MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Nike stock at a 53 year high!

Nike stock at a 53 year high!

Since the Karpernick ads started running early last week, Nike stocks have soared - reaching an all-time high today. In other words, T-rump Rethuglikkkans can’t even manage a boycott correctly.

Maybe they should have asked the #GrabYourWallet liberals for some help. That grass roots campaign put Ivanka’s line completely out of business.


In other news....Copperdick isn’t good enough to start in the NFL, maybe he should join Arena Football?


Kaepernick seems to be doing just fine. I don’t think Nike is interested in letting him go. One report says Nike online sales have shot up 34% since the ad debuted less than two weeks ago. Kaepernick is doing just fine.


He turned down a trade and opted out of his contract with San Fran. He could be playing right now in some fashion, he chooses not to.


The only teams that would start him are Buffalo and Cleveland, but no way would he agree to that.


He could easily be a backup somewhere. To imply he wouldn't accept a backup job is just false.


Conservatives aren't buying shit they don't need, so they weren't buying Nike before this happened, nor are they after. The stock spike is the virtue signaling idiots, and it will return to normal when the next controversy happens in week or two.

It's hard to boycott when you save your money and don't spend it in the first place.

In fact, I made a nice little profit from this latest faux outrage...TDS is the gift that keeps on giving!


If they weren't buying them, then they wouldn't be burning them.

Even if the stock returns to normal, the spike is all profit for Nike, and a clear sign the boycott has failed.


Unlike the #GrabYourWallet campaign which put Ivanka Trumps “ lifestyle brand” completely out of business. No bonfires necessary.


Mexico is going to pay for the wall.
I can stop federal funds.


Not in the real world they're not.

There is no legal way for Trump to force Mexico to pay for a wall they adamantly refuse to pay for.


I guess he could tax guacamole.


Whatever gets bought before a boycott begins doesnt count.

The right can't botcott.
The left can't meme.

I'm good with that, memes are more powerful.


Ahh yes, it was all a meme. Those people weren't REALLY burning their shoes to show disdain for Nike, right? What a load of bullshit. They went for it, and when they fell flat on their stupid faces, the left and independents turned it into a meme.

Memes are a form of entertainment, and the right doesn't have the capacity to entertain. That's how they got stuck with Greg Gutfeld and Dennis Miller.


Only idiots burn their shoes.

Memes elected trump, thats why Big tech wants to ban them like the EU did.


"Only idiots burn their shoes."

Well, we agree on something then. Trumpsters are idiots. Though conservatism does not truly define them, most Trump supporters identify themselves as such.

Memes helped, sure. There were people who thought it would be funny to see the presidency become a joke. That was not the majority reason why Trump was elected though. For every one person snickering at how funny it would be if Trump got elected, or how funny it would be if Hillary and the Podestas were accused of pedophilia, there's more than 10 people who actually bought into it and took it to heart.

For example, Jon Voight's recent crying defense of Trump is entering meme territory. But for Jon Voight, the emotions are real.


Constant delusions from another sock troll.


CoNSTanT DelUsIoNS FrOm aNOtheR SocK TroLL.

I know you are, but what am I?


froggy has 8,345% TDS


Now I'm not one to claim "sockpuppet!" on just anyone, as it's something I hardly ever see to warrant the accusation. But you can't blame Frogarama here. Tom8, Johnaroth and CraigC are all the same dude. They aren't even big posters here, so it's not like there's an agenda against Tom8.

Because Trump-speak is so common for his defenders on here, I can understand people suggesting there are more. But those three are where it ends for me.


I think there a few people here with multiple personalities. There are a select few that always respond to each others posts.


You mean conservatives were burning the Nike products owned by liberals??? Why would they do that?

And they were boycotting products they had no interest in buying ever? Then what’s the purpose of their boycott?

Wow - TDS has really made you brain dead.


TDS is thinking 7 people posting a fire video means everyone did it.

Conservatives don't spend money, face it.


So You admit that Sean Hannity and the other chuckleheads at FOX are severely suffering from TDS? They’re the ones who aired footage of the Nike fires claiming all conservatives were doing it acrosss the nation.

Every now and then you come out with the truth accidentally. But it’s refreshing.


I don't watch cable TV so I wouldn't know. TDS can only be suffered by his opponents. Trying to turn it around on supporters is cringing at best, funny, but cringing.


lol! So you don’t think T-rump supporters are deranged by drinking his Kool -Aid? You’re really not too bright.


TDS has a clear definition and it does not include people that support him. You would need a different object of derangement, maybe Mueller. But I don't give a shit about the Mueller investigation, its controlled opposition. What I care about, is when political controversy causes stocks to fall(buy), and then waiting for the inevitable virtue signaling that make the stocks rise back up(sell). Civility and debate are dead, so I may as well profit.

Also... I don't live in a red state so I can't comment on Trump Koolaid because it doesn't exist here out in the open. I'm a disenfranchised democrat as most of the trump supports here are, so we blend in very very well with the general population.


Hehe, one could take it both ways imo. Cons failed to boycott since they already gave their money to them and are just burning their own shoes and libs getting easily conned by a sweat shop company that cater to their agenda. Just slap on Beyoncé or Kapernick or whatever pussyhat/take a knee perp and you'll have libs falling head over heals for said product. Either way it's a win win for Nike with the sheeple.


It’s a win-win for the buyers, too. The only ones who lose are the idiots who burned their products and watched tho boycott backfire on them.


I'm sure you're wrong about your assumptions about liberals. Any liberal who had stayed away from Nike because of their sweatshop practices was not going to all of a sudden go out and buy Kaepernick gear because Nike made him the face of their ad campaign. Liberal activists that take strong stands with boycotts against Nike are actually in the strong minority. I personally don't know any.

If Nike stock is getting a boost for signing Kaepernick it's because buyers support what he took a stand for. The idea liberal buyers disregarded any previous strong personal objections they had with Nike because of their newfound infatuation with Kaepernick is pretty laughable.


controversy sells


so does toilet paper


It didn’t for Ivanka Trumps line. It closed her down.


womans fashion is a very delicate business


Not true at all in Ivankas case. The company was doing fine for years until controversy closed it down.
