Schumer's blatant hypocrisy on his government shutdown
Here's Schumer talking about the government shutdown in 2013. Amazingly, he even uses immigration as an example of something he'd never shut down the government for.
"And we are happy to negotiate. But we want to negotiate without a gun to our head. Speaker Boehner comes in and he says, basically, it's sort of like this. Someone goes into your house, takes your wife and children hostage and then says ‘Let’s negotiate over the price of your house.’ You know we could do the same thing on immigration. We believe strongly in immigration reform. We could say ‘We’re shutting down the government. We’re not going to raise the debt ceiling until you pass immigration reform.’ It would be governmental chaos.”
Hahahahahahahahahaha! The leader of the libtards, admitting that what he's currently doing is ludicrous.
By the way, notice his "We're shutting down the government," remark. He's admitting also that what he's currently doing is shutting down the government. Of course, now he has to lie and call it Trump's shutdown.
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