An amazon

if I ever saw one.

If she can't play wonder woman, then she should be one of the amazons. Unless they want to put her as that army secretary and then have her hook up w/ steve trevor who is played by nathan fillion

yes, you should look up those names if you dont know who they are.

we love you trolls, oh yes we do.


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I don't quite see her in "The" Wonder Woman role... though I can certainly see where you're coming from. Watching the Firefly epidsode War Stories an hour ago I thought to myself, "Wow, she should have been in that movie Tomb Raider". Truth be told, I think she'd have a better cast than Angelina Jolie, as I think she's more believeable as an actress.

Regardless, she's quite talented and certainly has a noticeable physical presence. I hope she gets lots more work!


LOL, Wash said the same thing in an episode of Firefly when being interrogated by the captain of a government cruiser.

"Have you ever been with a warrior woman?"
