I'd like to read a 100% truthful book by Sean Spicer and/or whoever is conducting most of the leaks. Melania would be good too, but she doesn't appear ready to open up with the truth.
Lots of leaks so someone is dying to talk. 8 months must feel like 20 years for some insiders. Comey already has a book deal. And Alec Baldwin as SNL Trump is already writing a parody book about his first year in office which will be a best seller.
Spicer always looked like he was suffering in front of the reporters, Trump criticized him a lot and he left on bad terms because of the Mooch so his book could be interesting.
I didn't mean to imply Baldwin was an insider. Baldwin made SNL great, again!
A president taking a 17 day vacation on the taxpayers dime is a parasite. 53 vacation days so far - and counting. If I call my boss tomorrow and say I'll spend the day working on a golf course, will he believe me?
Spicer always looked like he had issues because he apparently was told that he always had to defend trumpf no matter what (like practically every trumpf mouthpiece ever) and spout these BS explanations for trumpf's actions no matter what stupid %$$&# trump kept doing,and no matter how many lies trumpf told. Which is why he looked like he was stressed out and didn't know what he was talking about half the time. I also got the impression that Spicer's loyalty wasn't really appreciated that much toward the end, which is par for the course for anyone working for the trumpfster. The problem with trumpf is that he thinks he can run the WH the same haphazard way he ran his companies---the truth is, having all your employees at each other's throat half the time, and letting way too much drama get in the way of actually doing the real work it takes to keep it going, is no way to run a business,let alone the WH. But of course trumpfie boy thinks it's perfectly normal to run anything that way,only because that's the way he's always done things. That might be why some of his businesses went under, and why he's been bankrupt way more than once (at least four times.)
His incompetence is a mixed blessing. As an incompetent, it's more difficult for him to effect change. But, he is making some headway which will hurt the country in the long run.
I never liked Spicer since he lied during his first news conference. It did sound like he was parroting Trump's nonsense. I can't watch him without thinking of Melissa McCarthy. Maybe they can get her to play Huckabee.
The lower his poll numbers become, the more likely he will be forced out of office. It's obvious he hates the job since he's on vacation so much.
Seriously? Baldwin's been one of the top actors for nearly 30 years (not so much in the last couple,but he's still working) is hosting the current reboot of a classic game show, and is still doing movies and mostly TV. He was hardly a "has-been" anything. Yeah, he's an arrogant bastard,but he sure as hell didn't need trumpf to restart his career or anything like that.
I can't wait to read Comey's book,and to explain why the hell he felt the need to make that announcement about Clinton's e-mails just three days before the election. Even though, to blame the election going trumpf's way solely on him isn't fair---the fact that Clinton was investigated over at least three years during the Bengazi hearings (and which one Republican on the hearing committee eventually said flat-out that he thought had turned into a witch hunt on Clinton) didn't help her either. I also don't understand why Spicer felt he needed to take a fridge from his staffers instead of just getting his own damn fridge--that's some petty, selfish, trumpf-like s*** there, for real. He obviously found out the hard way, that as much as trumpf demands loyalty from anyone working for him---in the end, trumpf himself is loyal to no one, and will kick you to the curb in a second after he's done with you, or until you piss him off---either way, which is why he can't keep anyone worth a damn working for him for too long. How pathetic on his part.
A misogynistic, bigoted, incompetent, stupid, megalomaniac, pathological lying sociopath became president. It speaks volumes when the American people vote for something like him as a leader.
It's politics. Most of them are probably feigning loyalty to him before they kick him to the curb the first chance they get.
LOL! I wouldn't be surprised at that! I'll like to see if anything's actually going to change under Kelly, the ex-general. He just looks like he's not putting up with any bull**** from anybody, so let's see how that works out.
"Fire and Fury : Inside the Trump White House" by Micheal Wolff looks like it will be a runaway best seller since his former pal and strategist, Bannon is bad-mouthing him. I reserved a library copy today and I'm close to 200th in line for it, but they ordered over 20 so hopefully it's my turn fast. Or I'll hang out at the local bookstore and read it there.
Both Bannon and Omarosa, plus a long line of others, are capitalizing on growing a sellable commodity. More on the Anti-Trump side will buy this book now and Wolff will get a windfall on the sales. This is Greed pure and simple. I'm not sure Bannon is getting a cut of the profits though.
Omarosa will be up next as she 'teased' some of what she allegedly saw in the Trump White House. Too bad Wolff beat her to press. Expect her book to be even more Shocking.