MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > The Koch Brothers hate Trump.

The Koch Brothers hate Trump.

If this is true, then maybe Trump isn't so bad. The Koch Brothers are the enemy of the middle class.


Koch brothers don't like drumpf but they are still using his white house to do their bidding. Drumpf is surrounded by Kochtapus stooges, Pence is a long time beneficiary of their network and that's the tip of the iceberg.


Koch brothers are pissed Putin owns GOP president more than they do.

This is a turf battle.


Evil against evil.

(any Exorcist fans here)?


Those two bastards are so devious I don't believe anything that comes out of their mouths. I think they're telling the truth that they're upset about the more than trillion dollar deficit Trump is running up, but I'm certain they're pleased with Trump's dismantling and weakening of the Federal Government which is definitely a part of their Dr. Evilish agenda.


Why are Koch brothers some outlier from other larger richer entities like banks, pharmaceutical corporations, Soros, Amazon, Google, Brittish Petroleum, the Pope? They were all very happy with the way things were going before Trump.


There's no way the Kochs legitimately hate Trump after the tax cut they got from him.


They like a lot of what he's done, for sure.


"Open borders is a right wing Koch brothers plan"

Bernie Sanders


CNN doesn't like having their taxes cut? MSNBC doesn't? This is silly. A tax cut is only good if you get it and your competitors don't also get it. A tax cut across the board is no good because it doesn't make the Koch brothers any better off than anyone else. In fact it makes them more susceptible from competition by others. All these politically connected corporations already paid zero tax. Now the gap is smaller.


You really need to stop talking out of your ass.

Across the board tax cuts that include middle and lower class cuts are beneficial for everyone including the rich because it naturally increases consumer spending. When middle and lower classes spend more guess who benefits? That's right, the rich, who own the industries that profit more from increased spending.

You're clueless.


Simply put the Kochs are globalists and Trump isn't.
