racist (definition)
1. Someone who wins an argument against a LIEberal.
Or someone who's proud of being White.
shareAnd, yet, anyone who's proud to be black, brown, yellow or anything else other than white is commended and respected. Go figure.
shareA racist is someone who discriminates against another person based on race. Trump is literally a racist because he and his racist KKK father were sued and had to pay a fine for discriminating against black and Hispanic people who wanted to rent apartments.
There's a difference between pride and instigating bigotry which is what the OP is doing.
Trump & his administration can hardly be called "racist" when African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded, Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever, Asian-American unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever, almost 4 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election and a there's been an 8% increase in black support for conservative politicians as they prudently jump ship from the Demoncraps (speaking as an Independent).
So, IF Trump is a "racist" (which he's not), they're all praising the Heavens for it!
Interestingly, Trump was never branded a "racist" until he ran against the Demonic-rats.
You see, Dems/Libs automatically slander anyone as "racist" who disagrees with their loony ideology or is winning an argument. Of course they can't do this with conservative blacks, like Thomas Sowell or Candace Owens, so they just try to prohibit them from speaking or limiting their audience as far as possible, which explains why Twitter & Facebook are currently prohibiting certain conservative voices, like James Wood, et. al.
Candace Owens? Mrs. "I hate identity politics and playing the black card but I'll shout from the rooftops that I'm a black conservative!!"
She also made a video about how nobody cares what celebrities think...........until Kanye agreed with her!! Then all of a sudden she forgot all about what she said about not caring about celebrities.
lol yeah what a "free thinker"
And yet you think you're a "free thinker" when all you are is a Leftwing sheeple who regurgitates the same old (fact-less) talking points. **yawn**
shareBut you were regurgitating the same old right-wing shtick:
"Liberals are racists."
"Obama sucks."
"Candace Owens."
Don't become the NPC you claim to hate.
I didn't say LIEberals are racist; I said they constantly SLANDER their opponents as "racist" (rolling my eyes). It's so common it's clichéd.
Actually Obama's a more than likable person and a great speaker, it's his ineffective liberal policies, ineptness, lying and scandals that I don't like. (Would you like a list of facts to back that up?) But in politics it's stupid to go by charisma and eloquence. Effective policies and proper governing are what matter.
As for Candace Owens, she's the Dems/Lib's worst nightmare -- an intelligent, beautiful black woman who dares to challenge their BS victimhood ideology and seriously threatens to take black votes from the Demonic-rat plantation, which is why they're trying to apprehend votes via felons and 16 year-old kids, not to mention illegal immigrants.
She also made a video about how nobody cares what celebrities think...until Kanye agreed with her!
You seem right-wing because you parrot all their talking points. But, yeah Candace Owens isn't the liberals worst nightmare. She should've made the video titled "Nobody cares what liberal celebrities think. We care about what Republican celebrities think." Anytime a celebrity is on the right they fawn all over them. It's just hypocritical. Just looking for consistency in these arguments.
To think that black Democrats can't think for themselves just because they are Democrat is pretty foolish as well. Think like Candace, then you're a" free thinker."
To think that black Democrats can't think for themselves just because they are Democrat is pretty foolish as well.
That is foolish though. "Think outside the box of conservative fascism." See?
There's brainwashed fools on both sides. It does not mean every single liberal or every single republican is brainwashed.
I have listened to Ben Shapiro, Michael Knowles, Andrew Klaven, Dinesh, Candace....and then I listen to people on the left such as David Pakman, Kyle Kulinski.
Check out this video where Jesse Lee Peterson kicked off David Pakman and started calling him Satan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hC2jjohThWU
That is not being open-minded and tolerant like the right so much likes to boast about being. Even Jesse's producer was defending Pakman!
All Americans are still benefiting from the Obama recovery which started in 2008.
"Interestingly, Trump was never branded a "racist" until he ran against the Demonic-rats."
Your ignorance is showing!
The 1975 Federal government branded him a racist when he discriminated against blacks and Hispanics in housing. The consent order details the fine as well as hiring and renting requirements which he and his racist father had to follow.
In 1989, racist Trump placed a newspaper ad calling for the execution of five black men who were INNOCENT:
"The defendants, Kharey Wise, Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Raymond Santana and Yusef Salaam, all had their convictions overturned in 2002 after a prison inmate, Matias Reyes, said he was the one who raped the jogger, and DNA evidence backed his confession.
But even after the Central Park Five were awarded a $41 million settlement from the city in 2014, Trump defiantly refused to back away from the substance of his divisive ad."
Trump joined the racist birther conspiracy in 2011.
Trump's numerous racist comments against Native Americans began decades ago.
More recently, Trump stated a mob shouting "Jews will not replace us!" as fine people. His Moslem ban and placing Hispanic children in cages as well as tearing them rom their mothers' arms and complicity in the deaths of three small children.
All Americans are still benefiting from the Obama recovery which started in 2008.
"you Libs"
Bigoted ideologue.
You named two black people. One with mental health issues and an unknown. Two black people don't negate millions.
Trump meets the classic definition of racist:
Racist- a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
Your obvious stupidity and bigotry doesn't negate facts regarding Trump's long racist past.
Russian sanctions will be tripled when President Biden takes office! Russia's puppet can retire to Leningrad.
The American people united will never be defeated.
exactly, they have no arguments and their IQ is way too low to get into a real discussion, so they just say: you're a racist.
but that shit don't work anymore 😅 everyone can see it, and they have been exposed
It's okay to be proud to be white.
shareShowing pride in your race is not the problem, but when it's historically used as a means of saying that one is better than another - that is wrong. Besides, the real fight is between the haves and have nots.
In other words, when it comes down to it, the only color that matters is green.
Yeah and it's all determined by accident of birth. If Richard Spencer was born as a black man in Africa, I guess he would just kill himself. Who knows? lol
shareI don't quite understand what you're trying to say, but if he were born black IN Africa, why would he kill himself? How about this:
If white supremacist Richard Spencer woke up black in the USA - he'd surely end it all. Who cares? LOL
Ha I should've said, "If he woke up black in Africa but somehow had knowledge that he should've been born white in America, would he kill himself?" That would be some serious hatred of melanin right there.
shareSpencer is a neo-Nazi. You're actually talking about white supremacists and racists. KKK and neo-Nazis disguise their hatred by calling it just "white pride" all the time. That term confuses stupid people.
Spencer making Nazi salute and yelling Nazi slogan:
Any kind of self hate is no laughing matter, but since your focus is on black people, I have to take issue.
All of our lives, we are told we're not good enough, smart enough or pretty enough to compete with the white race.
Our parents/grandparents were indoctrinated by those beliefs, and they raised children with that mindset: showing preference to lighter skinned children with straighter hair and delicate features, and a host of other ways that divide our race to this day.
I will say that hearing from my own family that my hair is too nappy and my nose and lips too big, did prepare me for what I was to experience in life. What's not to love about that?
When blacks are responsible for such a disproportionate amount of crime and reckless behavior vs. whites, there's a reason for the so-called racism. But, people only admit they feel the same about blacks within the privacy of closed doors. Of course, not all blacks are alike, but generalizations are made for a reason. Don't blame Trump because your peers let you down. ( whites living in Africa or Central America are probably "discriminated" against also just for being different)
And the discrimination of blacks in the rental-market was a long time ago, when it was even legal to prohibit children of any color in rentals. It was a different era then (like slavery) and not some exclusive practice only related to Trump.
The dude above me disagrees with you.
shareI'm proud to be white.
Don't like it F off.
See Donald Trump.
shareOr Cher. When faced with the possibility of the illegals being shipped to sanctuary cities, she freaked out and started raving in all caps about how L.A. couldn't handle the influx because they couldn't even care for their own people -- which is precisely the argument the GOP and Trump has been making. When folks welcomed her to the Republican Party she freaked out again. 😂
shareCalifornia and other blue states are disproportionately paying Federal taxes to support red states. Cali. taxes could easily be spent within the state to help its own poor instead of the ungrateful red state inhabitants.
At least the migrants would be grateful!
Cher tweet:
Verified account @cher
Mar 25
I Have Not,Nor Will I Change My Opinion Of trump,His Evil,Or His Ties To Russia.He Is up to his Neck in Crime & Corruption
So true!
Lol, still trying to project this onto the president?
shareYou are still going down this road? LIEberal? How about rePUKElican? Have we elevated the conversation? Not to your level.
shareHilarious, Snepts. I can cite your very own disrespectful, condescending Lefty posts on MC from many months ago. So don't lecture me about using respectful verbiage.
Besides, my labels aren't disrespectful, just accurate. For instance, I call Obama "NObama" because of his documented ineptness. Would you like a list of his incompetences (e.g. the non-shovel ready jobs from an $800 million "stimulus," the Benghazi fiasco, the "spontaneous reaction to a video" LIE, Solyndra, the Bowe Bergdahl farce, Fast & Furious and Eric Holder’s resignation, the IRS targeting conservatives and Lerner pleading the Fifth, etc.)?
And liberals are "LIEberals" because LIES & SLANDER are their favorite tactics. For instance, they actually think Bruce Jenner is now a woman, lol. And they continue to slander Trump as "racist," which he wasn't branded UNTIL he ran against the Dems. As for my label "Demonic-rat," what better name for a party that's anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-cop, lawless, pro-thug, pro-perversion, pro-Islam, pro-baby killing (even to the point of coldly allowing abortion survivors to die on the table), etc.
How is simply speaking the obvious truth like this "garbage" or "low level" communication? I already know the answer: Because truth to libs/Dems is like holy water to vampires.
By the way, I thought you put me on your "ignore" list. Guess not.
But, no worries, I LOVE the sound of LIEberals whining in the morning.
You may like these.
Thanks Rorikon; I like 'em.
shareDictionary Definition:
A person who believes in racism, the doctrine that one's own racial group is superior or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
Liberal Definition:
Anybody who's white and Republican.
...or conservative in general, including Independents; or Christian. And the "racists" can be mixed too, like me (Caucasian & Abenaki). I think they'll even call conservative blacks "racist" (or "bigot"), like Thomas Sowell, Candace Owens or Herman Cain -- basically anyone who dares to disagree with loony LIEberal non-ideology.
I think you nailed it.