MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump is Finished- Game Over?

Trump is Finished- Game Over?

Mugshot now wow. Another historical moment for Americans to be proud of. But as I’ve said for years- Trump has numbed the world with getting away with everything and still not being held accountable. His peers raising their cowardly hands in support of him- including Pence of all people!

Bottom line: billionaires don’t go to prison. It just won’t happens. Makes for fun cnn updates, but the blue eyed devil knows this mugshot is now a “Rebel without a Cause” image for him- and if anything he will get more votes.

Adding salt to the wound, Joe Biden also is not likable and many of his supporters doubt his competence - and also staying awake during global warming meetings.

I just find it fascinating that this man can turn himself in, be booked and finger printed, and STILL is allowed to run for President of the United States. No other country would allow this to happen. America has become a tragic joke, and social media only makes its worse.

I predict Trump will win the Presidency - because he’s a blonde haired, blue eyed BILLIONAIRE with so many hand shakes I can’t even list them. He’s infamous and that works in his favor. Too bad. I would like to see this monster get his karma. Capital Hill was the last straw for me.

I respect people’s political opinions, but when a past president has a mug shot now for the whole world to see, and he actually surrendered - one wonders why the American public keeps giving him chance after chance after chance.


i think you mean game over for Biden , he is officially a Lame Duck


But what about Biden? But what about Hunter's laptop? Biden isn't facing dozens of felony charges for being a traitor.


"I just find it fascinating that this man can turn himself in, be booked and finger printed, and STILL is allowed to run for President of the United States."

You realize indictments aren't convictions, right?


So what? Trump is considered innocent until proven guilty in a court law. Outside the court everyone including Trump knows he's guilty.


So because "everyone including Trump knows he's guilty" (totally ridiculous statement), he shouldn't be allowed to run for president? Did you even read what I was responding to?

These comments are pitiful.


Trump can run for president all he wants but in America's eye he is guilty of being a traitor so he will never be president again. That sucks for you but it's reality.


Well, I'm glad that we agree that he can run for president all he wants. Not sure why your first post was warranted considering it wasn't even responding to what I posted.

In terms of your other crap - he's still well in the game in terms of polling right now, so your assertion is currently unsupported by reality.

On another note, it's hilarious how just being objective causes either side to start pointing fingers and applying labels. Just today I've been accused of both hating Trump, and now of "having it suck for me" if he's not elected. You people really need to pull your heads out of your asses and the mental trenches you're trapped in.


Grow up


The irony, it's blinding.


No no no, the communist persecution against him is finished. MAGA is galvanised after this, MAGA is taking back America from the communists who tried to steal it. No one cares if you can't believe that Trump isn't disqualified based purely on accusations because the charges are all bogus nonsense drummed up by communist organ grinders and their weaponised DA monkeys. Yes one of the DAs is black and i called them monkeys. No it wasn't racist, learn how to think if you think it was.
