If I thought "This hand on my arm should Not be there!! I was born with the wrong hand." Then I go get that hand sliced off to make myself feel better is that mentally healthy?? That's what transgender people are doing.. Before you say THATS AN UNFAIR COMPARISON both mental health issues cause someone to slice off a major body part that they were given at birth. Is it mentally stable to cut off your own major organs? Do you think that that is one of the reasons that Trump believes they are not fit to Serve??
#1. T-rump claims that he SAW tens of thousands of Muslims celebrating the attacks on 9.11 in New Jersey.
#2. T-rump claims that he is HEARING very interesting things from his Hawaiian investigators about Barack Obama's birth.
#3. T-rump has lied so many times that HIS OWN LAWYERS advise him not to testify in court about anything given #1, #2 & the fact that it's been determined that T-rump has spewed 10,000 lies in just 2 years.
This guy is seeing & hearing things & can't testify under oath for fear of being laughed off the stage - & the Republicans chose him as their nominee to run for POTUS. They deemed HIM fit to *s*erve.
Now. To your question. I reject your set up. You set up a premise like some right-wing televangelist railing against transgenders - & we all know that the ones ranting the loudest are the ones who are just a bathroom stall away from being outed for having too wide a stance to walk the runway on RuPaul's Drag Race.
Are you insinuating people are unfit because some are gay or because some cross-dress or because they're transgender?
The US military consists of volunteers who go through rigorous training, physical & psychological. Are you suggesting that there should be more tests? Nope.
The US military also consists of a fighting force representing less than 1% of the total population. Have the enlistment numbers gone up under T-rump? Hell no. Bowels of HELL no.
Should the US Military ask candidates questions along the lines of "it's possible that you might hit an IEG that might blow off your legs & or private parts, are you okay with that, dudes & dudettes?" "Are you ready to INVOLUNTARILY part with your dicks & tits? or just VOLUNTARILY?"
Transgender soldiers serve in all areas of the military. They're translators & strategists & cooks & mechanics.
Know who hasn't served in ANY areas of the military? Any & all Trumps & Drumpfs.
Now. To your question. I reject your set up. You set up a premise like some right-wing televangelist railing against transgenders - & we all know that the ones ranting the loudest are the ones who are just a bathroom stall away from being outed for having too wide a stance to walk the runway on RuPaul's Drag Race.
Bravo to you! A standing ovation is in order.
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Male and female are two variations of the same creature. They contain the same hormones, just in different amounts.
Females are the basic form. Males are an alteration of that base form. This is why men have nipples and vestigial labias. This causes crossover, it's to be expected.
Being born without an arm is not a natural variation.
Of course, we are not natural wild animals anymore either. Many people need to have their appendix removed. Most people can no longer fit wisdom teeth in their mouths because our ape ancestors had longer jaws.
A mans sex organ is the most major and important organ given to him by God. Anyone who is cutting it off isn't 100% stable. In life or death situations you want to have people who can protect your life. The army is serious business
What you talking about church boys and stuff? Soldiers are in one of the most dangerous jobs. SJWs need to stay in there safe spaces and out of the business of the army