Ocasio-Cortez shuts down audience member who was disrespectful to a fellow Republican
At a televised "MSNBC Town Hall Meeting" this evening Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reprimanded an audience member who called a former GOP lawmaker 'a moron'.
Former GOP Rep. Bob Inglis (S.C.) appeared at the meeting alongside AOC, for a meeting about different progressive issues, including the Green New Deal. Inglis, who served in the House until 2011, said he believes in climate change, but advised AOC and other Dems on how to tackle the issue.
"You can’t do it in a single Congress, the entire Green New Deal,” the Republican said. “It is literally impossible with the number of committee references that you would have in the course of that. Is it possible that we say, climate change … we’ve got to act now? Can we come back maybe to universal basic income a little bit later?”
He got a negative reaction from the audience, including one who called him 'a moron'.
“Hey, hey, hey, that’s unacceptable,” she scolded the audience member. As she turned back to Inglis, she added, “And that’s the difference between me and Trump.”