U libtards love him
dont lie libtards u know u love this bozo. Donald Trump is always being talked about here 24/7. Im not even a fan of him, he lost my vote after the bumpstock ban. Trump is a democrat!! Vote libertarian in 2020!!!
sharedont lie libtards u know u love this bozo. Donald Trump is always being talked about here 24/7. Im not even a fan of him, he lost my vote after the bumpstock ban. Trump is a democrat!! Vote libertarian in 2020!!!
shareIf Bozo is the president then it makes sense to talk about it nonstop. Why the hell would anyone ignore Bozo the Clown as Commander in Chief. All that does is normalize it which would make it the standard. No thanks.
The bumpstock ban is bipartisan though. You replace Trump with any other republican and the same thing happens. You would probably need a democrat in office for enough republicans to be against it.
I shudder at the bumpstock ban. Dammit that still pisses me off...
sharebumpstock ban is unconstitutional. trumps nothing but a gun grabbing liberal deep down inside. i was planning to vote for trump in 2020 before he did that. really glad i voted for gary johnson in 2016 and not trump...
shareIt was great. Faster guns make it easier to kill with them. The ban will save lives!
shareWell, at least we both share the common goal that we both want to save lives :) Cheers, Jacob
sharethe ban wont save any lives. everything is out there if criminals if they really want to get it. all this ban does it put more restrictions on law abiding citizens.
shareMy sneaking suspicion is that some so-called 'liberals' do love him.
He facilitates the outrage culture so many of them enjoy indulging in. Moreover, his Presidential victory has radicalised many of the groups targeted by his Presidency.
Ultimately, it's not the far-left or identity politics obsessed libs who most despise Trump's Presidency, but moderates and social-democrats, like myself, who are dismayed by the increased intensity of the cultural wars, post-Trump, who fear that the US is now even further away from truly healing and coming together, and are dismayed that many of the socioeconomic and structural issues that were problems pre-Trump have now been put on the back burner whilst we are preoccupied with Trump's extremist, climate-change-denying, racist-rousing nonsense, and politically irrelevant concerns like Russian collusion which puts the focus on the rules of the game, rather than on more pertinent questions of policy.
"He facilitates the outrage culture so many of them enjoy indulging in."
Respectfully, Malkovich, but what has The Pres done to to facilitate the current outrage culture?
By being his typical racist, misogynist, Islamophobic, know-nothing, semi-illiterate, nepotistic, corrupt, egocentric, boastful, petty, bullying self.
Some libs love that. It gives them an easy symbol to hate and to make themselves feel good. It's like shooting fish in a barrel for them.
Personally, Trump depresses me, because I like to look for the good in everyone, but try as one does, it's really hard to find any positives to say about the guy.
But because I'm not a 'them and us' guy, and am more about unity, and finding the positives and negatives in everyone (IMHO, no-one is 100% good and no-one is 100% evil), I can't get onboard with that unadulterated hate.
While I respectfully disagree with you regarding him being a racist and Islamophobic (as his past endeavors disprove this), everything else you've posted is accurate and spot-on.
So your answer is just by being himself he automatically facilitates today's outrage culture? So would you say it's his rhetoric, and not his policies? I apologize if it seems like I'm putting words in your mouth, as that is not my intent. I appreciate how well spoken you are and how very intricate you are with expressing your views.
I'm so mad they banned bumpstocks. I so wanna shoot at near fully automatic speeds all I want, when I want. They should bring back bazookas.
shareDoes your gun-range prohibit rapid-fire as well? Me being in California limits me to outdoor/indoor ranges as opposed to going out to the outskirts/boonies and shooting pottery.
shareFull automatic guns are still legal with proper paperwork if they are made before 1986. They are grandfathered in and cost as much as a car because of there rarity and finite supply. Bumpstocks just let the average joe have the same experience without wasting loads of money on a grandfathered weapons. Trump doesnt want the small guy to have access to full auto weapons only rich people who can spend 10k-30k on a weapon can have that privilege. We need to legalize new full automatic guns to bring the prices down. Full Automatic ban of 1986 was unconstitutional and so is this ban. The average citizen should have more gunrights not less. its a dangerous world people need to be able to arm themselves with the most effective weapons possible...
shareRight. You can get full auto guns if you have a c3 ffl if the gun is both before 1986 and is domestically made. If the gun is foreign then it needs to be made before 1968.
Can't really call a bumpstock ban unconstitutional though. A bumpstock is a peripheral and not a firearm itself. The government is free to regulate it however they choose without violating second amendment rights. Whining about a bumpstock ban is like whining that you're not allowed to shorten the barrel of your shotgun.
They are taking peoples property without compensation. Law was never passed in congress. these are things people bought legally and overnight they are going to be felons just for having them. its total bogus. trump lost my vote with this terrible move.
shareRight. But like I said its a different set of rules for something that isn't itself a firearm. The reason people got to keep their machine guns that were made prior to 1986 is because it was a firearm and the second amendment says the government must keep its hands off. There's no amendment that applies to bumpstocks just like there's no amendment that applies to a substance that later becomes an illegal drug. Once the change is made you are out of luck. Unless its a firearm.
It sucks there's no buy-back program but federal law handles it the same way states did when they banned it. It comes with the territory when the item in question no longer has any value.
Donald Trump is just a gun grabbin libtard in my book. He said our guns were safe. sold out his core voting base with this dumb move...
shareYour guns are safe. A peripheral that allows guns to mimic full auto fire was taken away. You've already acknowledged the purpose of the 1986 ban was to limit access to full auto weapons. Bumpstocks circumvented the ban hence why they were deemed illegal.
Keep in mind things could've been a lot worse. They could've reinstated the assault weapons ban.
C3 FFL (Federal Firearms License) SOT (Special Occupational Taxpayer) babyyyy.
Name one place on this planet where LIBERTARIAN ideals govern successfully.
Better than commie demonrats and gun grabbers like trump