How about it?? : Do you honest to God, truly believe Joe Biden got 81 Million votes, more than Obama even while sitting in his home for 9 months and couldn't draw a 100 people to a Rally much less flies and you really believe this?? If you do, I've got a bridge to sell you.. It should be noted that after the 2020 Election, a Poll was taken and asked whether the American People believe Biden won that Election fair & square and 71% stated No.. Just like Covid, the fix was in and was designed to do 1 thing and 1 thing only and that was remove Trump from Office.. I'm not vaccinated and refused it and still do and I turned out just fine and knowing this after the CDC & Biden said I'd be on a ventilator if I didn't, then how do you explain this and I'm 57 too?? I workout daily, eat right, drink plenty of Vitamin C & D and generally feel great.. Shouldn't I be dead if I listen to Biden and Fauci??
Biden won the election fair and square. Get the fck over it and move on. Apparenlty you still can't process the fact that far more people didn't want trump's crazy a** for another term.
Great, look what Biden's done to this Country in just 3 years and divided us worse than when Carter was President, but go ahead, keep defending him?? You liberals went rom a 44 year old President in Barack Obama to an absolute relic in Joe Biden and a very Racist on at that and here's the video to prove it.. Gee?? Don't you feel stupid now voting for this man and claiming Trump's Racist when it's been Biden and Clinton all along and you can't deny this??
nufsaid16 said: (483) 8 hours ago
Biden won the election fair and square. Get the fck over it and move on. Apparently you still can't process the fact that far more people didn't want trump's crazy a** for another term.
Very true. Trump lost my vote after I voted for him in 2016. He mishandled the pandemic to the point that I realized he was not listening to his advisors and did and said so many dumb things, he was an embarrassment to our country. I could never give Trump my support after his screw ups.
I didn't vote for Biden in 2020 and I'm not proud of the fact that I threw my one vote for POTUS away. Neither of the candidates were a viable option for me in 2020. I wish now that I did cast a vote for Biden as a protest vote against Trump but I am so against the philosophy of liberals I just could not do it. The only platforms I agree with the left are I am pro-choice and definitely for more gun control. That is it. Oh.....I also do agree with the way Biden handled the pandemic and had to right all the wrongs Trump did with that.
No, it's clearly much easier to believe in a nationwide conspiracy of evil, wealthy Jewish Lectoids who preferred that Joe Biden won and intervened to steal the election from Trump, while leaving no trace of their dastardly plot and making the whole thing look like just another election.
Have you actually listened to the phone call that Trump made to the republican Governor of Georgia? How could you Believe Trump after listening to that?
Biden certainly won the 2020 electing, fair and square. There is no question about it. Your only "evidence" is that you can't believe it. You think that rally size means more than actual votes.
Someone made the decision. It doesn't sound like it was one guy. Are you implying that you think the fbi agents are just sort of launching major operations to control the election, as sort of a spontaneous group think?
I don't know that that woud be BETTER than having the agency as a whole being roque and conducting a major political operation against the sitting president...
It is worth noting though, that the operation does not seem to be limited to just the big tech front. Their was also cia involvent with former agents and former heads of agencies coming forth and stating their professional opinons that the hunter biden laptop was russian disinformation.
Which we now know, it was not.
THat looks like a massive and co-ordinated operation, so, someone was organizing that. Even if the departments in question have been so politicized that everyone in the room just immediately knows that their course of action that day will be to interfer in the election to get the Dems to win... Someone is making hte calls and setting dates and schedules for actions.
It is worth noting, while I am not a lawyer, I cannot believe that such an abuse of power and tax payer dollars, does not violate a lot of laws. I would think Mutiny and Fraud and perhaps even Treason.
He didn't win it fair & square and a bogus Pandemic was used to put him over and remove Trump from Office, which after almost 4 Years with Biden was a very big mistake.. Let's remember 1 thing Libs and it's undisputed: Under President Trump, We had Peace & Prosperity, we had no wars, no inflation, gasoline prices at $2.39 a Gallon and as low as $1.75 VS Joe Biden and over $5.00 a Gallon, a Southern Border that while not perfect, was in much better shape under Trump even when Nancy Pelosi enjoyed crawling up his ass over it on a daily basis and no matter what you do to try and bring this man down, he won't go down.. He won't unless you and the other liberals do the unthinkable and lose your minds over the man and try and take him out with a bullet because from where I'm sitting, this is the only way you'll stop him from beating Joe Biden in Nov of 2024
The Democrats along with Joe Biden and the CDC can say that hundreds of thousands of people have died from Covid and that's fine, but it's my right to say "Prove it"?? Show me the proof that hundreds of thousands died from Covid-19 and not because they said so and we're not allowed to ever question this, otherwise I'm a threat to Democracy and Fascist and Racist and guess what?? No fucks given and considering I'm not vaccinated and feel fantastic, no one can rightfully explain how this is possible when everyone else stupid enough to fall into line with the "Jab" still come down with Covid and have even died from the vaccine, which is also documented??
What kind of evidence would you actually look at and be convinced by?
Here is one thing - what where all these people dying from it it wasn't COVID? Considering that the number of deaths correlated with the number of Covid infections.
People may get covid after being vaccinated - but very few have to be hospitalized or even die. Most experience it as a short bout of flu or a bad cold. And they are much less likely to transmit it to other members of their household who have been vaccinated.
You have to decide between "the vaccine is horrible and killing people" and "Trump is a hero because vaccines were developed so rapidly because of his majestic leadership".
If Trump hadn't had developed a vaccine so rapidly, the Left would've crucified him anyway saying he didn't care and wasn't acting fast enough because deep down, he didn't buy into this bullshit either after 3.5 Years of Prosperity & Peace under his watch all of a sudden flushed down the toilet as of March of 2020 and it's been all downhill since under Joe Biden.. Evil, legitimate EVIL has pitted us against one another and divided us as a Nation and that's not Trump's fault.. That's the fault of this particular Democrat Party that is flat out Evil in their intentions right down to emasculating men in America..
"Evil, legitimate EVIL has pitted us against one another "
Yes, and it's name is Trump. He is the one dehumanizing his political opponents as vermin and talking of crushing them. He is the one attacking anyone in his own party who dares to disagree with him. He is the one cheering on and joking about a physical assault on the husband of Nancy Pelosi. He is the one tearing down any faith in the democratic process and in our criminal justice system. He is pure evil.
The Democrats along with Joe Biden and the CDC can say that hundreds of thousands of people have died from Covid and that's fine, but it's my right to say "Prove it"??
yes the CDC and every single other country in the world and their healthcare agencies who also lost 100s of thousands to covid are all lying and part of the conspiracy...
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no YOU have to prove its one massive conspiracy and they are all lying. we have know covid exists. we have covid tests. the doctors and nurses performed testing. we know the symptoms. people were treated for it and attempts made to safe their lives. people passed away from it and their death certificates signed. so again tens of millions of nurses, doctors and medical workers were all in a conspiracy in every single country to inflate covid deaths for.... reasons?
even life long enemies, like iran, russia and china vs the US and west. magically ALL their doctors and nurses fabricated this and faked their numbers and faked tests and faked people being in their ICU...
Again, not one liberal can explain how I'm not vaccinated and not affected by this?? Well?? How about it?? Shouldn't I be dead or at the very least on a ventilator if I didn't listen to the CDC along with that Fraud Fauci and Biden himself?? Funny how Biden brags about the amount of boosters him and his wife get, yet, both keep coming down with Covid so let's review: You're dumb enough to keep taking one booster after another and still get Covid, yet, the non-vaccinated guy like me who takes care of himself and isn't some fat slob has no Covid?? Stop being such a gullible dumbass Lib
literally, every single scientist can explain it. how are you this dumb?
theres literally thousands of communicable diseases and illnesses. have you gotten every single one? those must not exist or not be serious right by that logic?
who said you should be dead? the vaccine lessened symptoms the same way a cars seatbelt lessens car injuries. this was particularly important for the elderly, sick and immune compromised. does anyone say a seatbelt means you wont get hurt in a crash or cant die? no it just helps protect you.and for the eldarly and others i mentioned this is extra important. Some people never got covid, some people got it and had no symptoms, some people got it and were hit like a truck, some got it and died. welcome to how some viruses work!. the issue was it was more infectious and more deadly than a conventional flu. its why it spread like wildfire and caused such big issues. theres videos that explain how while it may look like a slight mathematical difference and not important, even a slightly more infectious flu strain can actually infect vastly vastly more.
yes and i got my regular seasonal flu shot last year and i still got the flu (not covid)!!! thats impossible!! oh wait thats how these families of viruses works! its why you have to get a new seasonal flu shot every single year but dont need a new measles vaccine every year. its why you can get a almost perfect measels shot but they cant develop a super effective AIDS shot. because different virus families and types have different RNA, ways of infecting you and act differently! wow that is science! but of course you are an expert Virologist with a phd who knows how infectious viruses spread, the different families, you' ve studied their RNA and know the differences right? oh wait you are just a dumb puck on moviechat who couldnt be bothered to do 10 minutes looking up "how is covid different than the regular flu" or "why do some vaccines work differently".
you are stupid as hell. you are welcome for your free education
The so called liberal scientist are in on it and they're going to say whatever it takes to keep beating this Narrative, so nice try.. I'm out on this and no point in debating this further.. You want to get booster after booster?? Knock yourself out.. I don't give a fuck what you and every liberal want to put in your body, but that doesn't mean I have to either.. Funny how the guy such as myself feels Fantastic without the vaccine while your entire life depends on it apparently??
this was thed most obvious example of someone running away when they got owned ive ever seen. its clear you couldnt address anything so you shrilly shrieked "liberal!" rather than rebut my points. ill be saving this for future posting and embarrassing you.
i offered you actual scientific based answers to all your stupid questions. and you could rebut any of them you just screamed "liberal scientist!" like a little retard. i didnt know the objective fact that "different virus families and types have different RNA, ways of infecting you and act differently!" was "liberal science". see i thought it was just normal demonstrated reality by literally all who work in the feild. you were too scared cause you know you are out of your depth.
I'm not the one coming down with Covid, you are??
what does that have to do with anything related to the science behind viruses and covid? are you unwell mentally?
There are no scientific based answers other than it was a total wash from Day 1 designed to get Trump out and if Trump never would've won in 2016, you never would've had to put up with this nonsense.. Sorry you got hoodwinked like the rest of Liberal America, but I didn't..
hahahah yaaa there arent different families of virus who act differently??? like animals viruses dont have different variations? no they all act the exact same! wow youve revolutionized virology!!! i need to contact all the major universities and researchers and tell them they have no clue about virus;s because BKB on moviechat with no credentials says so!
you need to talk to an expert about your mental delusions and paranoid conspiracy theories..
"i need to contact all the major universities and researchers and tell them they have no clue about virus;s because BKB on moviechat with no credentials says so!"
Pretty much, YES and while you're at it, tell them I said their Vaccine is full of shit and doesn't work and if you get up off your fat ass and actually take better care of yourself instead of 90% of the posters here at Movie Chat such as yourself who are most likely fat as fuck and haven't incorporated a lick of exercise in your miserable life to not warrant it.. Sorry but it's true..
yes because a highly intricate and complex science like biology, and in this case the specialization of virology, that takes years and years and years of study, reading tens of thousands of pages of research and the best available information, is all incorrect. these people literally sequencing and looking at virus RNA, conducting actual experiments and doing real research experiments. all dont know what they are saying because BKB said "trust me bro" on moviechat.
When you fall ill do you go to your physician and get tests done, or do you ask all your right wing buddies on here what they think? the depth of your stupidity has no bottom.
get up off your fat ass and actually take better care of yourself instead of 90% of the posters here at Movie Chat such as yourself who are most likely fat as fuck and haven't incorporated a lick of exercise in your miserable life to not warrant it.
so because people are fat means pandemics arent dangerous, got it. too bad those during the spanish flu did just exercise. like covid millions wouldnt have died!
Look how they perfectly matc.......... oh....wait..... they do not.......
You want to post a body picture on github holding a piece of paper with your username and date and ill do the same? i want to see who in your words is "fat as fuck" out of us two reply share
I saw alot of shit you posted and none of it will change my mind.. The whole thing was a wash since Day 1 and now, you won't be able to use this to your advantage in the 2024 Election, so bend over
yes because you are a massive partisan, conspiracy theorist, and you do not care what the facts and evidence say, you want to believe your feelings. yes i know you are an idiot and will next change your mind. i jsut loved exposing to everyone that you are one :)
90% of the posters here at Movie Chat such as yourself who are most likely fat as fuck and haven't incorporated a lick of exercise in your miserable life to not warrant it
come on dont be afraid weasel! everyone can see you got scared and are taking the cowards way out
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The 2020 election has not been investigated for chicanery yet. The 2016 election was investigated for 2 years and Mueller said that Trump won fair and square.
I haven't been debunked on anything because the 2020 election was never investigated. Nancy used the fake Steele dossier to investigate the 2016 election because she said that Russia hijacked the election.
2016 Presidential Election
Joe Biden, 2019: βI absolutelyβ agree that Trump is an βillegitimate president.β
Hillary Clinton, 2019: The election was βstolen.β
Jimmy Carter, 2019: βTrump didnβt actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election and was put into office because the Russians interference on his behalf.β
Kamala Harris, 2019: βAbsolutely rightβ that Trump βdidnβt really win.β
Karine Jean-Pierre, 2016: It was a βstolen election.β
Jerry Nadler, 2017: It was a βtaintedβ and βillegitimateβ election.
Nancy Pelosi: The 2016 election was hijacked.
There was no fake steele dossier in 2020. The dems said even though they were going to lose the election by chicanery, it was the most fair and honest election in the past 200 years.
Why did Nancy said that Trump was going to steal the election again?
Hillary Clinton warns βright-wing extremistsβ planning to βliterally stealβ 2024 presidential election
I am not complaining. The fake steele dossier was used to spread rumors that Trump and Russia hijacked the election. People still believe that Russia was able to hack the voting machines and change the votes. Dems went on a rampage to try and abolish the electoral college.
You are complaining . And about something that is irrelevant.
The Steele dossier said nothing about Russia hacking voting machines. Nothing. Nobody makes that claim.
The Mueller investigation was not based on the Steele dossier. And the report detailed several connections between the Trump campaign and Russian agents. People were convicted and imprisoned because of it. The report started it couldn't pin anything on Trump because of 10 instances of obstruction of justice by Trump.
That Trump got away with these crimes is the real example of a two-tiered system of justice that has bent over backwards to fair Trump.
If the steele dossier had nothing to do with Russia hijacking the election then why was Mueller instructed to investigate the 2016 election?
Nancy said that Russia hijacked the election and that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election. How did Russia help Trump steal the election and how did they do it?
You could have
Or you could actuator read the fucking Mueller report. Now you can ignore it and go on thinking whatever Newsmax told you. "Australian officials informed American officials that in May 2016, a Trump presidential campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, told the Australian High Commissioner to Britain, Alexander Downer, that Russian officials were in possession of politically damaging information relating to Hillary Clinton, the rival presidential candidate to Trump from Democratic Party. Since the FBI, in response to this information, opened an investigation into the links between Trump associates and Russian officials and spies on July 31, 2016, the meeting between Papadopoulos and Downer is considered to be the 'spark' that led to the Mueller investigation."
When it came to light in January 2017, just days before Donald Trump took office, the so-called Steele dossier landed like a bombshell and sent shockwaves around the world with its salacious allegations about Trump and his supposed ties to Russia.
The central allegations, that Trump conspired with the Kremlin to win the 2016 election and that Russia had compromising information on him, were given a veneer of credibility because they originated from a retired British spy, Christopher Steele, who had a solid reputation.
The Federal Election Commission has agreed to a fine of over $100,000 against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign over an investigation into alleged misreporting of spending related to the now-infamous Steele dossier.
That investigation "did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign
conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."
Special counsel John Durham concluded that the FBI should never have launched a full investigation into connections between Donald Trumpβs campaign and Russia during the 2016 election, according to a report compiled over three years by the Trump-administration appointee and released on Monday.
Durhamβs 300-plus page report also states that the FBI used βraw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence,β to launch the βCrossfire Hurricaneβ investigation into Trump and Russia but used a different standard when weighing concerns about alleged election interference regarding Hillary Clintonβs campaign.
Special counsel Robert Muellerβs investigation did not find sufficient evidence that President Donald Trumpβs campaign coordinated with Russia to influence the United Statesβ 2016 election and did not take a clear position on whether Trump obstructed justice.
NANCY Pelosi has been accused of hypocrisy after her tweet claiming the 2016 election was "hijacked" resurfaced.
2016 Presidential Election
Joe Biden, 2019: βI absolutelyβ agree that Trump is an βillegitimate president.β
Hillary Clinton, 2019: The election was βstolen.β
Jimmy Carter, 2019: βTrump didnβt actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election and was put into office because the Russians interference on his behalf.β
Kamala Harris, 2019: βAbsolutely rightβ that Trump βdidnβt really win.β
Karine Jean-Pierre, 2016: It was a βstolen election.β
Jerry Nadler, 2017: It was a βtaintedβ and βillegitimateβ election.
Nancy Pelosi: The 2016 election was hijacked.
"There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections, in part because they're so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved. There's no evidence that that has happened in the past, or that there are instances that will happen this time" - President Obama
If our elections cant be hacked then why did Nancy say that Russia hijacked the election? And if Russia did hijack the election, how did they do it? Did they rig the votes, hack the ballots? Please explain to everyone how Russia and Trump rigged the 2016 election.
You dont need any evidence. All you have to do is going on the news and say the election was hijacked and then create a fake steele dossier that says the election was stolen. You repeat this lie everyday for 2 years.
-trump to the courts
-anyone to any of the various republican trump supporting DAs
-mike lindell and his "voting machines" evidence
-that lawyer who was going to release the kraken
-rudy Guiliani
you do know screaming "there is evidence" is not the same as having it right?
You really dont need evidence, all you need is a fake steele dossier and to go on the liberal news and say that Russia hijacked the election for 2 years.
hey did you know "There is lots of evidence Trump is a pedophile but no one cares or wants to investigate it. The Republicans and trump got what they wanted."
Nancy said that Trump was going to steal the election again and Joe said he was going to lose by chicanery and Hillary said not to conceded under any circumstances.
finally you admit biden won! you are braver than you buddies here even though you had to be dragged kicking and screaming like a small child having a fit
[β] Bubbathegut (16063) 7 hours ago
You dont need any evidence.
Sure you do. In a Court-Of-Law you need evidence. In the non-serious media market place of Social Un-Accountability you can make stuff up and say anything.
All you have to do is going on the news and say the election was hijacked
people do say all types of things. Sometimes they even type their Supreme Court will Re-Instate DJT on Hey don't you do stuff like that Mr. TheGut? Does that make it evidence? Nope.
and then create a fake steele dossier
Except some things in the Steel Dossier were verified and real and some parts were never verified.
that says the election was stolen.
Then it is agreed. the Russians and other paid and cooperating entities conducted influence peddling on the 2016 Presidential Election to support DJT and to harm HRC. π
You repeat this lie everyday for 2 years.
They weren't lies and even Bill Barr had to act to deflect DJT's culpability in "Obstruction of Justice" otherwise DJT would have been held accountable sooner.
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