election, will there be a civil war or a world war? How far will the 80 million plus ripples spread?
Neither got +80M votes last time. Trump got the most votes of any standing president. They manipulated Biden's popular vote to push the steal.
share[–] Branson26 (232) an hour agoOnly 67% of eligible voters participated in the 2020 election and Taylor Swift just registered +35,00 new voters. Hmmmmmmmm
Neither got +80M votes last time. Trump got the most votes of any standing president. They manipulated Biden's popular vote to push the steal.
Yes and state with the highest turnout in 2020 was Minnesota at nearly 80% and of course no photo id required- perfect for fraud.
So why do you think there was more Democrat fraud than GOP fraud? Any evidence to support your claim?
shareWe all know how presidential elections are determined. 2020 had all the noted signs of vote rigging and all to Biden's benefit: delay in announcing results, too many voters, highturnout in specific areas, large number of invalid votes...
shareHow do any of those things benefit Democrats more than Republicans?
shareYou wonder how democrats benefitted more than republicans when noted signs of vote rigging all went to Biden's benefit?
You're a fool.
Can you show a single verified instance of vote rigging that went the democrats way? If verified, then why did no one go to prison for it?
You're the fool who believes baseless accusations of voter fraud. You can't even come up with a single instance of voter fraud that threw an election.
The elites wanted Trump out. They just called it a fortified election, and wiped their dirty hands of it.
What happened in 2020 was not voter fraud it was mass election fraud. Biden had the worst loss in Fl since 2004 and this showed how poorly he would've fared without the benefit of mass fraud.
According to you the Democrats outsmarted all you Republicans by rigging the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught. Republicans haven't produced one shred of evidence to prove the election was stolen. Funny, you call Democrats stupid.
shareWrong, I said elites, not democrats. Vietnam War started on a lie. The Iraq War was started on a lie. There is always support for the will of the elites.
Says you. Why are the most outlandish claims always backed up with no proof at all?
Florida has 29 out of a total of 538 electoral votes, or 5.4%. This is a tiny amount to be basing any election fraud theory on.
No, the 2020 election had had the signs of vote rigging and all to Biden's benefit. That's is obvious sign that 2020 was a fraudulent election.
Florida and Ohio are the most reliable states since 2000. Biden had a historic loss in Florida and tied Hillary Clinton for the worst loss in Ohio since 1988.
Are these the invisible signs that only you could see? Why are you too scared to show them?
share Delayed results, too many voters, higher turnout in specific areas, and more votes than ballot papers issued. All to Biden's benefit.
Biden had a popular vote advantage over 2012 Obama 4.5% vs 3.9% yet Obama won Ohio and Florida by 3.4% while Biden lost them by -11%.
Presidential elections are not decided by who got most of the popular vote. Even the GOP says there was not any significant fraud.
Read this and educate yourself. https://www.usa.gov/electoral-college
The GOP also said there were WMDs in Iraq, but now they're telling the truth, ridiculous. The government lies.
Trump needed just 44k votes for a tied electoral college. Again, without mass fraud Trump wins easily.
In which state do you claim they needed another 44k votes to tie?
shareYou don't have much knowledge about this election: "The tight races in the trio of states had a big electoral impact. As NPR's Domenico Montanaro has put it, "just 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin separated Biden and Trump from a tie in the Electoral College."
Imagine Biden gets more votes than the last time 😂🤣 And then his idiot defenders will still say, it was not rigged...
shareImagine for a moment the REALITY that chump was such a horrible and inefficient "leader" that people were motivated to come out and vote against "his" fat ass...!
Imagine your fat fonzie botched something as simple as telling people to put on a fucking mask...
Imagine a failed casino owner, whose daddy had to bail out of financial ruin, who's had multiple failed marriages to bimbos, who's cheated blue collar workers and Polish immigrants, who's had to bully women into bed, and has a retarded son named barren... imagine THAT GUY was so bad as "leader", people did the one thing they could do to get rid of him and voted for "his" opponent...!
You won't have to "imagine" for long as the reality has played itself out for you in-denial fuck holes!
Look at history!
You know how bad W Bush was...? A fucking republican...?!
He was so bad a BLACK MAN with a Muslim name won an election... twice...!
By your silly logic: Bill Clinton was so bad GWB won an election twice.
shareW didn't "win"... he was handed the office by the Supreme Court, remember?
And btw, repubs were burning dems at the stake that election year due to the "blowjob in the Oval Office" Slick Willy got..."family values" from the people who have no family values...!
You must think I am as stupid as you look!
He wasn't handed anything. Bush had more votes in Fl and it won him the election. All Gore had to was win his home state he couldn't even do that.
shareThat's a lie.
The Supreme Court told people to stop counting the votes, and gore, being the twat he is, conceded...
Why you think your fat fonzie tard always exclaims: "NEVER CONCEDE!" - ?
I am not as stupid as you look.
A lie? You're a fool. The Florida state canvassing board certified Bush as the winner of Florida's electors by 537 votes.
Clinton barely campaigned. because his Lewinsky scandal and he is to blame for GWB winning.
No, because of the Lewinsky scandal, a bunch of ass holes could pretend to be offended and sell it as such to stupid, closed minded, down home cock sucking american voters who vote red like their daddies and daddy’s daddies.
Be real, dildo.
Turns out Trump was just another anti-gun zealot. Why is it so hard to figure out that this might alienate some GOP voters?
Trump established himself as a gun grabber a long time prior to Biden's election as president. But the MAGA crowd says it is okay to have a gun grab if Trump is doing it, or they deny that it happened. But later on they do not deny that Biden had his own Trump (and Bush) style gun grab.
Take the guns 1st. 45 minute point. https://www.c-span.org/video/?441884-1/white-house-meeting-community-school-safety
Forced reset triggers. https://www.atf.gov/firearms/docs/open-letter/all-ffls-mar-2022-open-letter-forced-reset-triggers-frts/download
A "horrible and inefficient 'leader'" who stimulated the best economy in decades, created energy independence, and had the southern border under control. God forbid we should ever have to suffer such a nightmare again! I'm so happy I pay $6.00 a gallon for gasoline, $400.00 a month for electricity, and $9.00 a dozen for eggs. It's so exciting to see 10,000 illegal aliens walk into Texas in one day, unchallenged. Let's Go Brandon!
shareNo civil war; however, we may still get “attacked” by a foreign country and the current regime/establishment could declare some type of emergency or war, thereby cancelling or postponing the election if their other methods cannot guarantee them an election victory.
shareOne can hope....
shareThis is the same stupid crap I heard in 2020. If there is no 2024 election or it is delayed, Biden cannot legally remain in office. The Speaker of the House is also out of a job unless re-elected and appointed.
https://www.usa.gov/presidential-succession The order of succession is;
Vice President (vacant if no 2024 election)
Speaker of the House (vacant if no 2024 election)
President Pro Tempore of the Senate (Sen Patty Murry, since 2023)
Secretary of State
Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of Defense
Attorney General
Secretary of the Interior
Secretary of Agriculture
Secretary of Commerce
Secretary of Labor
Secretary of Health and Human Services
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Secretary of Transportation
Secretary of Energy
Secretary of Education
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Secretary of Homeland Security
So if there is no 2024 election, Patty Murray becomes president. Thank carefully about how you want in the White House.
I said "regime/establishment", I didn't say anything bout Biden.
shareIf Biden is not the current regime or establishment, then who is? What kind of dystopia are you imagining and why will you not raise a finger to stop it?
shareWhy do you ask questions when you always insist on making presumptions and opinions for others while lying about them?!
shareMy questions usually consist of "what is your evidence". I should never have to ask this.
If Biden is not the current regime or establishment, then who is? What kind of dystopia are you imagining and why will you not raise a finger to stop it?
My questions usually consist of "what is your evidence"
Only leftists imbeciles insist on evidence that can be fabricated, manipulated, or planted.
"I should never have to ask this.”
Than stop asking and begging for it.
Democrats brought in more than 100% of registered voters in multiple districts in 2020. If they need China to print 150 million filled in ballots this time they will. And it’ll be called “the most secure ourdemocracy protecting election of alltimezeez”.
shareYour whining and tears taste wonderful!
Imagine me enjoying it as much as you probably enjoyed watching someone die at the hands of a racist cop!
Well yeah. We know that. This is why Biden is allowing the border crisis so all these swing states and democratic strongholds can swarm election booths. Those are the only idiot that will vote him. Illegals, trannies, and environmental terrorists.
shareYour evidence to support this claim is?
shareWhat even disturbs me more is why would anyone not want to vote for Trump no matter who his opponent is? He's the best person in the world and can make anything happen for America. It's literally impossible for him to lose when there's no cheating.
shareThey believe
"ORANGE MAN bad! I heckin love black people! What?! Some random black guy didn't have the credit score to live in Trump Tower?!!? I'm literally shakin!" Let him in, He's black! CHEETO MAN Racist!
Wha-wha-WHAT?! He treated a woman like a whore?!!! Idc if she was a whore! I'm SEETHING at DRUMPF!"
Trump is a proud rapist and gun grabber. You really want more of that in the White House? I think it is impossible for Trump to win unless there is substantial fraud.
shareThere is more to winning a presidential election than getting more votes than the last election. How is it you're so ignorant of how elections work in the USA?
Each state has the number of electors as they have Senators and Representatives. If a candidate gets 99% of the in that state, they get only those electoral votes from that state. If they get 50.1% of the votes, then they still get the same number of electoral votes. 48 states and DC do it this way. Maine and Nebraska proportion their electoral votes. https://www.usa.gov/electoral-college
There will be no civil war over the results of the 2024 election. The Democrats don't care enough about it to revolt. The Republicans do not care for the most part either.
The small minority of Republicans that care enough to revolt demonstrated how stupid they were in 2021 by climbing walls in the Capitol instead of using the stairs and smearing their feces all over the place. Most of them would be too stupid to use their weapons effectively and be easy prey for those who are protecting their families during any battles.
The Gravy Seals, Meal Team 6 are so terrifying!! Lmao