8 of 10 of the POOREST STATES are CONTROLLED by fucking REPUBLICANS.
10 of the last 11 RECESSIONS started under fucking REPUBLICAN Presidents.
The only 3 Presidents to LOWER the deficit in the last 50 years were all DEMOCRATS!!!! Clinton, Obama, and BIDEN!
6 out of 7 Presidents with the HIGHEST JOB CREATION stats since 1945 were DEMOCRATS... and not the southern dems that were "dems" prior to RACE becoming a "voting issue".
GDP Growth under fucking republicans averages 2.5% but an incredible, and HIGHER number of 4.3 under DEMOCRATS.
But fucking republicans harp on "family values" to get people voting their way... meanwhile, they look for gay sex in airport bathrooms, get abortions for the babysitters they knock up, and divorce like anyone WITHOUT family values...!
We deserve what we get if this is how our populace determines WHO to vote for...!
That's why I think they're nuts to believe the Biden Regime is doing anything but pulling us down. It's like some of the Leftists don't live in reality but some drug infused la-la-land.
1. LOL look at the chart. democrats massively lower unemployement after another failed republican. the trend under trump simply continues the trend Democrats are responsible for
2. unemployement is currently lower now (3.61) than trumps lowest (3.67)
yep, and the one exception to all those republicans WAS TRUMP. Thanks for the facts. Also States dont control cities, only cities can. The Governor of Louisiana isn't going to stop the murders in New Orleans. Same for Maryland/Baltimore, Missouri/St. Louis, Illinois/Chicago, Texas/Houston, Oregon/Portland, Washington/Seattle, Pennsylvania/Philly, New Jersey/Newark, NY/NYC and California, and well all of it (bad example since California hasn't had a decent governor in decades and every city is now a 3rd world shithole).
"yep, and the one exception to all those republicans WAS TRUMP.
What stinky horse shit!
Your chump gave the "elites" a nice tax break... largest in years, and fat fonzie sells it like it's something that benefits workers... IT DOESN'T, dildo. But you go ahead and keep dreaming that piss colored nazi gives two shits about you... HE DOESN'T.
And hey, I know Biden is hardly that much better, but BETTER he IS. So suck on that.
Awww, you gonna cry because job creators actually got some relief to stay in the U.S. and provide jobs? Awwww, so sorry, he couldn't sell out the country to China like your fossil. Yeah that decision really tanked the economy. Whoops. Wrong again you moron.
We don't need history. We have the numbers of the actual economy at the time. The numbers of jobs created. Real jobs. Not "hey, more second part times so people dont add to the staggering homeless totals" jobs.
GM has had one of its most profitable years in history. BILLIONS earned... they could give their UNION WORKERS an 80K a year raise and still be the highest profits in the last four years... you think they'll do that, or will they instead buy their fucking kids another dui erasure, like matt gaetz daddy did?
Let me guess, you want the government to do something about that LOL BIG DADDY GOVERNMENT SAVE US! Dont buy GM, you pussy. Meanwhile, what do you want those extra tax dollars for? Still concerned about the Ukraine? Still wanna give China more funds for the environment? Oh no wait, free tranny assignment surgery for you. Dems steal your taxes and spend it on shit. You don't see a god damn thing from them. Continue voting against your interest as you watch your energy costs rise and everything that needs energy sky rocket like FOOD, just so Hunter and Joe's shared bank account get filled by the overseas providers of that overpriced energy, which for some reason, hire Crackhead felons that don't register for FARA. You're a fucking retard and it shows whenever you try to make a shit point.
What a load of donkey shit to go perfectly with your donkey piss trump!
fat fonzie did NOTHING for workers in the country. And he HATES those who actively vote for him... he'd have you kicked out of his casino, would he even have a viable casino to run!
It's fucking deplorable how you fucking wombats champion that ass hole like he LIKES you folks... he doesn't.
And republicans have sold out this country and MANUFACTURING long before any dem has done similar...
But when someone like me puts forth a Bernie type candidate, you fucking dildos go screaming to the mountain tops about communism. You vote someone in who gives the wealthiest fucks a tax break, like they NEED it, and act like he's after helping "Joe Public"... he ain't.
Yep. T.D.S. in full effect.
These are people who vote Biden. Clear broken liberal minds who don't live in reality. Dont want to, can't face it, can't handle it. You'll never be a woman. Again, those taxes don't go to anything worthy of them. No one should be taxed. The government makes enough money selling weapons, patents and in trade. They don't need ANYONE's tax dollars. Tax is theft. Condoning for more taxes is because you're a faggot and an idiot who can't survive without the government telling you how to live and think and do anything. You live on your knees, sucking their cocks and licking their boots. That's why you champion socialism. "Help me help me! I can't survive on my own! I can't think for myself! Help me Mr. president! I'm a faggot and I'm not safe! I'm in danger! I can't afford anything because of you! but you'll be sure to take care of me and provide me with the bare minimum! I don't mind the crumbs while you and foreign leaders split up the 99% of taxes"
You're a worthless slime. Lower than a slug. Get off your knees faggot.
I doubt YOU are man enough to be a "woman", dick head. I know I am not!
"No one should be taxed. The government makes enough money selling weapons, patents and in trade. They don't need ANYONE's tax dollars. Tax is theft. Condoning for more taxes is because you're a faggot and an idiot who can't survive without the government telling you how to live and think and do anything. You live on your knees, sucking their cocks and licking their boots.
What a load of shit! How else is our country's INFRASTRUCTURE gonna be paid for? How else will we have interstate roads and bridges, and streets? Oh, you believe in a fairy god mother perhaps... or maybe you're that douche tool elon musk, and you can afford a helicopter to take you places.... and complain about the cost of jet fuel... fkn dildo!
Your projection about cock sucking is telling... get help for your deviance.
I don't champion socialism... I believe there is a better way. TAKING CARE OF WORKERS is how CAPITALISM SURVIVES and THRIVES, you fucking twat! That you refuse to see that not only portends to how fucking stupid you are, but also infers that perhaps you ARE elon musk and instead of enjoying your wealth, you're in here, a website, trying to perpetrate you're something else... talk about closet cock suckers...LOL!
Oh, we're on to page two of the liberal playbook. Using words they don't know the meaning to incorrectly. What a joke. No argument. Nothing new to say. Can't do anything but repeat what is said. Not one working creative brain cell in your entire head. Deflects to avoid being aware of their own stupidity. It's so tiresome.
Thinks the federal government works on infrastructure. Okay shit head. Peddle some more lefty bullshit lies, you putz. Keep seething.
You really are a dumbass. America has already kicked Trump to the curb. No one who is facing 91 felony charges mostly for being a traitor is going to be elected president. There is just not enough of you suckers to relect Trump.
Yeah, America has kicked him to curb which is why he so far ahead in the Polls compared to the other candidates dumb ass, but you didn't consider this now did you??
Oh... So now you believe in polls? Unless you find a poll that is good to Trump then you scream fake poll. I do consider you a dumbass though. Why not show links to polls that favor Trump other than the GOP poll where Trump leads. He only leads because the GOP are cowards and Trump frightens them. Good luck.
If you think Trump has a chance to be president again then you are too far gone. But one day hopefully soon you will realize that the orange shitgibbon is not who he claims to be. There are only about 30 million left of you noisy stupid Trump supporters so good luck in 2024. Your gkkng to be buried. Buy some tissues because you're going to need them.
One could very well say that you and the rest of the Liberal ilk say the same thing when you find a Poll Biden is ahead of Trump in, which is 0.. LOL!! See how that works?? And if you really believe Biden is going to be re-elected after how he's turned this Country in just 3 years into total shit, then you're high and far gone.. Then again, he did win in 2020 through Fraud while using Covid to get the job done so there's that, and predictably, he'll be beginning the Covid bullshit all over again in time for the 2024 Election and I'll predict right now that by the time Jan rolls around, he'll be forcing people stupid enough to fall into line in wearing masks, all the social distancing crap etc, much like YOU. The only problem is, is that businesses aren't going to fall into line and listen to him much less anyone with common sense, such as myself.. It really must piss Liberals off that not only am I not vaccinated and refuse to do so, but feel Fantastic?? I workout daily, eat right, drink plenty of Vitamin C & D and generally feel damn good and no one who feels this damn good has Covid much less even the common cold, which is what Covid is in 2023 heading into 2024..
What are you babbling about? According to you the Democrats outsmarted all you Republicans by rigging the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators across state lines without getting caught. Republicans haven't produced one shred of evidence to prove the election was stolen. Funny, you call Democrats stupid.
The rest of your post is pure nonsense but I expect no less from someone who worships Trump who is a indicted traitor. Yeah, every liberal is pissed off because you're frightened of vaccines. Your stupidity knows no bounds, Cooter.
Here Cooter.. Learn something for a change and maybe if you're able to read this, you'll understand why myself along with countless others refuse this and if you read this and walk away still not convinced, which I predict you won't, then there's no point in continuing this dumb debate complete with name calling like it has been, right??
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) reports that 11 448 people in the EU have died after receiving COVID-19 vaccines[1]:
8 368 for the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine (1 345 more than 2022);
1 579 for the AstraZeneca vaccine;.
1 161 for the Moderna vaccine;
339 for the Janssen vaccine;
1 for the Nuvaxovid vaccine;
0 for the traditional, inactivated Valneva vaccine.
The EMA notes that no causal link has been confirmed: ‘The fact that someone has had a medical issue or died after vaccination does not necessarily mean that this was caused by the vaccine. This may have been caused, for example, by health problems not related to the vaccination.’
There were millions upon millions of people who were vaccinated against COVID-19 and of course some will have side effects. This document claims that just a few thousand died directly from the vaccine. It's not even a blip. Your stupidity is astounding.
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The fact that people HAVE died from this and clearly says this and you predictably ignore this is why this conversation and or debate has ended.. You're never going to be ever convinced by this until something happens to you over it to finally convince you, but whatever..
I never claimed that the COVID-19 vaccines are harmless, dumbass. You attempted to use that document to show me how deadly the COVID-19 vaccine is but you failed miserably. Why are you Trump supporting morons so stupid? More anti-vaxers are dying from COVID-19 than anyone else.
Well apparently I bucked the trend and turned out just fine without it.. Now what?? How do you explain this?? Shouldn't I be dead or at the very least, on a ventilator if I'm not vaccinated and refuse to do so?? Now if you'll excuse me, it's time for me to head to the Gym and while I'm there, I'll think about all the Liberal saps dumb enough to keep getting booster after booster and still come down with it.. LOL
It's very easy to explain. You didn't get vaccinated but you didn't get COVID-19 either. So what? It's not magic. I got vaccinated, my family got vaccinated, and my friends got vaccinated. Nobody I know has had any issues with the COVID-19 vaccine. According to your logic we all should be dead. Your stupidity is palpable. It's also fun to know you think of nothing else but liberals while you work out. That must be uncomfortable for you.
If you and your family were dumb enough to fall into line with the Liberal media and the Biden Administration and their bullshit scare tactics, then you deserve what you get going forward including being dead probably in 10 years or less but go for it.. Keep taking booster after booster and find out down the road what happens. In the meantime, I'll continue with life not bowing down to this coming out of this unscathed while making liberals like yourself look well, basically like Germaphobes over this.. Sucks to be you I suppose along with your family??
Why does me and my family being vaccinated have anything to do with your life? How does it effect you? Why does that upset you so much? I don't give two squirts of piss about you.
You apparently care enough to follow me post to post for the last 4 hours, so there's that.. Let's just agree to disagree when it comes to Politics along with people being dumb enough to put something in their body they know 0 about??
My mom is dead so have fun you creep. Anyway, you're still stupid and you're going to be in a lot of pain in next few years because stupidity hurts. You are on a losing side.
JANUARY 13, 2020
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in an interview with ABC News, threatened the President saying “one way or another” he will be removed from office by next year.
Nancy Pelosi
Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.
In this statement, I do agree with Nancy.
If Dems can say the 2016 election was stolen then I can say the 2020 election was stolen.
Not sure if you remember but Joe said he would lose by chicanery. Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances.
On the eve of an election in which the president of the United States is signaling he’ll do anything to win, including promoting violence and cheating, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) says she’s been methodically preparing for months for Donald Trump to try to steal the election and is confident Americans’ votes will be be fairly counted in the end.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said President Donald Trump would “lie, cheat and steal to win this election” on Wednesday’s broadcast of ABC’s “The View.”
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to her Democratic colleagues on Sunday warning them that the 2020 Presidential election could be “stolen” from them, adding that it is possible Congress determines the outcome of the election.
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said Wednesday night that his campaign has gathered a group of 600 lawyers and more than 10,000 volunteers to fight against possible “chicanery” in the November election, as the candidate warns that President Donald Trump could interfere with the election to ensure his victory.
Its funny that republicans are the conspiracy theorists for saying the 2020 election was stolen. But you are forgetting it was the dems would said the 2016 election was stolen first.
“Many of the allies I don’t know because we have so many allies and a lot of them I don’t know so I don’t know exactly what you’re talking about.” He went on to say, “I can tell you this. These people want to see democracy, they want to see a nation be great again. Right now our nation is … going to hell. So we have a lot of allies that I don’t know, but they’re allies nevertheless. And I can’t speak to that. Nobody can answer that question. But I can tell you one thing, there was a lot of shenanigans going on with the election.”
Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Joe Biden said on Saturday “the only way” he could lose to President Donald Trump was through “chicanery,” before clarifying that he will accept the election result.
Biden has previously said that his single greatest concern was Trump trying to “steal” the victory. His campaign has recruited hundreds of lawyers and volunteers to prevent Election Day chaos.
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said on Wednesday that his party has assembled a group of 600 lawyers and thousands of other people to prepare for possible “chicanery” ahead of November’s election.
“We put together 600 lawyers and a group of people throughout the country who are going into every single state to try to figure out whether chicanery is likely to take place,” Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, said on a video conference with donors to his campaign.
Did those 600 lawyers find any chicanery?
On the eve of an election in which the president of the United States is signaling he’ll do anything to win, including promoting violence and cheating, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) says she’s been methodically preparing for months for Donald Trump to try to steal the election and is confident Americans’ votes will be be fairly counted in the end.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sharply hit back Monday against President Donald Trump’s insinuation that he may not accept the results of November’s election if he loses, saying on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, “Whether [Trump] knows it yet, or not, he will be leaving.”
The question you should ask is: who wouldn't know that trump was going to LOSE (?).
Quarter million in the US DEAD due to covid... all the fkn pig had to do was tell people to put a fkn mask on and get the vaccine... that's it.. all ass face had to do and he'd HAVE his second term. No one could have denied he did the right thing and in a fkn SEA of WRONG THINGS he'd done during his ONE TERM as president, it was all ass face fat fonzie needed to do to secure a second term, but fuck face could not do it...!
What was it? Bleach? Ultraviolet lights in your veins?
He catered to the fucking morons in this country because he too is a fucking moron. And that's why you wombats STILL hold onto the hope he'll be back, but he won't.
I truly agree with your assessment that all Trump had to do to win the 2020 election in a landslide was to wear a mask and endorse the vaccine. But, having said that, that goes against the conservative mindset. Conservatives looked at those public health measures as taking away their freedoms.
I voted for Trump in 2016, not realizing what an absolute boob he was. I came to my senses when he handled the pandemic so abysmally. He lost my vote in 2020 and I wish I could take back my vote in 2016. I know I am just one person who did not vote for Trump in 2020 but i have no doubt there are many many more people who felt the same way I did when it came to vote in 2020 and did not cast a vote for Trump. I did NOT vote for Biden either so actually, I had no voice in the 2020 election.
If the 2024 election comes down to these two abysmal candidates, I will not vote for either one of them AGAIN.
"...that goes against the conservative mindset. Conservatives looked at those public health measures as taking away their freedoms.
True, but this would not have led those VOTERS to another candidate... fat fonzie would not have LOST their vote, is what I am saying, and he'd have gained MINE along with others who simply wanted LEADERSHIP from OUR president.
"If the 2024 election comes down to these two abysmal candidates, I will not vote for either one of them AGAIN.
This is why we are doomed... whenever a viable alternative comes up, BOTH sides find their little niche criticisms, and THE PEOPLE, who vote like it's their RELIGION, stick to what their side have deemed the "failure" of said candidate.... no matter how good those candidates' ideas are.
^^^How sad it must be - believing that scientists, scholars, historians, economists, and journalists have devoted their entire lives to deceiving you, while a reality tv hack with decades of fraud and exhaustively documented lying is your only beacon of truth and honesty...
It's the definition of willful stupidity...
PS: I said he was a PISS COLORED demigod... quote me right, dildo!
How sad it must be - believing and worshiping scientists, scholars, historians, economists, and journalists as they lie and deceive you, while lacking the common sense and critical thinking as a guide for truth.
It's the ultimate form of willful ignorance and idiocy.
Few people are aware of the Factual records DJT achieved that have never been surpassed by a President! All you Democrats and Liberals, I'm going to list them once and for all!
Historically, he is the FIRST President to: • Complete his one and only term and expand the deficit each year
• Keep the debt to GDP ratio above 100%
• Have the highest yearly budget deficit • Most new jobless claims in a single term • Most money added to the national debt • Signed into law the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), a $1.9 TRILLION tax bill favoring corporations and wealthy Americans
• Largest single day point drop in the history of the Dow Jones as a direct result of his policies
• To lose jobs during his Presidency in almost a century • First major party candidate in half a century to lose the popular vote twice • Longest government shutdown in history while his OWN party controlled both chambers of Congress
• First President in the history of approval ratings to maintain a net negative approval rating for his entire term • First to be impeached, twice • First President to have the most indictments, guilty pleas, and criminal convictions of members of his administration
• First President not to concede an election he verifiably lost
• First President to attempt a coup • First President to not offer transparency and release his tax returns
TRUMP’S OTHER GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • Flatlined a strong economy even before the pandemic
• Lost around 300,000 manufacturing jobs as almost 2,000 US manufacturing plants closed because of Trump trade war • Managed to increase the trade deficit by 218 BILLION DOLLARS in just four years
• WASTED millions of taxpayer dollars on golf with much of it lining his own pockets
• WASTED millions on rebranding part of the Air Force to the likings of Star Trek
• WASTED millions on a 50 mi. Mexican/US border wall that Mexico NEVER agreed to pay for.
Yes - those dems in your vid are talking shit. The difference is , its a small minority who have now come to their senses, whereas all Trumpers believe TO THIS DAY not only that 2020 was stolen , but using every conceivable method .
If dems really thought the election was stolen then at least one of them would have written on this site.
If I find 20 posts on this site by trumpers saying 2020 stolen , will you find a single one saying 2016 stolen?
JANUARY 13, 2020
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in an interview with ABC News, threatened the President saying “one way or another” he will be removed from office by next year.
Nancy Pelosi
Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.
In this statement, I do agree with Nancy.
If Dems can say the 2016 election was stolen then I can say the 2020 election was stolen.
Not sure if you remember but Joe said he would lose by chicanery. Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances.
On the eve of an election in which the president of the United States is signaling he’ll do anything to win, including promoting violence and cheating, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) says she’s been methodically preparing for months for Donald Trump to try to steal the election and is confident Americans’ votes will be be fairly counted in the end.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said President Donald Trump would “lie, cheat and steal to win this election” on Wednesday’s broadcast of ABC’s “The View.”
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to her Democratic colleagues on Sunday warning them that the 2020 Presidential election could be “stolen” from them, adding that it is possible Congress determines the outcome of the election.
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said Wednesday night that his campaign has gathered a group of 600 lawyers and more than 10,000 volunteers to fight against possible “chicanery” in the November election, as the candidate warns that President Donald Trump could interfere with the election to ensure his victory.
You know damn well what Nancy meant, but you choose to act in an otherwise fashion because you can't sell your chump donkey shit if you don't act that way!
Out of all the anti-trump (pig) protests, NO ONE attacked the capital like the fucking PIGS on Jan 6th.
But you go ahead and ignore the obvious... you're fooling no one, turd.