


Oh,please---trump is nothing but an old,racist,sexist throwback to when white men ruled and no one questioned why they were on top all the damn time. He's too old and stuck in his ways to learn anything new, or do anything new, unless it's a new way to cheat someone out of something, or kick someone to the curb after he no longer has any use for them, or make his family richer. That's the only reason he's in the WH---because white people wanted another white man back in the white house after our first black president, and they didn't want a woman president. You're supposed to have some political experience when running a country---you're not supposed to literally start from scratch to learn on the damn job. Who the f*** even does that?


"Critics on the left will call this "normalizing" Trump. I call it acknowledging reality, which is that he is the president, and we don't get to decide for people what's normal and what isn't."

Really? One first black president got slammed, insulted, and disrespected virtually the entire damn time he was in office,along with his entire family, because there were so many racist white folks who never wanted to acknowledge the reality that a black man was now our president. They never wanted to normalize him at all, and the fact that he even got in the WH apparently f***ed them up in the head so badly, because it punctured a hole in their stupid white supremacist belief that only white people are fit to rule everything around them in this country. They didn't consider a black man as the President in the white house normal---that's why they threw a big a** f***ing fit about it, and started wailing and gnashing their teeth,lol. That's why they started the Tea Party and started all that bull**** screaming at town halls and political rallies like a bunch of maniacs about taking their country back---from whom,exactly? For black people,and other folks of color, it was pretty damn obvious who they were talking about. And



TemporaryOne-1 ---
>> But as soon as Trump plants a toe near sensible ground on any of these issues, he is immediately branded with that most overused epithet in American politics: flip-flopper.

Trump has taken flip-flopping to a whole new level and it allowed him to remind undefined and sell people who just imagined that he agreed with them. I doubt he's going to stop that.

Gathering from how extreme right-wing his idiot plans for health care and tax reform has been he has only "evolved" in the sense that he is forced to let out his evil intentions.

I'd be happy if he went back to support of single-payer health care that he carefully denied at one point in the campaign to placate the extreme right wing and give a bit of hope to the swing voters. He was elected on those grounds, so where do you see him evolving and who is going to help him evolve into what?

The Presidency is no place for Donald Trump whatever he wants to call himself, or whatever he wants to evolve into.

He just said yesterday he pretty much doesn't care or represent those who disagree with him and that he represents his base. This is not an American President, and the country should remedy that ASAP.

sleepingtiger -----
>> "The Shrub" Bush had even less experience than Obama when he ran for president

I have to differ with you on that. Bush was in business, failing businesses twice. He was around his Dad while he was President. He was also Governor of Texas. Obama was a Junior Senator who had done nothing by community organizing. I disliked Bush but he did have more experience than Obama who I am fairly neutral about, but Obama did incrementally improve health care.

All Presidents have their spines welded to Wall St. and the Banks since Reagan.



"Done nothing by community organizing"? Uh,seriously? Community organizing is not only a field people get real jobs in, it's also something community activists (just regular everyday working people) do on their own time and dime ALL the time. Protests and events don't organize themselves, you know. I know because I've been doing volunteer community work for years, and I love it. Also,Obama served as a state senator for Illinois for seven years, and and won a seat on the U.S. Senate, where he served for three years until he was elected president in 2008. And he was also a law professor teaching at college during that time. So to say he had no experience is a total and complete lie. As for Bush, just hanging around your dad who is president dosen't qualify as any kind of experience. That's like saying merely hanging around a horse stall qualifies you to be a cowboy. What a ridiculous and just plain stupid conclusion you drew there. Bush only had a rep as a drunk, rich playboy who fell back on daddy's money, just like trumpf was. Nobody ever thought of him as viable presidential material---yeah, he was govenor of Texas for five years, but that was the extent of his political experience. That, and working on his daddy's campaign as an advisor. And I've always believed he won his first election unfairly--he only won because the court gave him his win, and he only won the second time by playing on people's fears about 9/11. He was also thought to be a f***ing idiot, just like trumpf is. Bush had the lowest ratings on any president when he left office,too.

Here's info on Obama's state senator term:




You have to go back a long way before you find someone who had
less political experience before they become President than Barack
Obama. Bush II was governor of Texas. Clinton was governor of
Arkansas. Bush I was Senator, CIA head, lots of things, Reagan,
Ford, Carter, Nixon, Kennedy, Eisenhower was general which is
debatable, but still a world class player on the world stage. Now,
Truman had pretty little experience. No, you'd have to say Obama
how very little experience, just a tad more than Trump.

You'll not hear me touting Bush's experience, just that he had it.
He also should have been indicted for insider trading - so was
counteracted that experience was the fact that he was the elite
political group that works the system for their own profit.

Whatever Obama is, his lack of experience led him to pull a lot
of insiders into his adminstration, like from Goldman-Sachs and
the like.

No question Obama was a very smart guy, but he sat through the
Presidency and did nothing for the Democratic party. He talked a
lot, and but - and this is hindsight, he did nothing to challenge the
rise of the fascist-right, and now he is paying for it, or rather the
country is paying for it while he collects half-million dollar speaking

I know you want to defend him, but I no longer can. He and the other
living Presidents ought to be doing something in the background to
remove this fascist dictator-wanna-be from office. I seriously doubt
he is though. Obama works with his eyes on the prize, and the prize
is him and his own family - not the American people.



I just posted about Obama's experience---I don't know why you keep saying he didn't have any experience when he was elected. Since when the hell is being a state senator and a U.S. Congressman not having any experience? And claiming that he didn't do any thing but sit in office----come on, you know how ignorant that sounds,because it's not true. I agree with you on the other things you said, but to sit here and say that Obama "didn't do anything" as presidents a complete and utter lie. All you have to do is look up the info on what he did, like I did. You give that idiot Bush, who pulled us into an unnecessary war some credit for the little experience he had, but yet you completely ignore Obama's experience? Come of of it,please, because you sound like a ridiculous trumpfhead on that point.

And you seem to have your facts confused,and aren't making any sense---Obama is no longer in office. He is now a private citizen,free to take whatever fees he chooses,and where. I don't see you complaining about the hefty fees Bush got paid when he left office and did speaking engagements. Oh, I guess you conveniently forgot about that,too, but to you trumpfheads,everything's Obama fault. Yeah, right,whatever.


I did not say he did not have ANY experience, he had very
little experience. He was a junior Senator not even through
his first term.

Usually it is desirable for someone to have work experience,
business experience, maybe military, executive such as
mayor or governor, and legislative. Obama was very inexperienced
compared to most of our other leaders.

If I said he didn't do anything it was a bit of an exaggeration. He
has a law degree, but I don't think he ever worked as a lawyer.
Obama did very well considering his lack of practical experience
and support network in politics. But, there were a lot of things he
got wrong because of that lack of experience.

Bush had experience as well, yes, but he also had a lot of red flags,
so do not mistake my discussion of experience for support. Bush was
privileged rich kid with little character. He was a liar and a poor
governor. He was also a two time loser in business and ripped his
investors off at Harken Energy - and would have gone to prison except
for his Dad was President. I told people at the time about Bush, but
people do not seem to care.

I don't sound like a "Trumphead" because there is nothing I recommend
or like about Trump. Don't you have anything more productive to do
than rant about this nonsense? Obama was the reason such a marginal
number of undecided voters decided to try Republican and Trump - because
Obama behaved like a Republican.


I thought Republicans didn't believe in evolution.


trumpf isn't going to evolve into anything more than the ruthless,selfish,lying-a** piece of s*** he already is. He's too old and stuck in his ways to change---too damn late to hope for any of that.


Yeah, right. A 70+ year old stubborn narcissist is going to "evolve." Ha. The idiot is actually DEvolving. He is at the age where his brain is slowly but surely decomposing. Everyday he gets a little nuttier and a little more dangerous. He must be impeached.


He won the election, and he is now POTUS. He and he alone has to own the direction of this country. The weakling Democrats who are currently acting like a bunch of old ladies at the donut shop (Schumer and Pelosi) have no clue as to how to criticize or oppose Trump's wayward and contradictory policies. Hillary IS NOT part of the resistance and as long as the DNC keeps handing her the podium Trump's Elephant in a China shop style of governance will continue on unabridged. You can bank on that!

Hillary LOST and has to move aside. We didn't see the Republicans reconfigure Bob Dole after losing to Clinton in '96 did we? It also stands to reason that a majority of Americans who may have not voted for Trump were initially willing to give him a chance, but at this point (May '17) I think the evidence shows that people aren't to high on him right now.


Trump LOST by 3 MILLION votes. We have a stupid, broken system in this country. The majority of people didn't want Trump. So what if the uneducated like him? They were out-voted and it's ridiculous and shameful that the votes of the stupid count more than the votes of the rest of us.


Zero Dark:
Both Schumer and Pelosi have been very critical of trumpf from the get-go---see the clips from the shows they're been on, on CNN.


So what? Both are not representatives of places where Hillary lost. Pelosi and Schumer are both old guard, career politicians who didn't bring any semblance of influence on the national elections, yet they both now act with indignation at Trump's bad optics. Watching Pelosi lose ground to idiots like Jason Chaffetz, and Schumer having no sway in the Senate shows you just how ineffective both are yet both hold the highest opposition in D.C.
