I'm really confused by how you arrive at your conclusion that he 'looks innocent' Rory. To meet the legal standard for conspiracy aka "collusion" as it's commonly colloquially referred, Trump would only need to be aware at the time of the Don Jr meeting in Trump Tower as it happened.
You seem like a pretty open minded guy, so I'm flabbergasted at how you are able to convince yourself that Trump didn't know about that meeting when his denials have never been believable and all circumstantial evidence to date suggests that Trump did know. How do you explain that just a few days before the meeting happened he gave a speech promising dirt on Clinton? This has been widely and repeatedly reported. He was there that day, 3 floors up, are you seriously trying to say with a straight face he didn't know about it?
And are you seriously suggesting that Don Jr didn't inform his father he had set up this big meeting with the Russians to get dirt on Clinton in order to insulate his father? That is absolutely crazy if you do because that's textbook trumptard logic. This is his namesake who acts like a puppy constantly seeking his dad's approval, to think he didn't instantly inform his father of his great 'get' in order to protect him is ludicrous, as if that kid has enough brain cells to even consider possible fallout from word of the meeting leaking affecting his father when this is the same guy who dumped the entire email correspondence setting up that meeting on twitter completely oblivious to how the fallout might affect any plausible deniability by himself OR his father.
Steve Bannon even admitted to Michael Wolff that there's no way Don Jr didn't inform his father. “The chance that Don Jr. did not walk these Jumos up to his father’s office of the 26th floor is zero,”. Manafort was working corruptly for pro-Putin interests. He was indebted to them and communicated with them during the campaign. The reality of Manafort flipping without flipping on Trump is even more ludicrous.