Who should win the Democratic Party nomination?
In your opinion? And why?
Clearly, ideals aside, the most important factor has to be 'who will beat Trump?'
In your opinion? And why?
Clearly, ideals aside, the most important factor has to be 'who will beat Trump?'
I think Harris has a chance. Especially with Booker running as Vice. If anyone has a chance winning the nomination (and beating the pit boss), it's them.
Her Green Deal is extremely flawed, but I can see it being very appealing to a lot of millennials and the iGen.
The DNC needs to move to the economic left, not the cultural/social left, at least in terms of campaigning (in terms of policy and governance, I'd like a Democratic administration to move to the left in both economic and social terms), if it is to win the rustbelt states and the type of lower-middle-class, and yes, dare I say it, white, voter that was once key to the party's electoral success.
Focusing on Millennials and techies, who are predominantly based in coastal states, will not win the Electoral College.
Do you honestly think Harris and Booker have what it takes to win the votes of white forty-plus blue-collar working and lower-middle class culturally conservative voters? If so, great. But if not, they are not the smart pick I'm afraid.
I do agree that the DNC needs the white vote, which is becoming increasingly difficult for them as their social agenda continues to the far left.
Not only do I think Harris is targeting "millennials and techies", but she's going to target the minority votes as well. Will it be enough to beat The Pres, of course not (and I understand that wasnt your original question). But I do think it will be enough to win the DNC nomination. But, I could wrong. Just my worthless. 02.
Thank you kindly for your thoughtful response. It isn't worthless to me. :)
But out of curiosity, do you have an answer to my original question? Who can beat Trump?
Let's not repeat the same mistakes of 2016, although I admittedly say that as someone who seriously believed that Hillary could and would beat Trump. Unfortunately, whilst Hillary would have made a highly competent President, she is an absolutely terrible campaigner, and hers was a nadir for Democratic Party campaigns, and I include George McGovern and Michael Dukakis in that assessment (because, unlike Hillary, they never really stood that great a chance from the start - Hillary really should have had this sewn up).
Thanks for you kind words, Malkovich.
To be frank, I do not think anyone will beat Trump, and I say this as a moderate.
My opinion is that the DNC made a poor decision with the 40 week abortion and infanticide debate. Up until a couple months ago, neither side had many single-voter issues. Now that has changed. While I may be wrong, I do think the 2020 election will come down to the pro-choice/pro-life issue. Trump says that murdering babies is wrong. The DNC revealed their hand the other day and disagrees with him. I think this will be the single issue (regarding moderates and libertarians) that will hand Trump the 2020 presidency. Again, I could be wrong, but this is what I've taken in the past couple months or so.
Your opinion is 100% accurate......
shareI know President Trump fears Joe Biden.
shareBiden would be my pick.
Are his politics much more centrist than mine? Without a doubt. But ultimately, I want a candidate who will beat Trump, and Biden has the charisma, the appeal, and the common touch to do that, IMHO.
My pick too. He just has to announce he's running.
shareHey MM,
Are you a US citizen residing in the USA registered to vote in US elections?
Why? Does it matter?
I'm not Russian, if that's your concern.
I'm not Russian, if that's your concern.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Portugal is one of the few countries in Europe, and indeed the world, that has moved to the political left rather than the populist right in the last decade. Even the democratic socialist societies of Scandinavia, often used by many of us on the left as political role-models, have recently crept towards the populist right.
Portugal is currently presided by a socialist government, and unlike Spain, which only recently elected a socialist Prime Minister, there has been relatively little backlash to the left-wing policies presided by its administration. Moreover, unlike practically every other country in the EU right now, Portugal is actively welcoming refugees and immigrants to settle on its shores.
So, please do not demonise Portugal and the Portuguese.
So, please do not demonise Portugal and the Portuguese.'Mericans use the word demonize non-'Mericans use demonise.
It's customary for the Vice President to run after the President's term is over. Biden didn't do this. Why?
The media puts out endless polls showing that Biden does well against Trump. They want people to like him but people don't. The "moderate centrist" cloak isn't working. Everyone knows he's radical left. He called for an "unrelenting stream of immigrants pouring over the border". He's also a white male and that's not very popular in your party right now. He won't run, and can't run, because he would be an emberassement in the primaries.
to pretend you'll listen and actually answer your first question....14 vice presidents have become president and 8 of those were because the president died. Which means, SIX vice presidents ran for the office and won. That's not a great percentage. Also add in he didn't want to run because his son had recently died and he felt he was not emotionally prepared to take on that job (I know, given how Trump is not emotionally or mentally prepared for the job the idea of someone taking themselves out of the running due to self-awareness is a foreign concept) and it was not an experience he wanted at that time.
shareIt was supposed to be Hillary's time.
And Biden is only part of the 'radical left' if you're a raging fascist. To most others he's a centrist.
And it matters not that he's a white male. What matters is CAN HE BEAT TRUMP?
My guess is, he can, and that's what you're scared of. You're badmouthing him because you know he's the best shot at preventing another four years of Agent Orange.
Why didn’t Cheney run in 08 if it’s customary for the VP to run?
shareBiden would be a good candidate who could defeat Trump. Sure he's in his late 70s, but hey my Mom is 84 and still sharp as a knife so I'm not going to buy into any potential ageism. Joe Biden is more moderate with broader appeal across most of the important demographics. Hey anyone who would take down the orange orangutan gets my vote ;-)
The only way to beat Trump is to go toe to toe with him on issues. You can't have a candidate who runs on identity. Trump ran on stopping wars for example. Hillary was pro-war. She couldn't run on that. She had to run on being female ("I'm with Her"). Her hands were tied. That would have been okay in a normal election like Obama versus Romney where both sides had all the same positions (even his namesake legislation Obamacare was actually Ronmeycare). But it doesn't work now that Trump has changed the game and forced issues on the table that were never supposed to be up for debate.
Kamala is Hillary 2.0 except she's black in addition to female. Sorry, she's not Obama, who famously had "no nego dialect". She can't win. Trump wants her to be the nominee and if you think a rerun of 2016 is going to be okay because you're going to stop Russian hacking this time, then you're believing your own lies. You're going to need that secret audio recording of him saying the "N" word and you would deserve your loss.
Tulsi Gabbard can beat Trump because she can talk about issues. If Trump talks about ending wars, she can point out shortcomings. Then the question is if both are against, who really means it? One seems a lot more trustworthy than the other, for any given issue. The only problem here is that Tulsi Gabbard ending the wars wouldn't be considered a win for the Jewish left that controls your party. She's a "Russian agent" just like Trump.
Nobody should win the Democrat Party nomination, just like nobody is hosting the Oscars. Eat yourselves alive.
The Dems are poised to make the same mistake as the GOP made in 2016 -- you're going to have far too many candidates, and a press that doesn't bother to do its homework, they just go for the clicks and the ratings. Apparently the conventional wisdom is to be as much of a flaming liberal as possible, throwing red meat at a base that is located in the large urban centers of the two Coasts. So the GOP's angle on abortion being "safe and rare," the Dem candidates will shrilly demand partial birth abortions or even post-birth abortions. Conventional wisdom then says you come to the center for the General. There's no coming to the center after being for abortions at full-term. Hillary probably wouldn't have lost if she'd listened to Bill, who told her to go after the Democrat's historical base, which was working class Americans. He knew how the Electoral College worked, and he understood the value of it.
You know who's making overtures to Middle America like one needs to in order to win the Electoral College? Someone who hasn't even thrown a hat into the ring yet -- Chelsea. I'm a conservative, and my fellow-conservative Twitter friends are liking more of Chelsea's posts than they ever thought they would...although she may be setting herself up for next time.
But it's early. A LOT more people are going to step up, and a crowded Democrat field is a bad idea in this media climate. Me, I'd like to see Nikki Haley or Ben Sasse primary Trump. Yeah, Haley promised not to, but Trump promised to release his tax forms, so there you go. What we'll probably get instead is that louse Kasich.
Why is Kasich a 'louse'? He was the only semi-normal and semi-reasonable Republican that stood during the 2016 Primaries.
Where I do 100% agree with you is that the Democrats need to go after the working-class vote. Like Bill Clinton said "it's the economy stupid". It's the first sign of madness to repeat the mistakes of 2016 and double-down on identity, simply to rally the same people who came out against Trump that year. Most voters who think Trump is a racist, misogynist clown in 2019, thought he was a racist, misogynist clown in 2016, and those that didn't care then are unlikely to care now. And like you say, the Democrats have to strategize in order to win the Electoral College, instead of behaving like it's the Popular Vote that counts (personally, I have ambivalent feelings about the EC, but it is what it is, and the Democrats would be incredibly dumb to ignore it, again).
What if someone stayed in the Democrat Primary race when it was obvious he couldn't win anything but his own state, but who stayed only because he wanted to be a "spoiler"? He may have been one of the reasons we're stuck with Trump now. He's a weasel; a different kind of Trump who will say anything to get elected. Maybe if he runs this time the journos will take him seriously enough to compare what he says with what he's done. A few did the last time, but since it was obvious he wasn't going to win, he got to skate, for the most part.
The Dems we see in the media seem to be quite happy to be portrayed as extremists -- as if the GOP embraced the KKK and the Q-Anon nuts. Some people say they already do, which only entrenches and mobilizes the MAGA-types. Do you want to be portrayed as one with the AntiFa crowd that's trashing downtown Portland? I doubt it. But the people we see in the press tend to be the extremists, on both sides.
What's happening is that the squeaky wheels -- the lunatic fringes -- are getting the press attention as if they represent the mainstream voters of either party. I don't know if the Parties are cool with that because it's just easier to mobilize the nuts to vote, or what. But both Parties desperately need to get the average working people to care about their respective messages, unless we want to wind up like France -- which is where identity politics and extremism will take us.
You're 100% correct Malkovich.....
shareWho should win - of the current declared nominees, doesn't matter, none can defeat Trump
Who could win - I'm in agreement that only a white male who looks and sounds blue collar could beat Trump. CNN's Don Lemon has said that time and again.
Who will win - Trump, unless he drops out, loses the nomination, is indicted, etc
Don Lemon is a smart guy. And as a strong-minded gay black man, I'd doubt he's saying 'identity issues don't matter'. He's just thinking practically and being realistic about the circumstances.