The best explanation of who Trump really is—
I avoid TV/cable news because it seems to be more noise and opinion than fact and detail, but I’ve read many pieces in the NYT, Washington Post, New Yorker, Wall St. Journal, Economist, Time, The Atlantic, Newsweek, etc. that have tried to explain who Trump is and what his motivations are. So far I haven’t found any one source that has tied it all together sufficiently well.
The other night, however, I watched the Netflix series “Dirty Money” Episode 2, titled, “The Confidence Man.” Despite the name of this show (and this episode), I came away with the clearest, most logical understanding of what Trump seems to value most— and where his allegiances and motivations lie— than any other article, exposé, or documentary has been able to provide to me thus far.
I almost didn’t watch this because I have really grown tired of all Trump news (positive or negative), but this episode turned out to be well worth the watch. While this show has its own point of view, it didn’t feel like a “hit piece,” and it included both good and bad. Highly recommended.