MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Six things that haven’t changed

Six things that haven’t changed

- The basis of the investigation (witch hunt) was based on lies (e.g. the fraudulent DNC-bought Steele dossier)
- There was no Russian collusion
- There was no obstruction of justice
- Comey remains a leaker
- Trump continues to be the most effective President since Reagan
- America is greater, safer & more blessed than possibly ever


-and Trump is a racist and a bigot.


and Trump is a racist and a bigot.

Seriously? Can you be more clichéd with such hollow Leftwing drivel?

You're also a hypocrite because YOU are a "bigot" against conservatives (i.e. people with common sense wisdom, male or female, whatever the color) and "racist" against black conservatives and other minority conservatives.


I never said anything about conservatives. I am one. But this man, him specifically, is a racist and a bigot.


You know the Trump knuckle draggers: they call EVERYONE who hates Trump a "leftist" or "lib". The fact that they even think this shows their mode of thinking: they think all republicans must be pro-Trump. They aren't even supporting their party--they're supporting Trump.


Exactly. dteam6. Exactly.


I never said anything about conservatives. I am one. But this man, him specifically, is a racist and a bigot.

And yet he's done more for conservatives and the conservative cause than any president since Reagan. Go figure. It's effective policy that counts; not whether or not you like him or think he's too bold and gruff.

Also, sorry for wrongly pigeonholing you, but when people casually throw around eye-rolling slanderous terms like "racist" and "bigot" I naturally assume they're Dems/Libs.


...I notice you didn't deny the accusation of Trump being a racist and a bigot.


Oh no...did Omorosa whisper that in your diseased earhole?


Blind bland empty ignorant propaganda from a known troll, how original and unexpected.


Pwning since the dawn of time.


Trump is the great equalizer.


T-rump is still an embarrassment.


Nothing embarrassing about his accomplishments at all:

Job numbers through the end of December 2018 show an increase of nearly 5 million jobs since President Trump won the 2016 election and an unemployment rate of less than 4 percent. After the same period under Obama, (4) million jobs were lost and unemployment skyrocketed to 9.3 percent! Unemployment today is at record 50 year lows.

2018 is being called “THE YEAR OF THE WORKER” by Steve Moore, co-author of “Trumponomics.” It was indeed a great year for the American Worker with the “best job market in 50 years, and the lowest unemployment rate ever for blacks and Hispanics and all workers. Big wage gains.”
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 29, 2018
An Increase in Annual Income of $3,100 per Family

The average family in the United States today has seen an increase in their annual income of $3,100 under President Donald J. Trump.

Kevin Hassett, the Council of Economic Advisers Chairman, told Lou Dobbs a few weeks ago that Trump took the economy and accelerated it on all levels. And now all Americans are seeing the benefits of a booming Trump economy. Hassett, told Lou under Trump there have now been 500,000 manufacturing jobs created, something President Barack Obama said was impossible. The added surprise relative to the GDP is the president has delivered $3,100 per household to gross domestic income.


One thing hasn't changed: Wuchak is still DOMINATING this forum!


Nailed it. And then you compare him to the corrupt alternative and it’s just laughable. Hillary and the demokkkrat party of hate. Still no platform. Still No ideas. Still No solutions. They are intellectually bankrupt.


They have a platform: Hate America, hate the flag, hate America's history, hate babies in the womb, hate straight sex, hate cops, hate laws, hate citizens, hate Veterans, hate logic, hate facts, hate justice, hate honest work, hate the Almighty, hate Christians, hate conservatives, hate non-liberals, hate Trump, hate his family, hate... well, you get the picture.


100% true - well said patriot.


Shrillary does have a "platform", it's built on Mayor Pete Bootyjeg's coattails apparently...


Never count her out because a certain soul-sucking succubus is determined to take another shot at the White House in 2020.

Embittered sore loser Hillary Clinton is once again inserting herself into the political process and it is becoming increasingly difficult to rule out the prospect that she will eventually declare her own presidential bid in 2020.

Rather than conduct herself in a dignified manner like every other loser of the vote for the entirety of U.S. history, Clinton has instead constantly worked to foment discord by attacking the man who whipped her like a dog and has generally acted like the leader of a government in exile.

Even as the number of contestants for the 2020 Democrat nomination swells to nearly twenty, the calculating and cunning matriarch of the Clinton crime family lingers in the background and biding her time until the clown car demolition derby has left the field in smoking ruins before making her move.

In the most telling indication to date that she is planning on swooping in late to rescue Democrats, Hillary is hunkering down with media sensation Pete Buttigieg who she could tab as her running mate when the time comes.

Buttigieg meets with Hillary Clinton

— The Hill (@thehill) May 2, 2019

Via The Hill, “Buttigieg meets with Hillary Clinton”:

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg sat down with Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, sources tell The Hill.

Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Ind., who has been recently surging in the polls, requested the meeting, the sources say.

Or maybe he's dry humping her, hard to tell so far...


Her behavior since losing in 2016 has confirmed what the majority of the American people knew when they went to the ballot box. She is an angry self absorbed loser. Uninspiring. Nothing to offer the people of this great nation but resentment, blame, and obsessive hate. The pillars of the modern demokkkrat party.
