You have no idea who I am or how I feel but I assure you I'm not angry because a bunch of gullible morons got lucky and elected Trump into office. If anything I'm amused. Watching Trump play his supporters daily with lies and fake facts is quite funny.
Ignore babies being taken from their mothers?
Ignore policies that discriminate and ban Muslims?
Ignore tax cuts for the rich that the middle-class pay for?
Ignore a tariff war that hurt businesses and workers?
Ignore cuts to healthcare?
Ignore millions of Americans who lost health insurance because of Trump's policies?
Ignore millions of more Americans losing health insurance because of preexisting conditions?
Ignore attack on unions?
Ignore weakening environmental laws that cause more pollution and increased illnesses like asthma and cancer?
Ignore corruption in government?
Ignore racial discrimination in immigration?
Ignore the attack on abortion rights?
Ignore the attack on voting rights?
Ignore the Russian attack on American democracy and Trump's support of it?
Ignore the attack on freedom of the press, religion and expression by Trump?
Ignore Trump, his family and cohorts enriching themselves in office?
Ignore the attack on the LGBT community?
Ignore Trump's white supremacist rhetoric and the rise of hate groups that he encourages?
Ignore his support of Russia & Putin over American intelligence officials and institutions?
1. Babies get taken from mothers that break the law all the time, it’s standard practice actually so you’re off to a bad start already.
2. There never was a Muslim ban, Trump was only placing a temporary ban on certain countries. This is common practice, Obama did the same.
3. Trump isn’t a God....he cannot fix things with the snap of a finger so complaining that he is ignoring 98% of the problems in this country is pretty short sighted and just shows how much of a bubble you live in. He certainly treats the following groups better than Obama ever did: The Military, The Police, African Americans, White People, The Middle Class, Coal workers, Men, straight people, business owners, small business owners.
You seem like such an angry whiner who has nothing better to do with your life then hate on a rich white Alpha male whose accomplishments are greater than you could ever achieve. Let go of the all the hate and do something productive with your life, would ya?
You're obviously obsessed with Obama since you've mentioned him several times even though he's no longer in office. Why don't you take your own advice and let go of the hate and anger and do something productive with your life? Why don't you ignore him by not mentioning him anymore? After all, you seem like such an angry whiner who has nothing better to do with your life then hate on a rich black Alpha male whose accomplishments are greater than you could ever achieve.
I know tons of people who have ignored politics for years.
I know they are liberal because of who they are, but tons of Liberals ignore Trump because they can't stand him.
Don't convince yourself that every Liberal is marching in the street against Orange POTUS.
Tons of very nice, well-mannered Citizens are ignoring this Creep -- just not the ones you don't want to run into here.
And why post this in the first place? Tell people not to care because you don't, yet need to post something which indicates you do?
We know that Hollywood celebrities aren’t ignoring him, we know that every prominent black figure in America isn’t ignoring him, and we know that millions of Woman are marching in the streets like raving lunatics.
Just move on with your life why don’t ya? Is your life so pathetic that you must obsess over a man you never met? You seem pretty upset with him to be trashing him on some random movie chat message board, maybe you should see a shrink.
I see a shrink, and not over Trump. If we ignore Trump, that becomes apathy, and we let our country become an Autocracy, because we didn't care to fight against it. He's already enriched his mega-rich pals while the rest of us still slog forward with what we can get.
And yes, this is a random MC board, but if people LIKE YOU choose to post Idiot Remarks, I guess I can post my own.
Liberals have no solid sense of self, or moral compass. All they know is lashing out and blaming other people for their problems. They love Trump, the second he was elected all of the world's problems were immediately blamed on him before he had even done anything. Without Trump they'd be lost.
While I'm not a liberal (I'm an independent) I will say this: I've ignored every president we've had in my lifetime. I didn't like Bush or Obama but still relatively ignored most news about them. I'm not a political person.
Then Trump came along and my lifelong streak ended. Why was I able to avoid all presidents since Reagan but not Trump? Simple: Trump is the first president that actually makes me fear for the future of this country and my life.
I can abide idiots and ineptitude but what I can't adide is insanity. That is what Trump is. He's an insane lunatic. A loose cannon. He has scary dealings and connections with Putin and Russia.
He's the first and only president that has ever scared me. That's why I can't ignore him.
The media made you believe all that though, how can you not see this? If the media didn’t go Ape shit along with half the country you wouldn’t hold the same views.
The whole “Trump” and Russia collusion is complete nonsense and doesn’t make sense at all. Trump lost the popular vote in this country, did you forget that? Russia isn’t even an enemy of the United States anymore, you really need to do your homework and figure out that the media is lying to you and that the real enemy is the Middle East.
Yes, thank you! dteam6 claims to be independent but I believe he is just a liberal sheep and also claims that social media is toxic yet if it fits into his Trump bashing agenda than he'll go along with it, pretty pathetic isn't it?
Unless dteam6 is part of the White House staff or follows Trump around every where he goes than you can't know for sure how accurate these claims about Trump are.
"The whole “Trump” and Russia collusion is complete nonsense and doesn’t make sense at all. Trump lost the popular vote in this country, did you forget that?"
You're probably a troll, but the only person lying about this is Trump himself when he said millions voting illegally cost him the popular vote.
He could be a troll but he's definitely an idiot. He's been leaving steaming turd piles on this board in a few threads here and his nonsense actually causes one's IQ points to diminish.
You don’t seem to know the difference between outright lying and having a huge ego so you exaggerate things to overcompensate. Trump is definitely the latter, he makes wild broad statements that do have some truths in them but also has exaggerations to make himself look better. It’s disingenuous to chalk up everything Trump says as an outright no my friend, it’s the media that outright lies to the citizens of this country.
A few of his lies:
"U.S. Steel just announced that they are building six new steel mills." None built
"Collusion is not a crime." Yes, it is.
"The price of soybeans has fallen 50% since 5 years before the election. A big reason is bad (terrible) trade deals with other countries." Reason was the weather.
"The servers of the Pakistani gentleman that worked on the DNC" are "missing." None missing.
The collective you said Trump would be better than any past president because he would drain the swamp, he would repeal and replace health care for millions making it affordable, he would appoint the best and brightest to help him, he would create high paying factory jobs, he would renegotiate great deals with North Korea, Iran, NAFTA, the EU and China, he assured that the tax cut for the rich and large corporations would be used to help create jobs...
You've been conned! None of the above promises have happened. You can't defend Trump on his own merits. Continue to pretend all is well with the conman that you support.
Lowest Black unemployment ever, strong economy, and ISIS wiped out......its been a good run so if we could just get going on the wall, Trump might go down as the best president ever.
Uh, no--TRUMP made me believe that. I have eyes. I have ears. I saw that clown on tv for years and saw his crazy tweets for years. I see the clown on tv today and still see his crazy tweets today. I don't need "the liberal media", as you guys like to call it, to make my own mind up about Trump.
It's the same as I didn't need the media to tell me that what Trump said on live tv at that Russian summit was unsettling, insane and, in my view, treasonous.
Don't bother throwing that "But the liberal media!" cow sh!t at me. I can make my own mind up about a person, thank you very much.
Anyone who believes that Trump was in bed with Russia is a sheep who believes anything the media tells them.
I don’t believe Clinton was in bed with Russia either because it makes no sense how Russia could influence anything in this country, did they find a way to infiltrate voting booths and physically change votes for Trump? It’s up to nutjobs like yourself to explain how exactly Russia is influencing anything in this country...go on, share with us what the left still can’t do almost 2 years later.
I don't have to explain anything, actually. It's obvious to anyone with at least half a brain. Of course you Trumpers don't think so (or so you say)--it would mean the end of your cheeto.
In truth. I think you're a fool and a troll and simply not worth my time to take seriously.
"did they find a way to infiltrate voting booths and physically change votes for Trump?"
Have you been living under a rock? Why yes, in fact they did infiltrate e-voting infrastructure or state registration rolls in 7 states. Did they change votes for Trump? It's unknown because a proper assessment was never made. But one thing is clear, Trump immediately seized upon this unknown and began falsely spinning it that it did not change the outcome. As detailed in Comey's autobiography, Clapper tried to repeatedly remind Trump that it wasn't true, because they never made a proper assessment. But Trump chose to ignore him and spin it anyway. Apparently you bought it. But ask yourself this, is it even conceivable they would have compromised state electoral infrastructure and not done anything once they had access? To what end?
With access to registration rolls it'd be easy to change the tally. Just delete the registration of voters in highly concentrated Democratic precincts.
None of what you just typed is evidence of an sort, it’s absurd speculation and not backed by anything other than hearsay. You believe anything the internet tells you I see lol.
If there was evidence Trump would have been impeached already, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
I said it's 'unknown'. I didn't say there was evidence for anything.
What I'm pointing out is that YOUR conclusion that it didn't effect the vote count when there is no evidence FOR or AGAINST this conclusion.
Or are you trying to claim Russians didn't compromise our electoral system in seven states? Because they certainly did according to DHS and our intel agencies. The only reason for you to think this is internet hearsay is because you've been living under a rock.
You're a special kind of stupid for not knowing the meaning of the word 'hearsay'. I recommend you not use words that you don't understand.
FYI: Official statements issued by DHS are not 'hearsay'. They're official statements based on conclusions of investigations by our intel agencies. Do try and keep up.
You’re literally taking someone else’s word for it, have you read the supposed document? It’s classified so obviously you haven’t haha, wow this is fun yahoooo!!!
Yeah this is fun because you're so easy to make a fool out of.
Here's the classified report leaked to The Intercept last year including the actual NSA document that details how Russians successfully compromised state electoral infrastructure.
How do we know the document is legit? Because the leaker was immediately prosecuted and sentenced to 5 years in jail after a plea agreement. The document was also confirmed as genuine by multiple sources.
So to answer your question, yes I have read the classified report.
Leaking any information regardless of whether it’s true or not is still a crime. Just because you try and rob a bank but they don’t have money doesn’t put you off the hook, does it? Stick that in your pipe and smoke it you wimpy Beta Male hewwww raaaa!!!!
It's detailed in the federal indictment exactly how they caught her. She was a NSA contractor who had access to top secret NSA classified reports and they tracked down the copy machine she used because the copies she made had an imprint that left evidence of the manufacturer. They were able to figure out who had access to those documents to track her down and arrest her.
Your stupidity sure is hilarious. Haw haw haw. I loved clowning you and pointing out you're an omega male because you can't read.
You get all your information from strangers over the internet and believe every word you read, in my country we have a word for that.....gullible dumbass.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL! What happened beta boy? It took you 16 hours to go lick your wounds so you come up with THAT as your rebuttal? HOEHOEHOE!
The best part? You couldn't even come back with any facts responding to my post because deep down you know I'm right!
God I love watching you clown yourself. Apparently you're too clueless to even know what a 'federal indictment' is. LOOL! Should have stayed in school kid.
FYI: A federal indictment is not "information from strangers" little beta boy. It's charging documents from the federal government. You can read it in full here:
LOLOL. Yeah yeah I know, you're going to say it's hearsay and it's fake because you really are that stupid I know that already, I just really love being able to predict what you'll say because you're such an epic broken record.
They don't need to be in order to be compromised genius. You should research all the holes discovered in e-voting machine security that can allow foreign compromise using malware exploits before embarrassing yourself.
Don't bring up Russia and the Middle East when Trump is the first enemy. The media is trying to warn us of how evil he and his minions are, and you want to pivot to some other outside force. No -- it's effin Trump. He's the Evil.
He'll do anything for Money and Glory. He has no conscience, he has no shame. And all your Blame The MSM GARBAGE doesn't change that.
Trump Derangement Syndrome- the knee-jerk opposition from liberals to anything and everything Trump does.
"In the first stage of the disease, victims lose all sense of proportion. The president's every tweet provokes a firestorm, as if 140 characters were all it took to change the world."
"The mid-level stages of TDS have a profound effect on the victim's vocabulary: Sufferers speak a distinctive language consisting solely of hyperbole."
"As TDS progresses, the afflicted lose the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality."
If you actually think that conservatives reacted to Obama in the same way liberals are now reacting to Trump, you're not a person to be taken seriously.
"It was a response to the original post, you sub literate moron."
So your response to the claim in the original post about liberals "freaking out and let it dictate their every waking thought," is to just say "Like conservatives ignored Obama?"
So you weren't attempting to compare conservatives' response to Obama to liberals' response to Trump? You were just making the claim that conservatives didn't ignore Obama?
Read the title of this thread created by the original poster. That's what I was responding to. You're just taking one line from that post and ignoring the rest. It's a stupid, childish ploy since anyone who looks at this thread can see what was written in its entirety.
Actually, dumbass, you replied to my comment. Try to keep up.
Do I have to write it in crayon for you?
Yes, the title of the thread is, "Why don’t Liberals just ignore Trump?"
And you replied, "Like conservatives ignored Obama?"
It's obvious to anyone with a brain that you were trying to compare the conservatives' response to Obama with liberals' response to Trump.
That's why I said, "If you actually think that conservatives reacted to Obama in the same way liberals are now reacting to Trump, you're not a person to be taken seriously."
And your dumbass reply was "That's not what I said though. I said they didn't ignore him."
Actually, you didn't say "they didn't ignore them." You actually used the comparison work 'like', as in "Like conservatives ignored Obama?"
This was the post I responded too. Notice the words in quotes.
"Like conservatives ignored Obama?"
It's obvious you're either an imbecile or trying to wind me up. "Like conservatives ignored Obama" means what it says. Conservatives didn't ignore Obama while he was president. Ignoring the President of the country is pretty much impossible if you follow politics at all.
The rest of your post is equally inane and not worth a response. Bye.
Here's the problem. Obama's critics were the portion of right-wingers who watched Fox News regularly, whereas Liberals are only half of the people criticizing Trump in the US. It's not just liberals, moderate democrats and independents either. There are moderate republicans who dislike Trump just as much as your average democrat.
What you don't understand is, whether you get your information from Fox News, or you are surrounded by like-minded peers, you are in a bubble that opposes the majority opinion. To call everyone a liberal because they criticize Trump just makes the label of liberal more welcoming to non-liberals.
Remember, not too long ago liberals were defined by supporting gay marriage and opposing the war in Iraq. Today, you can find many, if not half of conservatives agreeing with those positions.