At best an incompetent worst a full blown traitor.
Why on earth does people keep backing this man?
shareWhy on earth does people keep backing this man?
shareHe is a greatest President and is needed back asap!!
shareAnd after 6 years of non stop searching, still can't find a single crime to find him guilty of.
shareWhat? Act like Trump for a little while, and watch how fast you’re thrown into a cell. Hundreds of Jan 6th insurrectionists once thought like you did.
Trump being a former president is exactly the reason that he isn’t in jail like anyone else would have been. He’s neck deep in the shit though, and he’s practically living on borrowed time.
You gaslighting pricks fool no-one except the already gullible. You can't name a single crime he's committed and now you'll either ignore the post or reply without naming a single crime.
shareTreason, dumbshit.
shareGaslighting? Man, the proof is in the pudding. Hint: it wasn’t legal for him to take (or deface) documents from the White House ….and he took a shit load of them! The importance of those documents is practically irrelevant, but the more important they are, the deeper the hole that he’s creating for himself. Why did he take them? Any way you slice it, it was illegal for him to do it in the first place.
It’s simply disingenuous to want “a single crime that he’s been charged with”. They’re currently working on a bunch of crimes that have his fingerprints all over them, and plenty of evidence to back it up.
It astounds me that your kind would believe theories with zero evidence, but would 100% back the creator of Trump University 🤷🏻♂️.
Fox News (as well as every other news source) would eat Biden alive if a recording like Trump’s (to Georgia) existed. Hint: that wasn’t legal either, and he’ll have to spend time in court for that one too 😉.
Trump’s got a lot of legal action on his plate, so the talk of him “running again in 24’” is about as crazy as an idea could be. If I was thinking conspiracies, it almost feels like Trump was intentionally trying to destroy the Republican Party from the inside.
OK I gave in and read your post and as predicted above you couldn't name a single crime. All those words and zero substance lmao. You tried to deflect by saying there's a bunch of crimes - well then shouldn't that make naming a single one even easier then? Pathetically predictable wank.
shareIt’s in process, and the smoking gun(s) exist. You’re talking about something that’s (finally) currently in progress. If someone fucks your family up, and you know who did it, do you really need that person to be “committed of it”, before you have an opinion of it?
The evidence is dramatically not in his favor. Why hold a flag for that piece of shit? You certainly don’t have to like Biden, but it seems counterproductive to rally behind a former president that makes Nixon look like a saint.
Like, do you still hold his flag if he gets charged with treason? If so, why? No other president in the history of this country has ever had this kind of damning evidence against them.
IMO, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being a Republican, but there’s gotta be a better voice for the party.
Lots more words zero proof yet again, you're so pathetic. Please do reply again with another wall of cope as to why you cannot name a SINGLE crime he's guilty of.
shareThat's not true. Of course you cannot find him guilty when Republicans would acquit Jack The Ripper if he was Republican. Republicans are no long American citizens, they are a foreign invading fifth column that hates this country and everything else in their lives.
According to Harris Mylonas and Scott Radnitz, "fifth columns" are “domestic actors who work to undermine the national interest, in cooperation with external rivals of the state." The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack.
Trump and his cronies still have not been able to prove the election was stolen. I'm still waiting for proof. Show us something. Anything. Stop with the lip service and put the proof where their mouths are.
shareJunk food, junk media, junk jobs, no hope, no education, no health care,
lies and misunderstanding for most of them.
For the rest, about 10%, they just want tax cuts and to own the libtards ...
makes them feel alive when they are dead from the neck up.
Any questions?
You believe this horseshit?!
For example,
Trump isn't the reason that the U.S. is the largest producer of crude oil, it's increased every year since 2009, guess who was in office then? Trump had NOTHING to do with it.
That's just a small example, the rest of the utter crap on that list . . . because Trump signed some laws that other people worked hard on and put in front of him, doesn't mean he had anything to do with them other than signing them to look good. That goes for every president that has ever been in office, the fact that some CHILD is listing them as though they are his personal accomplishments is absurd.
Something he DID do is promote and appoint a bunch of leaders that put their religion ahead of their responsibility to the people of this country. Oh and appointing his family members to jobs that they weren't qualified for. Attempted to bribe politicians for votes so that he could win the election.
The countless LIES he told. I mean, politicians are known for lying, but he has told more lies than ANY recorded politician. The sheer amount of nonsense that flows from his mouth would be one thing if he didn't incite people to violence.
The NY Times leans Right so I specifically picked them . . . even though you'll probably accuse them of fake news too:
The United States became the world’s top crude oil producer in 2018 and maintained the lead position through 2020.
you lied again, the article says the US become the top producer in 2018, Trump was President in 2018.
try again and spin those lies! lol
You didn't read what I said. I said that the u.s. production of crude oil has increased every year since 2009, we didn't just all of the sudden get there in 2018 because of Trump.
shareI saw that but the article says we were the top producer in 2018 until 2020. its 2022 and we are no longer the top producer, why is that?
so you are saying that Presidents have no control over gas prices and crude oil production?
basically, I am reading that from 2009 to 2020, oil production increased and then in 2021 it went down. odd, who was president in 2021?
Why must you always deflect to Biden? We aren't talking about Biden. We are talking about Trump. Did Trump cause the oil production that increased every year from 2009? No. That is the point!
Biden could very well be damaging our crude oil production . . .what does that have to do with Trump?
no he didnt, but Trump helped increase it from 2017 to 2021, then in 2021 it stopped.
it went up for a full 4 years under Trump, but then went down under Biden, these are the facts.
I say these things because I know you hate Trump and refuse to give him any credit.
That is one of my most ardent oppositions to this political climate. Just because a person despises Trump and what he stands for, DOES NOT MEAN that person is on board with Biden and the liberal way of thinking. JUST THE OPPOSITE.
I am a registered Republican and voted for Trump in 2016. Thankfully, I opened by eyes to this Trump person who sounds and acts uneducated and was and continues to be responsible for ruining the Republican party single handedly.
That's good to hear. I try to be a moderate but I just can't with Trump, I'm not even a Republican and I'm embarrassed on their behalf. What a terrible representative of the Republican party!
I tend to lean left on most issues but I don't like Biden. I'm not a loyalist to a person or a party. Being AGAINST Trump doesn't mean that I'm FOR Biden. That's a really childish way of looking at things.
while we wait for your reply, here are some more fun facts:
according to this chart the gas prices started going up in Dec 2020/Jan 2021.
why did prices go up you ask: well Biden said he wanted to shut down the oil industry and go green during a debate speech in the fall of 2020. on Jan 21, 2021, Biden started cancelling oil and gas leases across America including the Keystone pipeline.
Biden went on to blame Putin and gas station owners for high gas prices. but wait theres more.
On 24 February 2022, Russia launched a military invasion of Ukraine.
How can Putin be responsible for rising gas prices if the prices started going up in 2021?
here is the great part, now Biden is taking credit for the lowering of gas prices.
Biden taking victory lap for lowering gas prices is 'egregious': Energy expert
everything I posted is true and can be fact checked on the internet. but of course you will just say its all fake.
"You believe this horseshit?!"
You believe a man in a dress is a woman, your opinion on anything is worth the same as my morning bowel evacuations.
Democrat party domestic oil production policy that doubled the price of gas in the pantshitters first year.
Any questions?
The NYTimes is the Democrat party. Might wanna finish grade school before you keep sharing tour ignorance.
What on Earth does this have to to with Trump's lies?
shareI wonder: Is there a cure for your obsession? There is a retarded idiot with a highly criminal son in the Oval Office and all you care of is Trump?
shareclassic liberal diversion tactics. they thought it would be a good idea to raid the Presidents house 3 months before the midterms.
shareI have to admit it wasn't that bad of a tactic. But surprisingly Trump gets support from the GOP. That's something the libtards obviously did not take in account...
shareTwo wrongs don't make a right. Stop the deflection. I don't give a rat's ass what Hunter Biden has done. Give it up.