T-rump finally admits via Twitter that Russia helped him get elected
To the surprise of no one, except die-hard T-rumptards, the evidence is officially out there that T-rump became President because of the help from our enemy, Russia. And the evidence came from T-rump himself!
Tweeted T-rump on Thursday, “ “Russia, Russia, Russia! That’s all you heard at the beginning of this Witch Hunt Hoax. And now Russia has disappeared because I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected. . It was a crime that didn’t exist.”
His confession that Russia helped him get elected was not lost on reporters, or his staff who quickly tried to take down the Tweet (side note to staff: every Tweet of his is saved as an official statement from the President, so it's saved into the official Presidential archives).
When reporters questioned him about his admission that Russia helped him get elected within an hour after his Tweet, a surprised T-rump tried to back-track.
“I got me elected. Russia didn’t help me at all,” said T-rump, trying to reclaim his election victory.
Despite teh fact that American Intelligence and Law Enforcement officials have been saying for over two years that Russia interfered with our election system, and they are responsible for T-rump's victory, T-rump has always sided with the enemy: Putin. He never sides with his own government.
Yet Thursday's Tweet does indeed reveal what everyone has known - Russia gave him his victory.