What happened to the wall he campaigned on
Did it ever get built.
shareHe did NOT build a Wall across the border. He DID greatly upgrade much existing wall, AND pressured Mexico to start... doing their fucking job in securing their side of hte border some.
sharenot one peso received
shareAlso correct. I wish he had been harsher. I guess when the time came to pull the trigger he decided to be more diplomatic.
I take it from your post, that if he had managed to bully the Mexicans into paying "pesos" to fund the Wall, that you would be supporting TRump for living up to his campaig promise? Because that is the implication of your post.
Just another lie from an endless stream,,,,
No? But you made such a point about it, as though you cared.
Mmm, how odd. The only people I hear whine about it, are people that didn't want the wall built at all. OR, for the flow of illegals to be slowed, at all.
When someone fixes ONE of their lies but told countless more, why would fixing one lie persuade someone that they are in any way honest or worthy of trust?
Which by the way, he DIDN'T fix that lie.
Wow. I was clearly talking of the ISSUE, that YOU brought up, and you just... didn't have anything to say about it...
So, I take it that I was right, that you are unhappy about the Wall, not because it was NOT built, BUT because you were afraid it would be built and would be effective.
When it comes to the issue of illegal immigration, you do, as I said, identify and side with , the ILLEGALS, and AGAINST America and Americans, correct?
Why wouldn't I want it to be effective you psycho?
shareI already said why. Because when it comes to the issue of illegal immigration, you side with the ILLEGALS and AGAINST America.
You ATTACK Trump as though you are unhappy that he did not do this, but that's a lie.
You are HAPPY he did not do it. If he had done it, you would be very angry.
You assume democrats are all for illegal immigration because they dont bang on about impossible and totally dumb pipe dreams like building a wall and mexico paying for it?
I'd be very impresses if he'd done it
How exactly was he going to get Mexico to pay for it ?
Your actions show us where you stand. You attack those that are anti-illegal immigration. You support those that are for illegal immigration.
This requires no assumptions on my part, just taking a look at what you say and do, and considering it seriously and honestly.
I hear his healthcare plan is coming in a couple of weeks.
shareIn other words, he did not get the wall built or get Mexico to pay for it. Promise broken.
It was a stupid promise anyway. Any wall that is built can be waked around, tunneled under or climbed over. Even East Germany could not kill enough people to keep the from escaping.
We would have had better progress by putting CEO's of companies who fired Americans and hired illegals in prison. But that would offend one of Trump's core demographics. He much preferred the occasion fine which was merely the price of doing business. Trump needs illegal and easy to exploit labor for his business cronies.
You're not against teh wall, becuase it wouldn't work, but because it WOULD.
In the conflict between illegals and Americans, you are on the side AGAINST America.
Trump might not have built the Wall the way he promised. He is NOT on the other side of the issue AGAINST America, like you and Biden are.
You sound deranged, you think Biden and liberals hate America and that is beyond brainwashed. How does anyone take you seriously?
shareEven on this site, repeatedly I have had libs talk about how America is built on "stolen land" and thus does not have the moral right to control who enters this nation.
What I have NOT EVER seen, is any libs argue AGAINST that.
That is such bullshit, I don't believe a damn word you say. You are seriously deluded. I just don't know if its an act or if you are actually brainwashed.
shareSooooo, what is your view on the founding of America? A glorious revolution of Freedom, or Evul Colonizers genociding innocent brown people? In your own words...
shareSurely you must recognize BS because you are the greatest bullshitter around here.
shareJust checking to see where he is coming from. Sure you noticed how cagey he was being about his own viewpoint?
And that fact that he did not answer, validates that he didn't want to be clear about his pov.
Maybe just a poorly working bot? He uses the same phrases all the time.
shareall liberals support a border policy of NOT letting foreigners come in freely to live and work you fucking morons.
Just because they dont subscribe to totally fucking infantile solutions like "hey lets build a big wall and Mexico pays" doesent mean they hate America , it means they are not retarded trumpTwats
[–] moviechatterer (10097) 12 hours ago
all liberals support a border policy of NOT letting foreigners come in freely to live and work you fucking morons.
I am against an expensive wall that will not work. Most illegals enter legally and just over stay their visa. The wall will not keep them out.
I favor Americans over illegal aliens. Didn't you get that when I said it should be illegal to fire Americans and replace them with illegal aliens? Are you really siding with companies that fire Americans and hire illegals?
It is a lie to say "Trump might not have built the Wall the way he promised". Trump absolutely did not accomplish building the wall as he promised.
Making the argument against the wall, because "most" illegals overstay, is an argument made by people that want to left illegals in.
Anyone on the side of AMERICA, on this issue, wants to secure the border AND deport the illegals that overstay. All illegals in fact.
The way that you want to just TALK about the best way to do it, while not actually doing anything?
That is the status quo and why we have TENS OF MILLIONS of illegals in this country now.
When you fail to insist that American CEO's who hired illegals instead of Americans be put in prison, then you are making the case for keeping illegals in the USA.
Who is trying to keep illegals in the USA now? DeSantis is; he would rather give them free trips farther away from the border instead of shipping them back. The GOP is greatly in favor of keeping illegals in for the cheap labor.
Both of those claims are nonsensical AND have nothing to do with anything I have said.
You are spamming bullshit, to confuse the issue, becuase you are pro-illegal immigration and anti-American.
The choice on this issue is clear, TRUMP anti-illegal immigration, BIDEN PRO-ILLEGAL immigration.
Oh, you were talking nonsense above, so I thought that was how low you wanted the bar set. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.
Trump is not anti-illegal immigration. He refused to build the wall when he only accomplished another 8o miles of coverage and did little to improve the existing portions.
Trump refused to push for actual penalties for harboring and employing illegals because his supporters want a large pool of easy to exploit cheap labor and care little for working class Americans. Remember, if the penalty is just a fine, then it is "legal for the rich".
Trump certainly could have pushed his anti-illegal immigration policy harder and/or better.
He is/was still far better on the issue than anyone on teh dem side and nearly everyone on the gop side.
So, like I said, the choice is still clear,
Picking the GOP candidate because they both suck is a poor basis for a choice. "Could have pushed" just means he did not actually give a damn.
shareNo, "could have pushed harder" means that he did some, but could have done more...
And my point was clear, Trump is one side of this issue and any dem candidate will be the other.
Picking Trum is hte side off being AGAINST illegal immigration and picking Biden is the side of being FOR illegal immigration.
That....has nothing to do with what you said I said.
Are you just spouting off random shit for some reason?
Picking Biden or Trump means you would like to see illegals running about without accountability. You can also add DeSantis to that list. He works to keep them in the country by flying them to Martha's Vineyard.
shareYou are clearly lying. The qeustion is why. Considering that this thread is about attacking Trump for not doing enough to fight the illegal immigration problem, when we both know that he is the better candidate on that issue,
you are clearly doing this in support of illegal immigration.
Where did I lie?
What did Trump do to keep illegal aliens out of the USA that no other president did? Every recent president allowed the deportation of illegal aliens. Not a single president has made it a criminal act to employ illegal aliens or pushed for laws that do so.
Attacking a president after they failed in their duty so eliminate illegal immigration is entirely fair.
It is irrelevant to discuss details with someone as dishonest as yourself.
The fact remains.
Anti-illegal alien, vote Trump,
Pro-illegal alien, vote Biden.
So you have nothing when ask to deliver. You are a coward on this forum.
I did not vote for Trump or Biden as they both suck.
I recall various farmers whining like fags, over having trouble finding ilelgals to pick their crops.
I recall lefties like you, whining like fags, saying that this showed that we NEEDED the illegals.
Trump had a postive impact. That you deny this is just you being dishonest.
Donald Trump would beat incumbent President Biden to the White House if the race was held now, a new poll has shown.
New findings in a Harvard-Harris poll released on Friday show that Trump would beat Biden in a head-to-head matchup by five percentage points.
The new findings also show that Vivek Ramaswamy is hot on the heels of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis who has shot up eight points in the polls and is only two behind DeSantis.
Trump would also beat Vice President Kamala Harris should she step up and run in the race by an even bigger margin of seven percent, according to the polls.
The former President also remains well in front of winning the Republican presidential primary, despite the rise of Ramaswamy.
The wall was a constant source of controversy, prompting fierce criticism from environmentalists and Democrats. Its construction and funding was also the target of a number of lawsuits.
Before Biden stopped new construction on the wall, the Trump administration had built 984 miles of what it dubbed “border wall system,” according to final figures compiled by U.S. Customs and Border Protection and provided to U.S. News.
The wall consists mostly of 18- to 30-foot steel bollards anchored in concrete. The barriers also feature sensors, lights, cameras and parallel roads in some places.
Of course not. After he was elected, he went back on most of his promises. He didn't even wait to be sworn in before he decided to let Clinton off the hook.
The man who brags about sexually assaulting women as a perk of wealth knows voters are just that stupid after they elect him anyway. Trump didn't need to keep a single promise, ever. Why should he? The presidency is just a means of lining his pockets and avoiding prison.
Ranb, the 2nd biggest liar of MC, after Keelai.
shareSo Trump did not go back on his promise to put Clinton in prison? https://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/trump-clinton-investigation-kellyanne-conway-231735
shareTrump built over a 1,000 miles of the border wall and Biden is finishing Trumps wall and said that Mexico will pay for it.
shareNothing he ever said he was going to do was going to get done. It was purely bait to get the base to vote for him. All candidates do this. Biden dangled the half-trillion lazy debtor bail out to get through the midterms. And, of course, almost everyone falls for these candidates' bullshit.
shareBubbathegut (14756) 2 hours ago
Trump built over a 1,000 miles of the border wall and Biden is finishing Trumps wall and said that Mexico will pay for it.
Trump built 452 miles of a wall, most of which replaced old, existing fencing. And he never got Mexico to pay for it.
If you are anti-illegal immigration, vote Trump. If you are PRO-illegal immigration, vote Biden.
shareIf you support the invasion across the southern border (which supports drug cartels, Chinese manufactured fentanyl and child trafficking), vote Biden.
If you are against all that, vote Trump.
As usual, no one disputes the actual facts, as opposed to the shit they pulled out their ass.
Why are we having a massive influx of illegal aliens over what used to be our southern border? BIDEN. What is Biden doing to help? Not a damn thing..
Joe Biden lives in a house with 132 rooms. They have 16 guest bedrooms and 35 bathrooms. They could easily put 90 illegal aliens just in the 16 guest bedrooms and if they used other unused rooms they could probably house 500 illegal aliens and 35 bathrooms would be enough for the illegal aliens.
Bottom line, this administration wants to give your money to someone else but not their money and they want your community and home inundated with illegal aliens but not theirs.
The wall was a constant source of controversy, prompting fierce criticism from environmentalists and Democrats. Its construction and funding was also the target of a number of lawsuits.
Before Biden stopped new construction on the wall, the Trump administration had built 984 miles of what it dubbed “border wall system,” according to final figures compiled by U.S. Customs and Border Protection and provided to U.S. News.
The wall consists mostly of 18- to 30-foot steel bollards anchored in concrete. The barriers also feature sensors, lights, cameras and parallel roads in some places.
From what I heard, parts of the wall were built, and later on those parts fell apart! xD