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T-rump ass kisser Jeanine Pirro tries walking back her hateful remarks against Muslims

On Saturday evening's show, T-rump ass-kisser Jeanine Pirro made some very hateful remarks about freshman Representative Ilhan Omar, comments that her own network - FOX NEWS - has decided to distance themselves from as far as they can go. Now the 'Judge' is trying to walk back those comments as she drowns in a backlash on social media.

In her opening statement, Pirro implied that Omar would favor Islamic law over the Constitution, because she wears a hijab. By Sunday morning, a social media backlash formed and has been relentless ever since, calling out Pirro for her disgraceful remarks against Muslims. FOX News quickly responded saying it 'strongly condemned' Pirro's remarks, and reminded viewers that her remarks were her own - and has nothing to do with the network.

On Monday, Pirro tried to walk back her hateful opening statement by releasing this statement:

“I’ve seen a lot of comments about my opening statement from Saturday night’s show and I did not call Rep. Omar un-American. My intention was to ask a question and start a debate, but of course because one is Muslim does not mean you don’t support the Constitution."

She certainly started more than a debate - she started a campaign against her show. Nice going, Pirro.


Pirro is one rotten apple (of many) that needs to be tossed out.

I'm sick of the Age of Trump and the emboldening of bigotry. Throw the b!tch out. Good riddance. She's like Roseanne with a talk show. Yikes.


dteam! Nice to see you on here again :) Seeing as this is a post about a news personality, I want to ask you which outlets do you use to get your news/current events? It seems like a lot of the main outlets lean too far to one side or the other. I've been trying to find reporting, not activism. Reading Salon, then Daily Wire, then HuffPo, then Brietbart can be extremely damaging to one's psyche.


No offense intended here, but I honestly can't recall who you are. Have we spoken before?

Anyway, I don't have a "favored" news source and I rarely watch news on TV. Hell, I don't even have cable, so the only news I see on TV is whatever happens to be on in public when I'm out.

I don't pay much attention to news sources--I just read the articles. Could come from Yahoo,, FOX, etc. I don't really care or pay attention to where the source is coming from.

Then only thing I can say for certain is that I've yet to read a single piece of news on Trump that has shocked me at all. I see the man for who he is and always have. The news just reaffirms what most of us already concluded about him. That's good enough for me.


No offense taken. It was a couple months back where you replied to one of my threads and made many great talking points regarding PC culture and how Trump isn't the answer. At any rate, I appreciate the response.


Sure, thanks. :)


BBC baby....BBC!


“This is MAGA country!” : MAGA supporters brutally beat black gay actor from 'Empire'
posted a month ago by Doggiedaddy (6612)


What's your point? The news confirmed the story then and people didn't know it was a staged attack at the time.

Is there a point in there somewhere?


Anybody with a brain knew it was a staged attack from the beginning. Thats the problem with liberals they take things at face value as long as the face isn't white and male and ignore all common sense


Trolling has reached unseen levels of desperation. Now they harp on users for sharing news as the news is known.

Poor trolls.


Maybe people like Doggie and CNN should do a little critical thinking before flapping their gums No?

reply really cannot stay on point, can you?


"but of course because one is Muslim does not mean you don’t support the Constitution."

No, it's because she's a nutty insane "Democrat" Muslim that we should hate her.


The only one who sounds insane is you and this partisan, bigoted, garbage post of yours.







What's funny? You're funny. This is what happens when siblings breed: you get ItsTheAngelMan here. XD



LOL! Reported. :)


Damn I can't read any nonsense from ItsTheAngelMan because everything is deleted! I'm assuming a moderator had to go in and 'clean house' with his postings?

Surprised he still has an account. LOLOL


To recap:

-He kept telling me to kill myself. At one point he even told me to kill myself in front of my family

-He accused me of supporting Muslim terrorists

-He kept posting pictures of Muslim terrorists

Really, you're not missing anything. That's all he did in every post.


Damn - it's people like him which makes me worry about the fate of America.


Yeah, I'm far more afraid of the crazy Trump/QAnon cultists than I am of any American Muslim or any illegals.





Because you're coming off as laughable?

And unhinged.



I do recognize the crazy people.

I'm talking to you anyway.


This one is a little more like the IMDB trolls. He's trying too hard, though.


He's entertaining, though. I give him credit for that.


He's certainly better than the lame "duhhhh ain'ts I kewl for bumping old threads to try to bury legitimate criticisms of Trump?" trolls and their sock accounts around here.

At least he's not afraid to go all out in his lunacy, I'll give him that.


By the time I go to read his posts, everything has been deleted. What gives?


Because we reported him because he kept telling everyone to kill themselves and kept comparing all Muslims to ISIS. Thankfully, this board has a strict policy against racism and death threats.


Here's a picture of a totally sane person according to "Dteam6"


^Racist trash posted by a trashy racist.


Here's a picture of a "totally sane" culture that Trump believes deserves to have our weapons.


Reminds me of Trumps complaint that the Judge in his Ripoff University lawsuit couldnt be unbiased due to his Hispanic heritage.


There's something wrong with him and his sycophants - especially those at FOX.

For FOX NEWS network to make such a bold move within 24 hours and 'separate themselves' from her and her remarks, that really tells you something. Even they can't defend her stupidity, or want to be associated with her.


Its the Forggy and Doogie Show! ...cue Benny Hill music...


And those who lack the intellect to say anything intelligent... say essentially nothing, as you have just shown. Say hi to the rest of the Peanut Gallery for me!


You should heed your own words, it is quite profound.


Glad you joined in bubba!

How do you feel about Judge Jeanine's remarks about a Muslim congresswoman favoring Islamic law over the constitution because she wears a hijab?


I could care less what a paid pundit says. I care more about what our Congress is saying and doing.


She’s more than a paid pundit. She’s s T-rump adviser. You should care.


No she isn't.


You could care less? How much less could you care?


Bubba suddenly choked up! He can't share his feelings about Jeanine's remarks. What's wrong Bubby?




So the women that has been a Professional Judge of character longer than half the world's population has been alive and good enough at it to become famous suspects that the Muslim Congress women who's first course of action was attacking the Jews and refuses to take off her symbol of allegiance to Sharia Law wants to enact Sharia Law and you morons find a problem with this why?


If she wore a Crucifix around her neck, or the Star of David, would that woman who has been a 'professional judge of character' have a problem with her?


Those are not symbols of Women oppression sir try again


Plenty of women who wear these symbols - especially traditionalist Catholics and Hasidic Jews - would certainly disagree with you.

SO I ask the question again: If she wore a Crucifix around her neck, or the Star of David, would that woman who has been a 'professional judge of character' have a problem with her? Try again, sir.
